Sexting/emailing naked pics...


New Member
Ladies. Do you consider this cheating or extreme flirting?

I ask b/c my boyfriend received a text in the middle of the night about 6 months ago from a girl and I picked up and clicked on the phone and a picture of her bending over in a thong. We argued about it and I eventually let it go b/c he hadn't texted her to ask for the pic. This also opened up the conversation about saved pictures in his phone. He had saved naked pics over like 5 years. He described this as his fantasy world, and I was upset but decided to let that go as well. A couple of months ago he forgot to close out some windows and I saw where he was getting and sending naked pictures even though he said that he was going to discourage the behavior. He said that most men do it and this was his way of not cheating on me. My main problem though is these aren't random women. This are women that he sees all the time, women that he has close access to. So what happens when the pictures aren't enough anymore?

What do you ladies think of the situation?
Ladies. Do you consider this cheating or extreme flirting?

I ask b/c my boyfriend received a text in the middle of the night about 6 months ago from a girl and I picked up and clicked on the phone and a picture of her bending over in a thong. We argued about it and I eventually let it go b/c he hadn't texted her to ask for the pic. This also opened up the conversation about saved pictures in his phone. He had saved naked pics over like 5 years. He described this as his fantasy world, and I was upset but decided to let that go as well. A couple of months ago he forgot to close out some windows and I saw where he was getting and sending naked pictures even though he said that he was going to discourage the behavior. He said that most men do it and this was his way of not cheating on me. My main problem though is these aren't random women. This are women that he sees all the time, women that he has close access to. So what happens when the pictures aren't enough anymore?

What do you ladies think of the situation?

Your main problem should be that he's even entertaining the naked pictures of OTHER women when you two are in a relationship.

I'm pretty sure you have strong feelings for him but how much longer will you allow him to disrespect you? Unless of course you're ok with it :look:
Most men? I know for sure if I caught my man doing this his butt would be in hot boiling water and I would NOT give him a hand to help him out. I even think texting another woman inappropriately is CHEATING. Plain point blank. So to have him seeing other women's hoohas and sending naked pictures to them, we would have to seperate and I would THINK about reconciling. They must have been talking sexually for naked photos to be exchanged. Another mark there, CHEATING.

Either way, every relationship is different...But I tell men from the start what I consider infidelity and the consequences....just so there can never be a "I didn't know that you..." situation. I think you should go by your instinct and what will make YOU happy but...IMO its flat out your naked body not enough for him?
QUOTE=courtney72883;8572070]Ladies. Do you consider this cheating or extreme flirting?

I ask b/c my boyfriend received a text in the middle of the night about 6 months ago from a girl and I picked up and clicked on the phone and a picture of her bending over in a thong. We argued about it and I eventually let it go b/c he hadn't texted her to ask for the pic. This also opened up the conversation about saved pictures in his phone. He had saved naked pics over like 5 years. He described this as his fantasy world, and I was upset but decided to let that go as well. A couple of months ago he forgot to close out some windows and I saw where he was getting and sending naked pictures even though he said that he was going to discourage the behavior. He said that most men do it and this was his way of not cheating on me. My main problem though is these aren't random women. This are women that he sees all the time, women that he has close access to. So what happens when the pictures aren't enough anymore?

What do you ladies think of the situation?[/QUOTE]

:eek:[(to the bold) IDK, that concerns me. Ladies?
Ladies. Do you consider this cheating or extreme flirting?

I ask b/c my boyfriend received a text in the middle of the night about 6 months ago from a girl and I picked up and clicked on the phone and a picture of her bending over in a thong. We argued about it and I eventually let it go b/c he hadn't texted her to ask for the pic. This also opened up the conversation about saved pictures in his phone. He had saved naked pics over like 5 years. He described this as his fantasy world, and I was upset but decided to let that go as well. A couple of months ago he forgot to close out some windows and I saw where he was getting and sending naked pictures even though he said that he was going to discourage the behavior. He said that most men do it and this was his way of not cheating on me. My main problem though is these aren't random women. This are women that he sees all the time, women that he has close access to. So what happens when the pictures aren't enough anymore?

What do you ladies think of the situation?

THis is his way of not cheating on you :nono: I could not accept this treatment. It is outright blatant disrespect on his part. Why are you allowing this :look:

How old is this guy?
OP, what's the deal?? You KNOW this isn't right. Are you seriously asking us this question? He shouldn't be sending naked pics. He shouldn't be receiving naked pics (from any woman other than you :look:). He shouldn't have saved naked pics from girls he's been with (or wanted to be with)!!! Seems to me like he wants to be single.
it's really sad, but sexting / looking at that kind of stuff online really is the "safe" alternative to cheating for men. :nono:

which is why i've given up dating. it would break my heart to be disrespected like that.
He's 29.

I'm extremly torn b/c this is the only real problem we have. He hasn't physically cheated on me. He just has this virtual need. He told me that it had nothing to do with what I'm doing or not doing, but it's just something that he likes to do.
He's 29.

I'm extremly torn b/c this is the only real problem we have. He hasn't physically cheated on me. He just has this virtual need. He told me that it had nothing to do with what I'm doing or not doing, but it's just something that he likes to do.

IMO, if he just wants to look at naked women he should look at porn. :look: Why does he have to have pics of women that he knows?? Seems like that would just lead to cheating in the future. Or does he not know these women?
That is definitely cheating. Basically, he's saying that he's fantasizing about sleeping with these other women that he knows, and you're okay with that?
He knows them all. I asked him what would he do if one of them wanted to have sex and he said that he would tell them that he had a girl.
Tell him to switch to watching porn. Seriously. Building up fantasies about people you encounter in your day to day life who are willing and interested in you (as proven by homegirls thong pic) is dangerous, stupid, and risky. He ain't likely to run into Jenna James at the club.

And I would have major issues with him sending naked pictures of himself to other women. :nono:

And he's doing this to 'avoid' cheating on you? :look: That sounds like some lying mess right there, but I can't quite put my finger on why it elicted the instaScrewFace.
since i'm old as dirt...imma play devil's advocate...

he's a man and he's going to look....all he wants to do is look at some assss....guess what...he was looking at it before you and will continue to do so after you. men are visual creatures. be glad he ain't have no dic pic on his phone...:ohwell:

since when is looking a form of cheating? hell, i crotch watch men all da dayum time....
since i'm old as dirt...imma play devil's advocate...

he's a man and he's going to look....all he wants to do is look at some assss....guess what...he was looking at it before you and will continue to do so after you. men are visual creatures. be glad he ain't have no dic pic on his phone...:ohwell:

since when is looking a form of cheating? hell, i crotch watch men all da dayum time....

When the person you are in a relationship thinks it is.
He's 29.

I'm extremly torn b/c this is the only real problem we have. He hasn't physically cheated on me. He just has this virtual need. He told me that it had nothing to do with what I'm doing or not doing, but it's just something that he likes to do.

29 and doing foolishness like that? What do you want out of this relationship? Are you looking for marriage? If so, you should consider cutting your losses. It doesn't seem like he is serious about you.
Courtney, yes it's cheating and it's wrong. How are you going to turn your head for years? He is having some type of relationship with these women, why else would they be randomly sending him these pics? They have to be talking on an ongoing basis and discussing things they shouldn't be discussing, and likely doing things they shouldn't be doing. He is encouraging them and it is very disrespectful to you. I believe you can do better. I hope you believe this as well.

ETA: I also wanting to give you a ((((hug)))).
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I consider it cheating.

Also, are these women aware he is in a relationship? I'm guess they do and still send these pics to him. Which makes you wonder how long will it be before it progresses from the pics to the real thing? On BOTH their parts. Not just the women, but your SO's as well.
my only problem is that is pictures of women he knows....don't they know he have a girlfriend? and that is some sort of technique so that he would not end up cheating on you...that is a HUGE RED FLAG for me...I would have to let him go...not cheating on you should come naturally to him because you are the only woman he desires. That was very you know these women as well?
He sees them in public!!!

I thought this was bad, but then I hit that part and I was like oh HELL NAW!

This is humiliating...


I haven't seen you naked, but I'm sure youre fabulous and if I was a man and we were dating, I would only want to see u naked... Nakedness is a BIG DEAL!!!! I hate when ppl act like nakedness is nothing...

He is so insecure for this, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has messed with all of them...

Please get rid of him... If u need help I'm bring LHCF with me :grin:

Sorry he put u thru this, what a mean ****...
Anything that has another woman doing the same things I do for DH is cheating to me. There is NO reason and NO excuse to get naked pics from another woman. If he were to tell me that was his way of not cheating on me I'd tell him then he should of filed for divorce that's unacceptable IMHO.
He knows them all. I asked him what would he do if one of them wanted to have sex and he said that he would tell them that he had a girl.
:look: Errah and guess what they will say? WTH do I care kneegrow now drop them draws!
I know that your situation isn't really funny but its disturbing. What he is doing is disrespectful and cheating. If he doesn't view this action as wrong he won't be changing the behavior.
WTH happened to simple Playboy with the good article.
That's cheating to me. If these women will send a man they aren't with a naked or near naked pic..they will take it to the next level regardless of whether they know about you. This fantasy could quickly bleed over into reality.

That's a big deal to me and it's very rude that he does it in your prescence. Is he willing to stop for you?
If he were looking at porn or pics of women he didnt know and would probably never meet, well then okay. But women he knows and interacts with? Hell no. DOn't let that crap fly
:imsorry: but your man got straight :busted: for looking at:blondboob :moon:on his:user:. He needs to :hand: all of his :pinocchio . He knows he:kissing4: that girl. There is no need for your to feel:ill: and :crying3: because you deserve better. My advice...:flush: all his excuses and :hand: confronting him on the matter it is like :deadhorse:. If it were me I would:computer: then I would:hardslap:for thinking I would believe his :pinocchio. I :crystalba that you will be extremley:yahoo: and stress free when you finally find a :goodone:. Tiss All
Girl that is cheating, I had to write a paper on it and the research says that it almost always escalates to the real thing. I would even venture to say that the women would not be sending him those pics if he had not asked for them, verbally thru email or otherwise. Anything involving another female that requires sexual energy being taken away from your relationship and giving it to her is cheating. Just think about it. I found the same thing in my (now ex's email). Do you really trust him anymore? Without trust what is there?
He knows them all. I asked him what would he do if one of them wanted to have sex and he said that he would tell them that he had a girl.

This is a lie.

Yes, it is emotional cheating.

I agree with Hopeful, there are inappropriate conversations along with these pictures.
Gross!!! I would be soooo disgusted if I were in this situation! Like another poster said, these women didn’t send these pics randomly without prior sexually based conversations. I feel sick to my stomach for you. If this didn’t bother you on some level, you wouldn’t have posted about it. And he tells you it’s his way to keep from physically cheating???!!! You deserve so much better. Love yourself first, you’ll never regret it.
When the person you are in a relationship thinks it is.

really?? so looking at other people, male or female is cheating. neva hard of such, but oh well. i think i saw some place on here where someone said "emotional cheating". See, I guess it doesn't bother me cuz i'm a secure ole lady, always have been, so i see things differently than you all... i just don't think him looking has any impact on the relationship in terms of how he feels about his woman, specially if he comin home everynight...but what do i know..