“setting To Success” 2016

I honestly think anyone setting or sitting under a dryer regularly needs one. My only concern is whether the elastic will stretch out. I haven't noticed anything and I've been using it for 3 or 4 weeks, but I'll keep an eye out with prolonged use.
Where did you order it? I can't find these online anymore
What temperature do you dry your sets with?
I always have my dryer on high so it can dry asap. Can this cause damage? I just realized that I always have my forehead and ears covered because it gets pretty hot so maybe it's too hot for my hair too? I don't use a heat protectant when I set either, should I be?
@PlainJane i ordered my cool cap bonnet attachment on Amazon.

I set my Pibbs at 65 which is pretty hot. I do use a silicone based leave in and serum which I hope protects my hair from the heat. I do think dryer heat is less damaging than direct heat.

And thanks for the compliment! My hair is usually in a bun and I have a lot of shrinkage, so I rarely see my full length.
@toaster and my setting squad...

I used my cool cap this past weekend and it shaved about 20 minutes off my drying time. What REALLY makes it worth the money is that you truly don't feel the heat at all. It really keeps your body cool while trapping the heat where it needs to be, on your head. I was so comfortable sitting under my dryer. I didn't feel like my dryer was set to the 'hell' setting. I put my pibbs on 60 and it took an hour and 45 minutes to dry my set. Thanks toaster for the suggestion. Well worth the money, IMO
Fingers crossed for @Adiatasha !

So I did it. And I flat ironed the roots, one pass. Bantu knots with a little Shea butter at the ends. My hair is soft and bouncy and now it's in an up do.

Things I need to do better:

Smaller sections for the roller set
Sit under the dryer for 1 hour

I'm going to try this for the summer.
Is once a week too much to roller set?
@Adiatasha I just came in here to ask the ladies how often is too often to rollerset or do something to your hair? I'm loving my mid week cowash and I'm not sure if twisting or setting or doing something to my hair every Sunday and Wednesday is too much. In my defense I only detangle with a comb on Sunday my full wash day. On my cowash day I usually finger detangle which usually gives me a style with more texture and not as smooth which is perfectly fine with me. What do you ladies think?
Hi! :wave:
@faithVA directed me here:urock:

You guys packed this thread full of great tips and images. Thanks!

Eta: I was going to join, but I'm still thinking about it

Right now my hair is neck-shoulderish length. I am just out of braids. Before the braids, I would twist or braid out and bun with kanekalon.

Now, however, I'm considering a couple of things..
1. Texlax and join this challenge starting July.
2. Just put my hair away in braids for the rest of the year. rebraiding them every 6-8 weeks. decide whether to texlax or stay natural at the end of the year when I hopefully have more length
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Hi! :wave:
@faithVA directed me here:urock:

You guys packed this thread full of great tips and images. Thanks!

Eta: I was going to join, but I'm still thinking about it

Right now my hair is neck-shoulderish length. I am just out of braids. Before the braids, I would twist or braid out and bun with kanekalon.

Now, however, I'm considering a couple of things..
1. Texlax and join this challenge starting July.
2. Just put my hair away in braids for the rest of the year. rebraiding them every 6-8 weeks. decide whether to texlax or stay natural at the end of the year when I hopefully have more length

If you have some type of roller you should do one first on your current hair to see what you are working with. I've been rollerseting my 4b natural hair since I was ear length. You don't need more hair or straighter hair to give it a try.

If you rollerset and don't like it, your hair will still be stretched and you can put it in a bun.
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I'm actually pretty excited about this idea. I'm really impressed with the way you all have been supporting questions and the board. I'm actually going to join just because of that!

@faithVA you are on a roll with these suggestions. I should try it on my hair now and see what I think of it! GOBEZ!! (amharic for brilliant! or awesome!)

AHHH!!! I got a response from @toaster !! I feel like i'm talking to a celebrity head of hair lol. I LOVE your hair!! which i know you hear a lot. I'm such a fan lol.
I'm not having any issues with it other than I'm thinking of texlaxing it and I am trying to consider it carefully because I get to this exact same point in my hair journey and color or something, then cut it off and start again. Every single time I'm here. I have never made it past shoulder length due to that.

Ok. Here we go!
Current hair length:
shoulder length. I'll post a blow out photo before July 1st
Current Setting method and styling choices:
Braids or buns with kanekalon
Current Setting products:
Not sure yet. Whatever doesn't leave my hair a crunchy mess. I think I'll try just leave in and water although that may not last long. I'll entertain new ideas when I'm done reading through this whole thread lol
Thing(s) you would like to work on/are hoping to achieve:
I guess I'm looking for styles that I can stand on my short natural hair
How long do you plan to set?:
I'll commit to 6 months. July to December as a tria
Post a beginning picture
Will do this weekend or next
I'm actually pretty excited about this idea. I'm really impressed with the way you all have been supporting questions and the board. I'm actually going to join just because of that!

@faithVA you are on a roll with these suggestions. I should try it on my hair now and see what I think of it! GOBEZ!! (amharic for brilliant! or awesome!)

AHHH!!! I got a response from @toaster !! I feel like i'm talking to a celebrity head of hair lol. I LOVE your hair!! which i know you hear a lot. I'm such a fan lol.
I'm not having any issues with it other than I'm thinking of texlaxing it and I am trying to consider it carefully because I get to this exact same point in my hair journey and color or something, then cut it off and start again. Every single time I'm here. I have never made it past shoulder length due to that.

Ok. Here we go!
Current hair length:
shoulder length. I'll post a blow out photo before July 1st
Current Setting method and styling choices:
Braids or buns with kanekalon
Current Setting products:
Not sure yet. Whatever doesn't leave my hair a crunchy mess. I think I'll try just leave in and water although that may not last long. I'll entertain new ideas when I'm done reading through this whole thread lol
Thing(s) you would like to work on/are hoping to achieve:
I guess I'm looking for styles that I can stand on my short natural hair
How long do you plan to set?:
I'll commit to 6 months. July to December as a tria
Post a beginning picture
Will do this weekend or next
Cant wait to see it. Take your time. Remember it's your first time And you will continue to get better.

Toaster is a hair celebrity :yep:
Definitely give setting a try! If you always make decisions regarding your hair when you reach shoulder length and they don't allow you to retain more length, I wouldn't make any decisions right now. If you're not having any problems with your hair try keeping it stretched and moisturized. Monitor your protein balance. Try to eat well and get some exercise.

There's a ton of information available on the forum. Take some time to read through old threads.

Most important! Give something a few months before you decide it's not working. I think the reason most people don't have a lot of success early on is that they are too excited and trying too many new things.

Good luck @apple_natural
Uhm @faithVA im the one following you around this board like a weirdo! I miss seeing your posts so I look around to make sure you haven't disappeared.

Aw thanks. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not posting as much as before because I'm trying to stay chilled with my hair. My life is also quite busy during the summer.

Unfortunately I probably won't be doing a rollerset again until the fall. Cycling and referring aren't friends. But my hair will be longer by then and I'm going to be excited to see longer curls.

I will be watching you ladies though.
Aw thanks. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not posting as much as before because I'm trying to stay chilled with my hair. My life is also quite busy during the summer.

Unfortunately I probably won't be doing a rollerset again until the fall. Cycling and referring aren't friends. But my hair will be longer by then and I'm going to be excited to see longer curls.

I will be watching you ladies though.

I also follow you around if you havent noticed. I only have been in challenges that you have been in like this one HAHAHA! I think your cycling is AWESOME!!! I have recently joined crossfit, so i feel like we're fitness friends doing crazy things lol. I bet you feel amaazing afterwards. My husband wants to complete a triathlon. Is that what you are training for? I saw a post where you mentioned a million mile run and your starting on cycling.
I also follow you around if you havent noticed. I only have been in challenges that you have been in like this one HAHAHA! I think your cycling is AWESOME!!! I have recently joined crossfit, so i feel like we're fitness friends doing crazy things lol. I bet you feel amaazing afterwards. My husband wants to complete a triathlon. Is that what you are training for? I saw a post where you mentioned a million mile run and your starting on cycling.

I hadn't noticed that you were following me. I'm all over the place so I don't really notice if someone is in the same threads as I am. I also would have not thought anyone was following me even though they tell me. I just don't feel like enough goes on with my head to make it worth following. :ohwell: But I follow people too so I guess I understand it. And I do miss people if I don't see them around for a while. I miss my NikkiQ :sad: But I'm glad I have so many other wonderful ladies to hang out with.

A million mile run? :lol: I don't know where you saw that at. I may have said I was training for a 50 mile cycling ride. I'm not really training for anything. Cycling events usually have 25, 50, 75 and 100 mile groups so I want to advance to the 50 mile group.

I have thought about a triathalon but I'm not ready for that yet. I want to take swim lessons at the end of the year. If I get that in I may do my first next year.

We can definitely be crazy fitness friends.
@faithVA I stay in challenges with mainly the same people since I'm even cyber shy! this challenge has a new set of ladies for me except you. I'm used to you lol

Main Styling Ideas:
(1) flat twist and curl (with perm rods) then clip in curly hair and bun or pin up
(2) Braid or bun with kanekalon some days
Oh and
(3) stretch out my hair kind os straight and clip in kinky straight hair

Styling products:
(1) my macademia natural oil leave in and the Keracare twist and define cream I just purchased
(I'll change the number each time I change the products I'm using to set)

Im ready after I make my clipins.
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What temperature do you dry your sets with?
I always have my dryer on high so it can dry asap. Can this cause damage? I just realized that I always have my forehead and ears covered because it gets pretty hot so maybe it's too hot for my hair too? I don't use a heat protectant when I set either, should I be?

I know I'm late....but I have a LCL dryer and it's set between 140 and 150. I use a serum when I set so my hair is protected from the "indirect" heat. For good measure, I also spray my crown with a UV protectant as well right before going under. The crown takes so much abuse from the dryer (and sun) so I'm extra careful with it.
@Adiatasha I just came in here to ask the ladies how often is too often to rollerset or do something to your hair? I'm loving my mid week cowash and I'm not sure if twisting or setting or doing something to my hair every Sunday and Wednesday is too much. In my defense I only detangle with a comb on Sunday my full wash day. On my cowash day I usually finger detangle which usually gives me a style with more texture and not as smooth which is perfectly fine with me. What do you ladies think?

Any more than once a week = roller setting burn out....well that's if you have an active lifestyle. It's cool for a while but long term is a no-no. (For most)