Setting to Success 2014 Challenge


It took me a little more than a year to get to BSL from APL. Depending on your BSL, it can take a while. Mine is a good 5-6 inches difference, so it was going to take me a year regardless. I just continued to rollerset and protective style. BSL is one of the hardest lengths, IMO, to get too, so don't get discouraged.

I'm setting tonight, under the dryer as I type. I flat ironed last week and wasn't going to set this week, but I don't feel like dealing with my hair for the week. I put some protein on my ends then topped that with conditioner, to give my bone straight ends some loving and to reduce breakage. Will try to update later.
Thanks for the encouragment Saludable84 for me, BSL is 3 inches away from APL, so I feel like it should only have taken 6 months...I think I may have had retention problems last year :\

But this year is different! My ends are a lot healthier now

Rollersetting took my over the APL hump. My hair is fine and shrinkage, too much manipulation or lack of DC'ing spell disaster for me. By rollersetting I am able to get both the benfits of indirect heat forcing my strands to absorb and stretched hair that is at risk every loop, kink or coil.

If you have your product combo down and your DC'ing is on point you will likely notice strong retention from rollersetting. I know I did. My hair was 9-10 inches last March and is 15-16 inches this march!

When I was in between APL and BSL, I had just found out I was pregnant. Between being focused on keeping down food and being tired all the time, I didn't pay much attention to my hair. I would go to the salon once a month, get it pressed and keep it wrapped under my silk scarf for days at a time. I would roller set when I didn't go to the salon and throw it in a bun till the next wash. When my stylist went on maternity leave, I said *** it and got some senegalese twists installed. When I checked at the end of December, surprisingly I was at MBL. I also should mention, I only used 4 products. Deep conditioner, Shampoo, leave in conditioner and coconut oil. I would sometimes make a moisture mix with the conditioner, coconut oil and water. From then I knew that my hair thrived from the following, in which I slowly incorporated into my regimen:
1) low manipulation (braids mostly, and minimizing my roller setting frequency)
2) minimal products (I joined the use it up challenge and haven't looked back since graduating. lol)
3) Being conditioned. (Deep conditioning overnight then steaming for 20 minutes the next morning)
4) Being stretched from roller sets
5) Being strong from protein treatments
I know most of this is common knowledge but it works when done consistantly.
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coilyhaircutie Bunning took me from transitioning all the way to hip length. I can't say enough about it. Now I did wet buns, but I think roller set buns are equally as great.

My other advice is regarding trimming. I have never trimmed my hair more than once per year, and never more than .5 inch at that time, and I have had zero setbacks regarding my ends. Once you've reached a point where your breakage is minimal, I say stop trimming. I know that doesn't work for some people, but you don't know unless you try, right? I rarely straightened my hair, so being even or in a "style" wasn't that important, and my ends had minimal splits and knots, so I didn't bother. And miraculously, my hair grew in a pretty neat style on it's own, so I was never embarrassed to wear my hair down.

Basically I think a lot of what happens to our hair is self sabotage. Pin it up, treat it gently, and let it grow.
coilyhaircutie Bunning took me from transitioning all the way to hip length. I can't say enough about it. Now I did wet buns, but I think roller set buns are equally as great. My other advice is regarding trimming. I have never trimmed my hair more than once per year, and never more than .5 inch at that time, and I have had zero setbacks regarding my ends. Once you've reached a point where your breakage is minimal, I say stop trimming. I know that doesn't work for some people, but you don't know unless you try, right? I rarely straightened my hair, so being even or in a "style" wasn't that important, and my ends had minimal splits and knots, so I didn't bother. And miraculously, my hair grew in a pretty neat style on it's own, so I was never embarrassed to wear my hair down. Basically I think a lot of what happens to our hair is self sabotage. Pin it up, treat it gently, and let it grow.

Totally agree about trimming! Roller setting (keeping the ends smooth) have always allowed me to trim infrequently and in very small amounts when I do. I average trimming an inch a year...sometimes less and I've actually gone years without trimming at all.

I will always be an indirect heat-semi-straight natural by way of roller setting. There are too many advantages to it than wearing naturally curly hair that tangles with ends that stick together. I've seen too many stories of Ladies wearing their hair in it's natural state all the time with minimal length retention to show for it...and I see them trimming way to much but they probably need to because of the beforementioned.
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Since we are talking about ends and trimming :look: I have to put my hair away in flat twists for a while until I get this breakage under control. I will do a protein treatment and use my splitender some time this week to see if I can curtail it. Maybe I can figure out how to do some type of quick and easy set with flexi rods to stretch and then put it up into flat twists. May try that this weekend.

Thank you ladies so much for your detailed responses to my question! It was humbling to come on here and see so many carefully written replies back. I appreciate it. It seems like rigorous deep condition, a commitment to rollersets and low manipulation styles, and infrequent trimming is key. I'm going to save your answers on my computer!

Blairx0 my hair is fine too. The strands are fine, but my hair is dense- I have a lot of fine strands. How often do you do protein treatments? I used to do them monthly, but I feel like it started to break my fine hair strands. I'm thinking of doing them bimonthly now, but I'm afraid of a setback. Is it possible that some hair just doesn't need protein?
faithVA I have no doubt that you'll get your breakage under control and your hair will flourish. I know you've been making some progress lately, are you excited about it?
[USER=388763 said:
toaster[/USER];19871227]faithVA I have no doubt that you'll get your breakage under control and your hair will flourish. I know you've been making some progress lately, are you excited about it?

I was excited about it. It's like getting a pay raise on Monday and the IRS sending you a bill on Thursday :tantrum:

I'm going to get over myself in a minute. It sometimes takes me a few days to get out of a hair funk.

Everyone is so encouraging but I feel like I've been struggling with my hair so long, I'm just ready for the struggle to be over with already. Can I just get 3 months struggle free. :pray:
I was excited about it. It's like getting a pay raise on Monday and the IRS sending you a bill on Thursday :tantrum:

I'm going to get over myself in a minute. It sometimes takes me a few days to get out of a hair funk.

Everyone is so encouraging but I feel like I've been struggling with my hair so long, I'm just ready for the struggle to be over with already. Can I just get 3 months struggle free. :pray:

:pray: I'll pray for you too! I'm in a bit of a life funk, so I'll work on getting over myself too.
I love this thread. There's so much good information and so much love and support.

I need to do a set soon so I feel like I still belong here.
Previously roller set HOTD: Half up, half down using a banana clip

Mini tutorial:
Start out with 2 bantu knots on the top and bottom portions of your hair, and leave them in overnight to set. I never part just grab and knot.

Next morning, take down the bottom knot first and separate/fluff how you desire. Then before you take down the top knot, go ahead and secure your banana clip in place. Once it's snapped and secure, remove the knot then seperate/fluff how you desire. This ensures that you don't snag any hair.
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*Holds virtual hands with faithVA & toaster and prays* Lawd just give us strength, patience and keep our minds on knowing our blessings are on the way. I say our cause I'm scared to go into labor and experience having a newborn around. Amen, amen and amen again. *Includes praise dance*
Previously roller set HOTD: Half up, half down using a banana clip

Mini tutorial:
Start out with 2 bantu knots on the top and bottom portions of your hair, and leave them in overnight to set. I never part just grab and knot.

Next morning, take down the bottom knot first and separate/fluff how you desire. Then before you take down the top knot, go ahead and secure your banana clip in place. Once it's snapped and secure, remove the knot then seperate/fluff how you desire. This ensures that you don't snag any hair.

[USER said:
lulu97;19872091[/USER]]*Holds virtual hands with faithVA & toaster and prays* Lawd just give us strength, patience and keep our minds on knowing our blessings are on the way. I say our cause I'm scared to go into labor and experience having a newborn around. Amen, amen and amen again. *Includes praise dance*

:lol: That was cute. I love it. Thank You.

Aw you are going to have a cute little schmooka bear. Did you get the 4D ultrasound? I love those. Once you see that little face, you can't help but be excited.
:lol: That was cute. I love it. Thank You. Aw you are going to have a cute little schmooka bear. Did you get the 4D ultrasound? I love those. Once you see that little face, you can't help but be excited.

No I didn't get the 4D ultrasound...just a regular one at 20 weeks to find out the gender. I have another one coming in a week and a half to make sure he is still head down for my 36 week appt. Although I'm scared of labor and delivery, I am so anxious to meet this little person who keeps me up all night and kicks me like I'm not his momma. I just wanna smell him and play with his wittle fingers and toes. lol Still scared of it all...I can't even lie. It's been so long since my last pregnancy so I feel like a first time mom.
No I didn't get the 4D ultrasound...just a regular one at 20 weeks to find out the gender. I have another one coming in a week and a half to make sure he is still head down for my 36 week appt. Although I'm scared of labor and delivery, I am so anxious to meet this little person who keeps me up all night and kicks me like I'm not his momma. I just wanna smell him and play with his wittle fingers and toes. lol Still scared of it all...I can't even lie. It's been so long since my last pregnancy so I feel like a first time mom.

Yeah, Never had a baby so I was leaving that whole labor thing alone :lol: But he's going to be a cutie :yep:
Checking in!

I only roller set once a month, so I can't tell if it's had a positive effect on my retention. However, monthly roller setting at a salon is going to hold me to staying on a 4 month trimming schedule. I had the stylist trim (more like cut) my hair when I got my first set done in January, and my hair seems like it's already grown back. I also started a vitamin regimen after my January trim and set, so I'm sure that's helping. :yep:

I'm set for another roller set and wrap this week!
i set my hair in two flexi rods, hope it comes out like last week where it looks like i did a full set with curls just on the ends
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I can't wait for the weather to get itself together so I cab wear my sets down.

I also never practiced using roller pins , but hope to next wash day
Blairx0 - may I ask, what is your product combo (without me having to go back and read 1400 posts:lachen:)?

Rollersetting took my over the APL hump. My hair is fine and shrinkage, too much manipulation or lack of DC'ing spell disaster for me. By rollersetting I am able to get both the benfits of indirect heat forcing my strands to absorb and stretched hair that is at risk every loop, kink or coil.

If you have your product combo down and your DC'ing is on point you will likely notice strong retention from rollersetting. I know I did. My hair was 9-10 inches last March and is 15-16 inches this march!
If my Camille rose curl maker gel ever arrives (come on target, I ordered it a week ago) I'll use it for my next set. I'm nervous! I've never used a gel to set my hair before. I know coilyhaircutie uses it, and mahoganycurls on YouTube uses it, and naptural85 has used flaxseed gel for her sets before, I just keep imagining the gel defining my natural curl pattern and messing up my set.

I'll get over it.

My product combo is on the lite side.

I cleanse weekly with a shampoo bar, dc weekly with yogurt and cassia, use DB Daily leave in and some flax seed gel mixed with aloe vera gel to set.

I used to use more but I wanted to cut down on products and time. Not to mention it doesn't seem like you can trust anything to stay the same so at least this way I don't have to worry about any formula changes!

Oh and toaster setting with the right gel is great!
Libra08 - please share your thoughts on the Aveda Anti-Humectant after you try it out!

I definitely will. I'll probably order it soon, but I won't be able to do a good review until this summer. This will be my first time living in a place surrounded by water during the summer, and I hear the humidity is killer!

I have the ouidad climate control gel. I will have to try it when it gets warm

Off to research! I'm gonna need all the help I can get this summer!
I bought this dusty pack of foam rollers from cvs. Actually on my way to target now so we'll see what they have. Might return.

