Blairx0 checking in
How has rollersetting or lack of rollersetting impacted your hair's health and retention?
I rollerset weekly, after every wash. Rollersetting has added structure to my hair regimen. I now know exactly what I'm going to do after each wash- I don't have to search for styles on youtube or stress out about it anymore. Rollersetting has helped me to really nail down my core hair products. I know what gels work best for me, what leave-ins my hair likes, and how to use products better. And mid-week, when my curls get tired, I can do a twist-out on my stretched hair.
A combination of rollersetting and better deep conditioning treatments has cut my detangling time in half! I used to have to fight with my hair every wash day to get the tangles out. Not anymore. This is going to sound weird, but I think rollersetting has "trained" my natural curls to be more manageable. Steaming my hair with my Q-redew and aloe vera juice has worked wonders too- my hair holds moisture like no other and keeps the roller curls better.
So healthwise, rollersetting gets an A+ in my book!
When it comes to length retention...the jury is still out on that one. My hair is funny when it comes to length. I have been hovering around APL for about a year now, and I remain there to this day. I *think* I may have gotten an inch of growth since January, but I'm not sure. When I wash my hair, brush it, and roll it on the permrods--it
seems longer. But when I measure it or take pictures of it, it
looks the same length. So I think I'll have to wait another two months to definitively answer that question.
I do know this for sure- my hair breaks much less than it did before I rollerset. So length retention is surely on its way!