Setting to Success 2014 Challenge

Pictures of tonight's set. My Camille Rose gel didn't arrive on time so I used the normal It's a 10 leave-in and serum. First pictures are after unrolling, then after moisturizing and sealing. Last pic is 1/2 of my head in a ponytail. I can't seem to bantu knot the back of my head so it just goes in one huge bun.

Will get some ear covers and sit under the dryer at 60. I was dry in 75 minutes, 15 of which were on 50.







Pictures of tonight's set. My Camille Rose gel didn't arrive on time so I used the normal It's a 10 leave-in and serum. First pictures are after unrolling, then after moisturizing and sealing. Last pic is 1/2 of my head in a ponytail. I can't seem to bantu knot the back of my head so it just goes in one huge bun.

Will get some ear covers and sit under the dryer at 60. I was dry in 75 minutes, 15 of which were on 50.

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Your hair is very thick! :yep: :drool:
Checking in: Haven't been setting much because I started going to the gym but I will start using my curlformers again in the month of april and try to do braid outs or twist outs midweek. I think setting has helped my retention and keep my ends moisturized. That's why I'm trying to get back to it before I go into my protective style.
Here is my set this week. Done with 0% comb usage

Thanks for this! I'm going to challenge myself next weekend to only use my wide tooth comb instead of using my small tooth comb as well for setting. I may even break out the magnetic rollers to ensure I get a smooth set!
Doing my end of month roller set tonight. Using magnetic rollers instead of curlformers. Under the dryer now. Will let my hair cool and then put in my foam rollers. I'm ready to be done.
Libra08- that twist out is awesome!!!!:drool: your comments about mesh rollers just confirm my concerns. I think I'm going to hold off on buying any.

Blairx0- I cannot believe you did that without a comb. I wish I could set without a comb. I have to do wide tooth then medium tooth and then fine tooth to get my hair smooth.

toaster - another great set. Your hair is so nice and thick.
Blairx0 checking in

How has rollersetting or lack of rollersetting impacted your hair's health and retention?

I rollerset weekly, after every wash. Rollersetting has added structure to my hair regimen. I now know exactly what I'm going to do after each wash- I don't have to search for styles on youtube or stress out about it anymore. Rollersetting has helped me to really nail down my core hair products. I know what gels work best for me, what leave-ins my hair likes, and how to use products better. And mid-week, when my curls get tired, I can do a twist-out on my stretched hair.

A combination of rollersetting and better deep conditioning treatments has cut my detangling time in half! I used to have to fight with my hair every wash day to get the tangles out. Not anymore. This is going to sound weird, but I think rollersetting has "trained" my natural curls to be more manageable. Steaming my hair with my Q-redew and aloe vera juice has worked wonders too- my hair holds moisture like no other and keeps the roller curls better.

So healthwise, rollersetting gets an A+ in my book! :heart:

When it comes to length retention...the jury is still out on that one. My hair is funny when it comes to length. I have been hovering around APL for about a year now, and I remain there to this day. I *think* I may have gotten an inch of growth since January, but I'm not sure. When I wash my hair, brush it, and roll it on the permrods--it seems longer. But when I measure it or take pictures of it, it looks the same length. So I think I'll have to wait another two months to definitively answer that question.

I do know this for sure- my hair breaks much less than it did before I rollerset. So length retention is surely on its way! :)
I haven't been setting lately because I have no energy right now and I'm lazy, but i hope to get back to it soon. Hopefully either this weekend or next weekend I'll do a curlformer set
Here's my March's not an official one as I did not str8en but it will do since I don't plan to str8en until June. I haven't noticed an increase in growth but I have noticed more fullness.

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I bought all those products from that mo knows hair video and I can't wait to use them. Two more weeks (hopefully) and then I will be posting my first official rollerset! Still need to get its a ten so may do that today.
I really have not roller set my hair since February. I've been condition washing and going almost daily. :(

But when I get back to roller setting again I think I might WL by the fall. Hopefully........

I need a trim. Haven't done it since the spring of 2013. And I need a relaxer. I am 13 weeks post but am holding off until the second week of May for my trip to Miami.
I have changed my rollersetting schedule from weekly to biweekly because I started experiencing breakage in my temple area. I was started to get permanent parts where I place my roller in my mohawk style.

I will post a LC photo later today.
How has rollersetting or lack of rollersetting impacted your hair's health and retention?

I am new to roller setting so I don't have much of an update for this one. I do expect to have a wonderful update for our next check-in.

I have notice that my ends tend to do better with roller setting versus the mini twists I was wearing. My ends dry out faster in mini twists. And even though my ends are out when I wear my roller set they fare better then when I wear a twist out. Not allowing my hair to shrink as much seems to help. Roller sets allow me to see the true condition of my ends which I am unable to tell with unstretched styles. So for the past few weeks I have been hunting down splits and smoothing out my hair.

I look more presentable with roller sets. My twists were ugly because they are so short and puny. This gives me a style I can wear to work and out.

It takes me about the same time to roller set as it does to twist my hair. The twist does have the advantage that I don't have to touch them for the rest of the week. I think I will enjoy roller setting more when at the least the back gets long enough to tuck away in a french roll. Then I can get away from the nightly rolling maintenance.

My setting regimen is good and works for me. I am still working on my maintenance regimen. My foam rollers are working out OK and I'm learning now to roll too tightly and to sleep on them.

My curlformer sets come out much better than my magnetic roller sets. I think I need to move from the caps to the clips to get more tension.

I think I am doing quite well with roller setting considering I am just getting started. Improving my maintenance routine and increasing my moisture retention will definitely improve things. I am expecting it to get better each month.

If I buy some new perm rods I may alternate curlformer sets and perm rod sets. Or maybe I should try those flexi rods I bought :look: I haven't mastered those yet.
I did a roller set yesterday versus a curlformer set just to see what it would be like. My curlformer sets come out much straighter than my roller sets with magnetic rollers. My roller set looks like day 3 of my curlformer set :ohwell:

It takes me 1 hour to install magnetic rollers and 1.5 hour to install curlformers. My hair dried in about 45 minutes on low heat. I let my hair cool for 10 minutes then sealed with Natural Oasis shine balm and set on foam rollers.

I over separated my hair so I don't have any good pictures of it. It just looks meh. But my roots feel good, my hair is stretched and it feels very, very soft.

I not sure what I am going to do with it tonight. I want to stop spending so much time on my hair during the week. So I may try to put in flat twists and keep the front and/or top curly. I will have to see what I can work out.

The last few sets I've been complaining that I've been having issues with my rollers in the back. Well I had an aha moment and realized that my hair is too long back there to try and get them to fit on 1 3/4 inch rollers. They were just leaving too many lumps and bumps. So I used the grey 2 inch rollers on all the areas where I do not have layers. I also realized that my left side is longer than my right side so I used all grey in that area.

Pics show:
*Roller pattern
*After take down
*After applying coconut oil to roots and a little on length then finger combing out the curls
*Did 2 low bantu buns to stretch out the roots *Ended up taking the knots down a few hours later to run some errands, so my roots are not stretched that much and the curls are not really set
*Back view. You can see where I was talking about how one side is longer than the other. No that's not breakage in the middle...just a separation from how I parted the hair from the 2 bantu knots
*Half azzzzzzz LC. I tried to make a crease in my shirt right above where my waist is. Funny thing is the left side is past that line, while the right sits right on top. Next quarter, I'll have one of my kids help do a real LC. Where my hair falls stretched is actually where I want my roller sets to fall I have a long way to grow! lol
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Lovely sets faithVA and lulu97!

Faith, one thing you said in your check in really stuck with me, and that's that roller set hair makes you look more presentable. I agree! I'm wearing pretty much the same style (buns) but I look so much better with "smooth" hair. My natural texture buns are pretty cute too, but I look older and more professional with my hair smooth. And I like seeing my length every night, as opposed to every year when I would straighten my hair.

It's really nice knowing that I can have both looks very easily.
How has rollersetting or lack of rollersetting impacted your hair's health and retention?

I have not been rollersetting due to time commits.My hair has been doing pretty good. I have been doing Curly Girl method and I have been taking Hairfinity. My hair is almost the length that I cut a few months ago. I still want to roller set; I feel more sexy when roller set hair. I just need to find the time.
lulu97 The knob broke on my LCL dryer too. I called and they say it happens when it is bolted on too tight because of the tension. They shipped me a new one within a week! You should call because it didn't even matter about my warranty status when mine was replaced

Blairx0 Girl!!!! I emailed them and sent a picture of the knob and how it was stripped. They emailed back and asked me to call, as they were willing to replace it. I was all excited thinking I was gonna get a brand new dryer...NOT! When I called, they offered to replace the knob for $5.77 since I've had the dryer over 3 years. (they looked it up in their system) I was going to say never mind but then I was kinda embarrassed to do that being that it was only $5 bucks, so I went ahead and paid for it over the phone. lol
I have notice that my ends tend to do better with roller setting versus the mini twists I was wearing.
faithVA - I agree with you 1000% percent on this one! My ends do sooo much better with rollersets too! Doing twistouts and twists made my ends really raggedy, I wonder why. Also, I didn't like wearing minitwists either. I felt like a 5-year old LOL. I would go to class and people would be like "your twists are so cute" and I'd be like "thank you" and thinking "grrr." :lol: I don't like styles that make me look too young. And now that I'm working, I want to look older so I fit in with everyone else in the office. So rollersets are perfect for that polished, "professional" look.

I bought all those products from that mo knows hair video and I can't wait to use them. Two more weeks (hopefully) and then I will be posting my first official rollerset! Still need to get its a ten so may do that today.
Babygrowth - I'm excited for you! Let us know how it goes!

lulu97 - wow girl! your hair looks waist length now! I'm so proud of you! God willing I'll be there soon too!

Ladies who are BSL and longer- how did you make it past the APL hump? I am trying to be patient but uh....I'm SO impatient! LOL. I've been stuck here for forever (12 months+). Is there a certain technique that you think helped you make it past APL? Even something that seemed like an insignificant change at the time, but it really paid off in the end? I think rollersetting is helping, but I need all the help I can get!