Setting to Success 2014 Challenge

Ladies with Pibbs/LCL dryers: What heat setting (I refuse to believe that it's degrees Fahrenheit because I use 50 and it's HOT) do you use and how long do you sit under the dryer?

I think I'm underestimating how good my dryer is, and sitting under the dryer for an excessive amount of time, but I'm too scared to unroll and check it out.

I keep mine on the highest setting, but I think that is my old way of thinking. I turn it down when it has been longer than an hour and it does the job.
I put my Pibbs slightly higher than the middle and it dries in an hour. I'm not sure what temp it is, but it's still hot enough that I wear ear covers and something on my neck.
I'm not in a lengeth challenege because o want this year to be about my hair's health and my rollers. But just for the Hell of it

Last March


I went to a SHS and she cut me to what I expect was was 9 or 10 inches
This March

my longest piece is grazing 16. If I can keep rolling and stay away from people who want to touch my I may retain well this year.
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Saludable84 OMG that's hot! But even if it's not hot I can't believe you can stand to sit under it at 75! I'm burning up at 50. I remember I tried 60 the first time I got it and thought I was burning. I need to step it up a notch.

I'm just so used to it. And I put a towel to cover my ears so that helps. I'm dry in 50 minutes. When I used to do 50, my hair wouldn't stretch enough. I would still have a lot of texture left over. That temperature isn't so bad though considering its indirect and way better than heat tools.
I'm not in a lengeth challenege because o want this year to be about my hair's health and my rollers. But just for the Hell of it Last March This March

Length challenges aren't bad but I get where you are coming from. I'm in the WL 2014, but the challenges I've been in so far have always focused on health. It's also nice to know that when I as reach BSL and MBL, I could air dry more, but now getting to WL, I have to be more consistent on roller setting and straighter styles. For me, straighter hair is just easier to manage with less breakage. I see why some women with long hair hair keep it straight and tied up at times.
Thanks for all the responses! I'll try a warmer temp next week and see what happens.

Today's set looked exactly the same as last week, so I didn't take any pictures. Happy to know the perm rods weren't a fluke.
faithVA you are going to be up here weekly soon enough. But yeah you need to get the picture situation worked out pronto!

Yeah I need to get that straightened out. I'm just getting a smart phone so just joining the 21st century.

I need to take pictures next week anyway because it is the end of the month. It will be 30 days from my last set. It's amazing how fast time flies.
faithVA where did you get your perm rods? I would be so scared if the rubber band just popped off while I was under the dryer. Now take my suggestion with a grain of salt as I cut the bands off immediately, but my rods from Sally's were pretty cost effective (maybe 2 packs of 6 larger rods for $6 total?).

Some of these perm rods are old, so no idea. Some of them I got from the bss. I just bought the wrong brand.

No need to be afraid of the rubber popping. You can hear it but it's not like a rubber band. It just disconnects.

I tried the trick with the bobby pin. I just couldn't get them as tight as I wanted. I plan on getting another pack of Satin rollers and forget the perm rods all together. :yep:
Ladies with Pibbs/LCL dryers: What heat setting (I refuse to believe that it's degrees Fahrenheit because I use 50 and it's HOT) do you use and how long do you sit under the dryer?

I think I'm underestimating how good my dryer is, and sitting under the dryer for an excessive amount of time, but I'm too scared to unroll and check it out.

Unroll one and check it out :yep: No need over drying your hair. That's just my two cents :lol:
Hey ladies I'm sitting under the dryer but to dry a braid out. I figured I'd try a wet set braid out. I used totally different products than what I use for my roller set. L'Oreal EverSleek humidity defying leave in creme and the serum. It was s easy to detangle my hair, I even used a fine tooth comb to see if I can get smooth results. I may try them for a roller set if this works well. I figured since I'm sitting under the dryer I can post about it here. I don't want to feel left out. :-).

ETA I'm loving the length checks!!
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Hey ladies I'm sitting under the dryer but to dry a braid out. I figured I'd try a wet set braid out. I used totally different products than what I use for my roller set. L'Oreal EverSleek humidity defying leave in creme and the serum. It was s easy to detangle my hair, i may try them for a roller set if this works well. I figured since I'm sitting under the dryer I can post about it here. I don't want to feel left out. :-)
I am interested to se how your wet braid out works out vs. the braid out on old rollerset hair
Now I want satin rollers! I have no idea what I'd do with them, but I want them. I have just enough patience to set my hair, after that it's two twists and a bonnet.
Now I want satin rollers! I have no idea what I'd do with them, but I want them. I have just enough patience to set my hair, after that it's two twists and a bonnet.

I have some, but i think flexi rods are better at making the curl last.
Now I want satin rollers! I have no idea what I'd do with them, but I want them. I have just enough patience to set my hair, after that it's two twists and a bonnet.

I LOVE my satin rollers for preserving my set. They are quick and easy to put in, very comfortable for sleeping and they preserve the curl so well.
I'm not in a lengeth challenege because o want this year to be about my hair's health and my rollers. But just for the Hell of it Last March I went to a SHS and she cut me to what I expect was was 9 or 10 inches This March my longest piece is grazing 16. If I can keep rolling and stay away from people who want to touch my I may retain well this year.

Blairx0 Awesome progress!!!!!!
I am having a good hair day. I tried several combinations yesterday to moisturize and seal my hair before rolling it on the satin rollers. The immediate difference this morning is negligible. However, I think spritzing with tea and using a bit of KKNT seems to work the best. So today I have super curly, soft, moisturized hair. I think tonight I should be able to just roll the perimeter and the rest should hold nicely.

I am going to stop by the bss and see if they have the large size foam rollers. I think I will just use end papers instead of getting satin rollers. I'm not crazy about the perm rods.

As far as pictures, it looks like I have downloaded some app that is blocking my ability to send MMS. So I have to figure that out. But I did take a pic and will be able to upload it at some point.
I couldn't crop it.



I realized mid-day that perhaps I should have sealed my hair with a little hazelnut oil when I took the rollers out this morning :ohwell: Will try it next time I set.
Blairx0 here is the comparison of my braidouts

Previously rollerset hair was smooth and stretched. It held the curl pretty well. Pic #1

Hair air dried in a bun was also stretched but not quite as smooth and it would start to frizz by th end of the day. Pic #2

Hair wet set is very smooth but lots of shrinkage. I think it will hold the pattern the best. Pic #3. With the wet set one of my co-workers said I reminded him of his poodle. Arghh!!


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blairxo here is the comparison of my braidouts

Previously rollerset hair was smooth and stretched. It held the curl pretty well. Pic #1

Hair air dried in a bun was also stretched but not quite as smooth and it would start to frizz by th end of the day. Pic #2

Hair wet set is very smooth but lots of shrinkage. I think it will hold the pattern the best. Pic #3. With the wet set one of my co-workers said I reminded him of his poodle. Arghh!!

I like #1 and #3 the best. You don't look like a poodle. He was just being silly. Listening to men about hair can be useless. #3 does have much more volume than #1. Even with the shrinkage I think it looks nice. You also started your definition from the scalp.

I wonder if you were to do ponytails and then start the braid lower if you would could have less volume at the top but really great definition starting a bit lower?

Either way your hair looks great.
Thanks faithVA. I was thinking the same thing about the ponytails. I'm definitely going to try that next time.

I don't blame my co-worker for the poodle comment. I thought the same thing this morning, but I decided to be brave and wear it out anyway. I think the volume will decrease as the day goes on.
I stopped by the bss and picked up some more sponge rollers. They had the jumbo in Satin, so I picked up 2 of those and picked up 3 packs of the X-Large. They only had a few packs of the X-Large :sad: I will just use end papers with those. Hopefully, with what I already have I can do my entire head.

I am going to mix tea with the KKNT. Not sure what I am going to put on my ends yet.

My hair stayed soft all day and my curls held up. It poofed but it was still ok. So far so good.

You shouldn't have told me which was which because you know I am biased.
I think they are all different looks. #s 1 and 2 look almost like effortless waves: very natural, smooth, and with nice volume. #3 I could see holding up for days with no major re-brading. It is very face framing with lots of volume. I like it all but because I am biased I will vote for the set!
The hair "cut" I gave myself in 2012 is growing out in an interesting fashion. The front and crown are longer in inches than the back, but it falls to a blunt look. I don't think I like it. I've never been into blunt=healthy ends. I feel like ends that aren't split and don't have tons of knots are healthy ends, see through or not. But I know that's not conventional lhcf wisdom.

I only trim once a year, and taking a half inch off all around isn't going to change the shape, so I guess I'm stuck with it indefinitely. The longer my hair gets the more I wear it up, so getting a shaping cut doesn't appear to be in my future either.
You ladies convinced me to get it's a 10 leave-in to try with my rollersets. I used that Target coupon and my redcard, so it was almost $10
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