Setting to Success 2014 Challenge

After trimming yesterday, I put my hair in 2 bantu knots on the left and right side of my head. Today I had to go to a banquet so I decided to wear my hair down. I threw in a half handband type braid just to spice it up.

It wasn't raining while I was out, but it had been raining earlier this morning so it was still wet and rather humid out. So of course, my hair frizzed up and the ends were the first to go!
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Thought I'd help a sister out.

So I was telling you how I roller set and took my own advice (literally) because I do every week.

So after I rinse my DC, I used some Kanechom (for slip) for about a minute.

Then, I applied more water from a spray bottle, some leave-in hair treatment and combed it through. Then I sectioned my hair in 3; Mohawk and the two sides.

The Mohawk gets how every many rollers can for because it's a mix of smaller and bigger (Diane black and grey). I add a good amount of CHI and do the rollers. Don't go heavy handed with the protectant, but you should use enough to not have a war with the comb and it should decrease detangling time.

When I get to the sides, I determine how many rollers I want to use. For me, this makes the rollers more uniform and helps me determine placement. Then I make them all go in one direction.

To make em go all one direction, you comb the hair looking in the mirror, then turn your head in whichever you want to place the roller. I also place the pins on the highest part of the roller since I roll up. If you roll down, place the clips in the bottomost part.

The best advice I can give anyone for roller setting is just knowing where to place the rollers. When you go to the salon, they usually always know where to place them and that something I realized when I couldn't get salon results at home.

Here are some pictures. They all show how I section, comb, roll and place and the final rolling result.


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It looks really good. I need to try the front brain sometimes. Id rather with a twist though because I can't braid my own hair for dodo squat.

I'm guessing the length was Bantu knots.
I cut my bangs but im still gonna set.


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So here are my results. The first two pictures are the set. From the front it looks like I kind of know what I'm doing but the back is a mess. The next two pictures are after I took down the rollers. The last picture is my attempt at styling after sleeping in 7/8" foam rollers. My curls are so tight. I need them to drop a little.


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I would spend hours... HOURS setting my hair if the end result looked like yours. I will continue to support you when you say you're having a hard time but in the back of my mind I'll be thinking "WHATEVER. Her hair is going to come out perfect anyway". :love:
toaster Babygrowth

I'm not complaining about the results. That's the only reason I'm willing to spend the time setting. I'm just whining that it doesn't seem to be getting any easier, and I can't get the rollers to go where I want them. I was hoping that one day I could get the rolling part down to 30 minutes, but I just don't see it happening.
toaster Babygrowth

I'm not complaining about the results. That's the only reason I'm willing to spend the time setting. I'm just whining that it doesn't seem to be getting any easier, and I can't get the rollers to go where I want them. I was hoping that one day I could get the rolling part down to 30 minutes, but I just don't see it happening.

It will come. I know it will! The more you do it the better you will be. Plus for me the more videos I watch the more confident I get and the faster I move but I'm a visual learner.
toaster Babygrowth I'm not complaining about the results. That's the only reason I'm willing to spend the time setting. I'm just whining that it doesn't seem to be getting any easier, and I can't get the rollers to go where I want them. I was hoping that one day I could get the rolling part down to 30 minutes, but I just don't see it happening.

It will get easier.

Aw I didn't think you were complaining. The rolling is by far the worst part for me. Well, rolling and parting. But it's worth it in the end!!

What are you thinking about doing with your bonelaxed ends? They look nice and full in your set.
toaster before my curls fall, my bonelaxed ends are kind of camouflaged, but once they fall they look thin. I think I'll probably cut them off, but bit by bit. I just have to keep up my nerve the next time I see my stylist.
So here are my results. The first two pictures are the set. From the front it looks like I kind of know what I'm doing but the back is a mess. The next two pictures are after I took down the rollers. The last picture is my attempt at styling after sleeping in 7/8" foam rollers. My curls are so tight. I need them to drop a little.


You are the one looking like a pro! In here tryna fool us with that beautiful set!!!! lol
beautiful sets, everyone! I am loving these pictures

"Any March setting/hair goals?" lulu97 - great question!! Maybe we should all share our hair goals at the first of every month. My March goals are:
1. To get smoother, sleeker rollersets. I don't know if this is possible since I have 3c/4a curly kinky hair. But I'd like to get my rollersets even sleeker. I want to be able to eventually saran wrap my hair for a straight look. I think the key to this is proper detangling to get all the little kinks out (literally haha :) )

2. To style my rollersets better. So far, I set, I fluff, and I go. I'm scared to style my hair too much when I take the rollers out in the morning because I feel like- I invest sooo much time into rolling my hair the night before, and I don't want to mess it up. But I need to get over this fear and start styling my hair. I'm going to try fingercombing and gently brushing it to get the styles I want.

3. To learn to pincurl. I want to learn how to maintain my rollersets better at night. Pineappling does NOT work for me. At all. So far, I've just been using bonnets to maintain my curls, so sometimes I wake up the next day with sexy messy bedhead hair, and sometimes I wake up the next day with that-girl-just-looks-a-mess bedhead hair.

4. To cut down my rollersetting time. It used to be 2 and a half hours, now I take one and a half to two hours (depends on the type of roller I use. perm rods take longer than curlformers.) I'd like to get down to one hour, regardless of the rollers used.

5. To cut down my detangling time. For this goal, I have bought a steamer! I got the Q-Redew, and it is a nifty little tool. So far, I have used it to refresh revive an old rollerset and transform it into a luscious twistout mid-week. I didn't know that my hair could get so moisturized and soft using steam- I felt so left out. It was like I discovered a big secret when I realized how quenched my hair could get with steaming. But now I'm in on the secret too! haha ;) I'm going to use it next washday to deep condition for the first time.

So far the goals I've accomplished have included cutting down my rollersetting time, finding my staple products, and rollersetting religiously every week. I'm proud of what I've accomplished together with you ladies. Here's to another great month of rollersetting! :D


I slept with flexi rods in after I moisturized and sealed



When I took them down in the morning o had some cute curls.

I finger combed. And was left with



It is still snowing so my hair is a bun. Honestly this weather is killing my hair game.
beautiful sets, everyone! I am loving these pictures "Any March setting/hair goals?" lulu97 - great question!! Maybe we should all share our hair goals at the first of every month. My March goals are: 1. To get smoother, sleeker rollersets. I don't know if this is possible since I have 3c/4a curly kinky hair. But I'd like to get my rollersets even sleeker. I want to be able to eventually saran wrap my hair for a straight look. I think the key to this is proper detangling to get all the little kinks out (literally haha :) ) 2. To style my rollersets better. So far, I set, I fluff, and I go. I'm scared to style my hair too much when I take the rollers out in the morning because I feel like- I invest sooo much time into rolling my hair the night before, and I don't want to mess it up. But I need to get over this fear and start styling my hair. I'm going to try fingercombing and gently brushing it to get the styles I want. 3. To learn to pincurl. I want to learn how to maintain my rollersets better at night. Pineappling does NOT work for me. At all. So far, I've just been using bonnets to maintain my curls, so sometimes I wake up the next day with sexy messy bedhead hair, and sometimes I wake up the next day with that-girl-just-looks-a-mess bedhead hair. 4. To cut down my rollersetting time. It used to be 2 and a half hours, now I take one and a half to two hours (depends on the type of roller I use. perm rods take longer than curlformers.) I'd like to get down to one hour, regardless of the rollers used. 5. To cut down my detangling time. For this goal, I have bought a steamer! I got the Q-Redew, and it is a nifty little tool. So far, I have used it to refresh revive an old rollerset and transform it into a luscious twistout mid-week. I didn't know that my hair could get so moisturized and soft using steam- I felt so left out. It was like I discovered a big secret when I realized how quenched my hair could get with steaming. But now I'm in on the secret too! haha ;) I'm going to use it next washday to deep condition for the first time. So far the goals I've accomplished have included cutting down my rollersetting time, finding my staple products, and rollersetting religiously every week. I'm proud of what I've accomplished together with you ladies. Here's to another great month of rollersetting! :D

#2 and 4 are my goals. I'm also afraid to do much with my curls after I spend all that time putting them in.
#2 and 4 are my goals. I'm also afraid to do much with my curls after I spend all that time putting them in.

RIGHT! I want to try different styles, but then I start touching my hair and I'm like noooo what if it frizzes out, so I just leave it. But not my next set. I'm going to suck it up and go for it. I can't be stuck in the same styling rut for the rest of the year, I refuse. I can't learn anything new if I'm too scared to make mistakes
I slept with my hair in a high loose ponytail on a satin pillowcase. The 1st picture is my ponytail in the morning when I got up. The next 2 are my hair before I went to work. One piece of hair lost its curl so I rolled it on a satin foam roller while driving to work and fixed it. :-) I like how my hair looks shorter when it's curly. I think I look better with short hair but I don't want to cut it.

ETA DH said my high ponytail made me look like a poodle. :ohwell:

ETA again to crop the pictures. No need to see my bathroom :blush:


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I slept with my hair in a high loose ponytail on a satin pillowcase. The 1st picture is my ponytail in the morning when I got up. The next 2 are my hair before I went to work. One piece of hair lost its curl so I rolled it on a satin foam roller while driving to work and fixed it. :-) I like how my hair looks shorter when it's curly. I think I look better with short hair but I don't want to cut it.

ETA DH said my high ponytail made me look like a poodle. :ohwell:

your hair looks sooo cute! ok, you've prob said this before, but the thread is super long and i can't seem to find your answer. sorry if you already said this, but what setting lotion do you use? & how do you preserve your hair at night?
I slept with my hair in a high loose ponytail on a satin pillowcase. The 1st picture is my ponytail in the morning when I got up. The next 2 are my hair before I went to work. One piece of hair lost its curl so I rolled it on a satin foam roller while driving to work and fixed it. :-) I like how my hair looks shorter when it's curly. I think I look better with short hair but I don't want to cut it. ETA DH said my high ponytail made me look like a poodle. :ohwell: ETA again to crop the pictures. No need to see my bathroom :blush:

I woulda wore that high ponytail as a style. lol It's so cute!
Under the dryer now! Just did a regular mohawk set. I used maybe 16 rollers? I can't remember. I guess this will be my last set for a while! I plan on doing a wash and go on Friday, and unless it's a total disaster, I'll work with it/ re-do it once or twice for a full week. I'll set again the night of March 17.

I used It's a 10 leave in, serum, and Carol's Daughter setting foam for this set. Will put my hair in bantu knots tonight.
Under the dryer now! Just did a regular mohawk set. I used maybe 16 rollers? I can't remember. I guess this will be my last set for a while! I plan on doing a wash and go on Friday, and unless it's a total disaster, I'll work with it/ re-do it once or twice for a full week. I'll set again the night of March 17. I used It's a 10 leave in, serum, and Carol's Daughter setting foam for this set. Will put my hair in bantu knots tonight.

I think it's so funny that you say you aren't setting for awhile when you plan to set again in 2 weeks. That's pretty soon in my book. :-)

Make sure you post pics of your wash n go. I wanna see it.