Seriously ya'll WTF is wrong with these ppl

I own a BSS and ITA. Get what you want and KIM. Laughin, joking, playing in the aisles, pickin up ever item and the putting it back down & (most of the time in the wrong place......:nono::nono:) Im so tired of it.:wallbash:

Another reason why I wouldn't do this is because I work in a store. I walk behind nasty dirty people and there kids ALL DAY and pick up and hang clothes that they throw and hide all over the store. Once you live something you look at it different. Before this job I wouldn't think twice about a dressing room. After doing this job I understand and can appreciate what these people go through on a daily.
me and my sister like to joke around and make fun when we shop so that's what we were doing. We stopped in the makeup aisle and seen some makeup that was really dark foundation. My sister and I are dark skinned and she's into that foundation mess. WELL I showed her the makeup and she was talking about how she would be embarassed to walk around with it blah blah blah me and her are joking. The makeup hangs and you can open the foundation cases and look at the makeup in them. So I was opening them and looking at the different colors trying to find a different color. Well the store guy was like Hey what are you doing? Put tht back?

I was thinking I was going to put them back down but I was just looking at them. AND wtf is he watching us so hard. So I was like HUH?!? Cause I didn't hear him my sister did and I was like you fix them...shoot that's his job. If it bothers him so bad then fix it. Plus he came at me the wrong with it. So then me and her just said whatever and just kept looking at the makeup laughing and joking.

Did i do something wrong?

Gem, i completely agree that paying customers should be allowed every opportunity to read products and determine if they want to purchase, however I believe that this should be done in a timely and respectful manner. You stated several times in your post that ya'll were "joking" around in the store. Though I love a good time, I realize that there is a time and place for everything. Personally, I was taught not to play around in stores, especially not in small business stores because they are very weary of theft - they just can't afford it. So if you look like you ain't serious and you hanging around too long, it sends out red flags. Its not personal, its business. That man probably has a family to feed, and even if he does not, he has probably invested a great deal of time and money to achieve his business and is being diligent to protect his investment.

I do confess, he should have been more tactful and professional in his response to your behavior, but the fact still stands that you came into a place of business "joking" around.

Moreover, you asked us all for our opinion on the situation, and with the information given, we gave our responses. I do not believe it was anyone's intention to offend or "to pick sides" - just give our opinion. You can't ask a question and get mad at the answer, especially if its subjective (i.e. what do you think?). If this was just a vent, then i can understand why you were not so happy about all the "advice" people were trying to give you. Some times we just need to get stuff off our chest :) but when you ask for opinions, you'll get them :) and they won't always agree with you (regardless of how you word it.) I apologize if i misunderstood your post or if i offended you, i thought the whole point of this post was to gain understanding on different point of views (from fellow customers and the businesses owners). I wish you all the best in your future shopping expeditions and this never happens to you (or him) again :yep:
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Oh i def appreciate the responses as I stated in my post. maybe joking around was the wrong word to use. But either way it goes me and her were verbally joking around. Not running around horseplaying. Not to mention we were in the store for all of 10 minutes if that. that's not even enough time to look around and read. Now if we were in there 30-40 minutes THEN maybe he could get mad at us not buying anything but damn we weren't even in there that long.

Yes I appreciate the responses but let's stick to the facts. We weren't horseplaying like some school girls ramshacking the store. We weren't causing a disturabance or bothering him or anyone else.Also I admit I was wrong. i actually am not proud of my behavior and I felt really bad. But also i felt threatned and I can't explain the emotions I felt when I did what I did. I seriously didn't even really argue with him cause i thought his wife would come out the back karate chopping. And the way he was acting I wouldn't have put it past him to put his hands on me. Then where would I be. We are two females.
Just a comment but he aint make all those products! So if you didn't like them ur entitled to say so. I think there's a certain way to treat a customer. I've worked in retail. People put stuff back in wrong places all the time, charge it to the type of job u have. Fix it and keep it moving. I've done it(cleaned up afer customers), it's so not a big deal. He was just rude and it's not ok. U dont step on customers; nor do u invade their personal space. And u def don't tell them to shut up, that was way too confrontational.
Again we weren't playing around. But looking around and talking and laughing and VERBALLY joking with each other QUIETLY. I didn't expect everyone to be on my side since I know I did something wrong but it was kinda annoying me how some people were just adding things to the story.
Again we weren't playing around. But looking around and talking and laughing and VERBALLY joking with each other QUIETLY. I didn't expect everyone to be on my side since I know I did something wrong but it was kinda annoying me how some people were just adding things to the story.

ohhhhhhhhhhh ok :) thanks so much for clearing that up!!!
i did not get that mental picture the first time around - when some tells me they are "playing and joking" in public i imagine a "full out show" :rolleyes: lol
Let me tell you this, if she was standing over there with a man I betcha a million bucks he wouldn't have come over there starting that mess. He would have fallen the heck back.
gemini, don't lose your cool over comments we make in here. some of us agree and some of us disagree. some of us think you've done to much and some of us think you've done to less. girl, you're straight. we don't always think of wwjd. just look at this as a lessoned learnt. this will make you a better person.

i'm pretty sure everyone touch items. especially when they're in closed containers. most times stores have samples (testers) out for you anyway. i don't find no harm in picking up and looking....why b/c i do that suga hunny ice tea all day. sometimes my upclose visual tells me i don't like that product. and back down it goes. my po, i think its a store clerk personal problem if he doesn't like my shopping determines as to whether or not i'm willing to buy.
1. I live in DFW and I know what you are talking about re: the way some of the BSS treat the customers. I have shopped in stores from Fort Worth to South Oak Cliff and every where in between (can you say PJ?) and I have been followed and talked to crazy in more than one. My response is always to take my items to the counter, sit them down and walk out, money talks. I spend big money on my products and I will NEVER give 1 dime to a business that doesn't appreciate it. My advice is stick to Sally's, ULTA and online shopping. I hate to paint with a wide brush but in my experience the communities that some of the BSS's are located in are not always the nicest areas and I'm sure they have had some bad experiences. It is still no excuse for anyone to step on your toes and tell you to shut up. I don't care if you ran around his store butt naked singing the national anthem.
okay, so now are we supposed to be serious when we walk into a shop, march in browse under 2 minutes, not touch anything, ignore the person we came with then resume normal behaviour once we are outside the store? The shop guy was RIDICULOUS ive worked in a tourist attraction with a gift shop so I knw how it is to have customers in opening things but I have NEVER spoke to any of them like that teenagers from all over the world come in but I have never harrassed them in that manner, pple talk and laugh that is normal and OP said they werent being loud so why would it bother the shop guy? In this recession he must not need the money if he treats his customers like that I have refused to part with my money for a lot less they need me more than I need them
Girl you are sweet as molasses compared to me. I would have threw everything i could have got my hands on at him(stepping on me he must be crazy) and he would have got jumped by my cousins and my man for playin me he would have regretted messy with me. Just no respect for a woman I hate men like that! But you good though
it's foundation.. you're supposed to pick it up and look at it before you buy it, not just grab, pay, leave like some of the other ladies suggested. also, you were in a store, not a library or a movie theatre, so holding a conversation with your sister is perfectly acceptable. you did nothing wrong. he had his issues way before you walked in there.
You did better than me....a purse. I would have knocked over the whole cash register section cash register and all. That's even if I got that far. Cuz if he woulda told me to shutup like he was on my level i woulda said.........oh i'm sorry let me fix that for you......and lets just say there would have been a lot of makeup on the floor and he wouldve gotten cursed out while I was doing it. Actually i think my first reaction would have been to knee him in the you know where if he stepped on my feet with open toed shoes on....WTH!!!
I always thisnk the best way to show poor business persons how not to act is to not patronize them.

I was not there - so - I won't comment on more than this.