Seriously ya'll WTF is wrong with these ppl


Well-Known Member
out here? I am being dead ***. Today I went to check out some BSS that I had seen in my area. I went in to the first store and it was black owned smelled like corn chips and their products were leaking and old. Me and my sis left and decided to check out another BSS on the way home.

So we go in and we looking around. me and my sister like to joke around and make fun when we shop so that's what we were doing. We stopped in the makeup aisle and seen some makeup that was really dark foundation. My sister and I are dark skinned and she's into that foundation mess. WELL I showed her the makeup and she was talking about how she would be embarassed to walk around with it blah blah blah me and her are joking. The makeup hangs and you can open the foundation cases and look at the makeup in them. So I was opening them and looking at the different colors trying to find a different color. Well the store guy was like Hey what are you doing? Put tht back?

I was thinking I was going to put them back down but I was just looking at them. AND wtf is he watching us so hard. So I was like HUH?!? Cause I didn't hear him my sister did and I was like you fix them...shoot that's his job. If it bothers him so bad then fix it. Plus he came at me the wrong with it. So then me and her just said whatever and just kept looking at the makeup laughing and joking.

Tell me why this dude came over there stepped on my toes and I guess my sister had put the makeup back in the wrong place so he grabbed it and was like it goes here something something. I was like well **** fix it then. He sucked his teeth and was like ehhh what? I was like what are you doing? How you just gone bumrush the spot we standing in step all on my feet and such. Ya'll know what he said? Shutup. Yea you heard me...Dude told me to shutup and he proceeded to step in front of me and try and replace the makeup. So that's when I was like are you serious? Did you really just tell me to shutup he ain't say nothing.

Me and him exchanged some words...and I am not proud of myself...but he made me soooooo mad I knocked a purse off his table. He said effin something when i was walking out. I was so shocked he just treated us like that. We weren't doing anything wrong or being loud. We were just walking around the store laughing to ourselves. IS IT ME? Is there some secret to shopping in the BSS out here. I guess I will just stick to the one by my house. They watch you somedays but they are never rude like that?

What ya'll think. I feel really bad for knocking the purse over but really I wanted to punch him in his face cause I had on flip flops and he took his cheap bo-bos and stepped on my feet. Did i do something wrong?
out here? I am being dead ***. Today I went to check out some BSS that I had seen in my area. I went in to the first store and it was black owned smelled like corn chips and their products were leaking and old. Me and my sis left and decided to check out another BSS on the way home.

So we go in and we looking around. me and my sister like to joke around and make fun when we shop so that's what we were doing. We stopped in the makeup aisle and seen some makeup that was really dark foundation. My sister and I are dark skinned and she's into that foundation mess. WELL I showed her the makeup and she was talking about how she would be embarassed to walk around with it blah blah blah me and her are joking. The makeup hangs and you can open the foundation cases and look at the makeup in them. So I was opening them and looking at the different colors trying to find a different color. Well the store guy was like Hey what are you doing? Put tht back?

I was thinking I was going to put them back down but I was just looking at them. AND wtf is he watching us so hard. So I was like HUH?!? Cause I didn't hear him my sister did and I was like you fix them...shoot that's his job. If it bothers him so bad then fix it. Plus he came at me the wrong with it. So then me and her just said whatever and just kept looking at the makeup laughing and joking.

Tell me why this dude came over there stepped on my toes and I guess my sister had put the makeup back in the wrong place so he grabbed it and was like it goes here something something. I was like well **** fix it then. He sucked his teeth and was like ehhh what? I was like what are you doing? How you just gone bumrush the spot we standing in step all on my feet and such. Ya'll know what he said? Shutup. Yea you heard me...Dude told me to shutup and he proceeded to step in front of me and try and replace the makeup. So that's when I was like are you serious? Did you really just tell me to shutup he ain't say nothing.

Me and him exchanged some words...and I am not proud of myself...but he made me soooooo mad I knocked a purse off his table. He said effin something when i was walking out. I was so shocked he just treated us like that. We weren't doing anything wrong or being loud. We were just walking around the store laughing to ourselves. IS IT ME? Is there some secret to shopping in the BSS out here. I guess I will just stick to the one by my house. They watch you somedays but they are never rude like that?

What ya'll think. I feel really bad for knocking the purse over but really I wanted to punch him in his face cause I had on flip flops and he took his cheap bo-bos and stepped on my feet. Did i do something wrong?

:rofl: :rofl: But seriously though, he's probably had a hard time with teens and stuff acting up on his store and is just reacting to it. Probably not in the nicest way but.......
I am not a teen. i know I look young but come on. I figured that but I feel like if I give you a reason to talk to me that way FINE. But If Im shopping not causing a problem then don't disrespect me. There is another place I will not be back to. Where will i get my haircare products from?
Sorry you were treated like that!!! I would file a complaint, write a letter, and complain to the BBB. Then you would see some results. Also demand that they hire someone new whom can treat customers!
If you're joking around and making fun and the rest of the customers (assuming you weren't the only ones in the store) aren't, I'd look at you too. He got out of pocket, but sounds like you did as well...
What the hell do you feel bad for??? FORGET the BBB cause it seems like this was in the hood, cause he came at you in a hood way. Ole boy would have gotten some mace to the face or worse if my SO was with me, cause how DARE you come at a female like that?! I would have pepper sprayed his behind and be like, I felt threatened. I would have knocked a purse and some more stuff over, I'm not even gonna lie. Getting loud is one thing but getting up in my personal space, face and TOUCHING me! You better hope the only thing I knock over is a purse.
ya'll were both wrong, but you did initiate the conflict (though he could have handled the situation with more tact and professionalism)

believe it or not, store owners expect people to buy what they want and leave, not loiter around and critique their products - its a business, not a playground
Not that you necessarily. "did something wrong," but it isn't really "right" or proper to open a product you haven't purchased, especially if you aren't very particular about how you are repackaging them. It isn't acceptable just because many people do it.

I can also understand if you all intended to buy foundation and were trying to pair it to your skin, but it seems like y'all were just fooling around.

You have to consider that from his perspective, you migt be slightly damaging or rearranging his prducts (and make up is very susceptible to such), and making it so he can't sell them w/o issue and complaints. He honestly most likely called you out like that initially b/c he freaked out and coudnt see whether you were messing up his ish.

He behaved inappropriately, but it seems the situation would have been very avoidable with a bit more rationale on either side.
Personally, I think it is impossible to purchase foundation if you can't see the color, so nothing wrong there as long as you didn't leave a mess. He had no business listening to your private conversation, so no problem there either. He did however STEP ON YOU, and if he didn't apologize, big problem there. I'd avoid that place like the plague.
de clerk was unprofessional and out of line. suspiciously staring at u, yelling, stepping on u, telling u 2 shut up, etc how dare he? i agree with u, u werent doing anything wrong and if he had a problem with u, maybe if he dint want u 2 open de foundation or if he tot u and ur sis were being loud, he woulda said something politely. perhaps like "plz quiet down madame" or "plz don open products" etc and not saying things like "hey, put dat back", etc. dats jes plain rude. i mean, are touching things really NOT allowed in de store? he was WAY outta line in my opinion. I think u should file a big complaint, i would. i cant stand bullies.
Yeah that situation could have been handled differently. He probably freaked out cos he maybe felt you were trying to destroy his merchandise or worse. Maybe he should have apologized but you and your sister didn't give cause to do that by your behavior.

I'm sorry you felt insulted but then again you should have respected the merchandise especially since you were not going to buy it.

Just my 2 cents
She never said her and her sister never intended on buying anything she said that she in particular was looking at the foundations to find a different color. She didnt do anything wrong except for reacting negatively to his ignorance. They wasnt in a library so they had no reason to be quiet, I'm sure that werent being ghetto.

My sisters and I like to joke around and have fun together (when we are together) too and could care less who dont like it, customers and all. BSS store owners/clerks/cashiers especially if they're of a different race always tend to stare and follow as if you intend on stealing. There are times when I know what I need and get it and go and most times where I walk around the store even after getting what I need to get more of what I dont need :look:.

Granted he may have had bad experiences before in his store however that was no way to treat potential customers. And I say potential because after that type of experience I would never walk into that store again or recommend anyone to go there and I would file a complaint.

BSS like to set up in black communities and take their money then they need to treat their black consumers with respect. You didnt do any major damage to his store, trust it could have been worse. IF he's not happy about working there or where his store is located then they need to move it or he needs to quit.
I think he was wrong... :ohwell: If this BSS is anything like the ones I've visited in my neighborhood this sounds like regular "service". I've experienced the almost stepping on my heels and breathing hot breath on my neck while I've tried to select products for purchase. When this happens--I drop everything and never return.
You didn't do anything wrong. I hate these black bss that treat you like garbage or criminals and you are supposed to be quiet and take it.
If I'm mosy-ing around the store that means I'm still buying stuff. But if they are on me then I cut it short. Granted not all of them are like that, but enough are for me to notice.
The mainstream stores arent' like that, like Ulta or Sally's. They actually like the prodcuts and helping people.

I used to want a bss store so it can be done properly, but I'm over it right now.
I feel that both side could have handled this differently. The clerk was way out of line and I would go back and speak to the manager or owner of the store to let him know how I felt.

You also have to remember that the clerk may deal with ghetto fabulous people and just made the assumption that you were like that by your action and may have even assumed that you might be a shop lifter. This does not make it right what he did, but look at it from his view also. Yes, he was dead wrong for what he did, but you were not completely in the right either. JMO
:rofl: :rofl: But seriously though, he's probably had a hard time with teens and stuff acting up on his store and is just reacting to it. Probably not in the nicest way but.......

I am not a teen. i know I look young but come on. I figured that but I feel like if I give you a reason to talk to me that way FINE. But If Im shopping not causing a problem then don't disrespect me. There is another place I will not be back to. Where will i get my haircare products from?

I actually thought you were a teen from reading this story. I just can't picture two grown women playing around in the beauty supply store or any other store.

She never said her and her sister never intended on buying anything she said that she in particular was looking at the foundations to find a different color. She didnt do anything wrong except for reacting negatively to his ignorance. They wasnt in a library so they had no reason to be quiet, I'm sure that werent being ghetto.

My sisters and I like to joke around and have fun together (when we are together) too and could care less who dont like it, customers and all. BSS store owners/clerks/cashiers especially if they're of a different race always tend to stare and follow as if you intend on stealing. There are times when I know what I need and get it and go and most times where I walk around the store even after getting what I need to get more of what I dont need :look:.

Granted he may have had bad experiences before in his store however that was no way to treat potential customers. And I say potential because after that type of experience I would never walk into that store again or recommend anyone to go there and I would file a complaint.

BSS like to set up in black communities and take their money then they need to treat their black consumers with respect. You didnt do any major damage to his store, trust it could have been worse. IF he's not happy about working there or where his store is located then they need to move it or he needs to quit.

I'm sorry, but I don't agree with this. Yes, I have been followed in the store and no, it's not right. But, in the beauty supply store, it is a FACT that people do steal. The stores are narrow and many of the products are easy for a person to slip in her purse.

MOST people I know, who actually want to BUY something in the store, do just go in and get it, then leave. You may read labels, or ask questions, but who just stands there playing in the store??

I usually build up a rapport with a store owner and frequent that one or two places, and the store owners will get to know you. I don't like that Asian businesses are profiting off the black areas, but it doesn't matter what race they are, they are running a small business and trying to take care of it.

I have seen people (customers) be blantantly disrespectful and rude to these people (business owners). If they seem out of line to me, or say rude comments, I don't return to their store, but I (luckily) have only experienced this two or three times in years of going to these businesses.
I agree that both sides could have handled this better. Even if you are just looking for a foundation match, if the products are for sale, permission should be asked before opening anything. I worked at Sephora and this was a constant problem, even with testers. And if someone accidentally swipes a product, we've just lot the value of the item, so I can see that he'd be upset by that. I can also see that he'd be upset if you put the product back in the wrong place, provided that you'd picked it up from the right place. That was always a pet peeve of mine, because I just felt the person was lazy not to put it back properly. If, however, it was in the wrong place to begin with, well, not really your problem.

That said, I wish someone would step on my toes and not apologize and cop attitude with me like that. Even with the most obnoxious customers--and my store got them in spades--proper decorum was a must. I've had women (always women) cuss me out in front of a line; not gonna get my ire up. I wasn't getting paid enough to let it bother me. So, stupidly long rant short, both parties were in the wrong.
idk... i dont see anything wrong w. joking around and just browsing. i do that all the time.

i do see how he can take offense to you acting like there was something wrong w. his products. and if it wasnt a tester you shouldnt have opened it. did you also try it on? (he prob thought you did) cause i mean opening and looking at it wont tell you if the color matches your skin. you would actually have to try it on.
and if you did try it on i'd be pissed too if i was him. who's gonna buy the products if you mess it all up. you're costing him money. and whether you actually did it or not doesnt matter. its what it looked like.

also i thought it was extremely disrespectful for you to tell him to put it back and say you're not going to after you took it out to begin with when you werent even supposed to.

and i dont see why you're mad or even surprised that he's paying extra attn to ya'll when you guys were...drawing attn to yourselves. i dont get the logic here.

you telling him it's not your job to put it back and he should fix it if he has a problem with it :nono: that is SOOO rude. i kind of feel like you're perpetuating stereotypes here

you dont know what type of day that man was having.. and you just sat here and made it worse for no reason and all. why?

otoh, he shouldve never stepped on you foot no matter how mad he was. im guessing it was prob an accident though and he was too mad to apologize but still,that was wrong.
i dont fault him for getting in ur personal space though. i would've done the same thing after the way you acted. how you gonna get mad at him for coming over there and putting it back when you just said if he had a problem to come over there and fix it. like really? he's just fixing what you messed up..

so to answer your question.. you were wrong. lol
when i first read this i didnt think you were and thought everyone was being too harsh on you. but i re-read it a few times and the more i read it the more i smh @ your actions.
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i have never had such harsh treatment b4 in a bss but if i have....let's just say, his feeling would be hurt by the time i left out of the store. i like to be civilized, home trained, and as such but my patience will only go so far. sometimes i feel like the word respect.......that 7 letter word...sadly get's mistreated and often forgotten.
I'm going to go with "both wrong". If there was no seal on the foundations it is reasonable to open them, personally I think it's okay to laugh and joke as long as it's not too raucous (I do get embarassed when we get too loud in public places). He could have been more polite in telling you to leave his products but you never know - he could have just found out that being Mr Nice guy has prevented him from making a profit the last two months. And you shouldn't have told him to fix it, especially that rudely because it's condescending. But maybe you were pmsing or embarrassed. From there, you both lost it and it's easy to see why. But I guarantee the next black female will receive even worse treatment since in his eyes, I'm sure you proved him right, not wrong :nono:

it's not easy to professionally rise above these situations, but it can be done and you'll feel better for it :yep:
Why is he watching you so hard? Most clerks watch all customers, it's not always to catch them doing something wrong but to more so check to see if they need any help a lot of times. I think he should have asked if you needed help first and kindly asked you to not open foundations. Then again foundations are like you know if you opened up lip gloss, they're things that are almost essentially ruined or things people wouldn't want to purchase if they saw other people opening them. I know if i saw some girls opening lip sticks, or foundations that i wouldn't want to purchase the ones they opened, or any of the make up at all. And the whole using profanity at him, that was just way out of line. Definitely both of you could have handled it differently.
I'm sure there is a store policy about how to appropriately handle loud customers, and his behavior was totally inexcusable, i dont care what u were doing, he had no right to step on your toe or invade your space. he only did it cause you were a chick. that was a true punk move. do not waste your time calling the manager, because he is probably just as would want to call the OWNER and tell him about your horrible experience and 'how frightened you were'. and I would return back to the store (with my mace) and act just as unruly and wait til he invades my space and then WHAM, thats what u get punk..... how dare he....
I had an instance like that today. I was in Walgreens looking through the paddle brushes with my friend trying to see which one worked best for my hair, and a dude that worked there was staring at us while we did so. I shot him a look like "Are you really going to stand there and stare at us this whole time" so homeboy walks off, and I think all is well. Wrong! I look up in those reflective mirrors they have there near the ceiling and he's in the next aisle staring at us through the mirror! That's just too much. If he suspected I was stealing I'd rather him say something than spy on me the whole time.
ya'll were both wrong, but you did initiate the conflict (though he could have handled the situation with more tact and professionalism)

believe it or not, store owners expect people to buy what they want and leave, not loiter around and critique their products - its a business, not a playground

I own a BSS and ITA. Get what you want and KIM. Laughin, joking, playing in the aisles, pickin up ever item and the putting it back down & (most of the time in the wrong place......:nono::nono:) Im so tired of it.:wallbash:
I had an instance like that today. I was in Walgreens looking through the paddle brushes with my friend trying to see which one worked best for my hair, and a dude that worked there was staring at us while we did so. I shot him a look like "Are you really going to stand there and stare at us this whole time" so homeboy walks off, and I think all is well. Wrong! I look up in those reflective mirrors they have there near the ceiling and he's in the next aisle staring at us through the mirror! That's just too much. If he suspected I was stealing I'd rather him say something than spy on me the whole time.

Now this is just scary. He probably liked you guys.
OK HOLD UP I DIDN'T OPEN PRODUCTS. I haven't read through all the responses because my blood is boiling. Maybe I didn't write was I meant clear enough. Im sure ya'll have the cheap annie makeup in your area, Makeup opens and closes right? Well this makeup opens so the lid sticks out but the makeup is protected with a plastic film. you can open the top and view the color. As simple as that. That's all I was doing. I didn't damage or open merchandise where he wouldn't be able to sell it.

Just got off of work and didn't think i had any responses good thing I checked.

Sorry you were treated like that!!! I would file a complaint, write a letter, and complain to the BBB. Then you would see some results. Also demand that they hire someone new whom can treat customers!
I was just thiniking about this and if I could do this. Thank you. I am def going to do this. He was wrong. i wasn't right but he was wrong because he came at me wrong in the first place.

If you're joking around and making fun and the rest of the customers (assuming you weren't the only ones in the store) aren't, I'd look at you too. He got out of pocket, but sounds like you did as well...

we were the only people in the store at the time. THE ONLY PEOPLE. WE WEREN"T BEING LOUD AT ALL. We are not ghetto. never lived in one don't even speak as though weve been to one. Actually we get made fun of because we talk "white" SOOOO I know we weren't being loud and ghetto.
that was rude if that was me i would of told him i want to talk to his manager.

He prolly is the manager. You know how they do. It's a family affair.

ya'll were both wrong, but you did initiate the conflict (though he could have handled the situation with more tact and professionalism)

believe it or not, store owners expect people to buy what they want and leave, not loiter around and critique their products - its a business, not a playground

Believe it or not I am a paying customer and I read labels so if I want to browse in a store that's what Ima do. I can shop for know why? Cause I read things! We weren't running around playing in the store. Simply looking at items and joking around quietly with each other.
Not that you necessarily. "did something wrong," but it isn't really "right" or proper to open a product you haven't purchased, especially if you aren't very particular about how you are repackaging them. It isn't acceptable just because many people do it.

I can also understand if you all intended to buy foundation and were trying to pair it to your skin, but it seems like y'all were just fooling around.

You have to consider that from his perspective, you migt be slightly damaging or rearranging his prducts (and make up is very susceptible to such), and making it so he can't sell them w/o issue and complaints. He honestly most likely called you out like that initially b/c he freaked out and coudnt see whether you were messing up his ish.

He behaved inappropriately, but it seems the situation would have been very avoidable with a bit more rationale on either side.

Once again didn't OPEN the product. i flipped open the top. Didn't touch or damage the product. He was standing right there and was watching us like how they usually do. He knew I wasn't messing his products up. he just wanted to pick a fight. We didn't have a purse on us. TX it's like 100 degrees. So unless we sticking products where they don't belong he shouldn't assume we were stealing. Let's be serious now this was def a racial thing.

She never said her and her sister never intended on buying anything she said that she in particular was looking at the foundations to find a different color. She didnt do anything wrong except for reacting negatively to his ignorance. They wasnt in a library so they had no reason to be quiet, I'm sure that werent being ghetto.

My sisters and I like to joke around and have fun together (when we are together) too and could care less who dont like it, customers and all. BSS store owners/clerks/cashiers especially if they're of a different race always tend to stare and follow as if you intend on stealing. There are times when I know what I need and get it and go and most times where I walk around the store even after getting what I need to get more of what I dont need :look:.

Granted he may have had bad experiences before in his store however that was no way to treat potential customers. And I say potential because after that type of experience I would never walk into that store again or recommend anyone to go there and I would file a complaint.

BSS like to set up in black communities and take their money then they need to treat their black consumers with respect. You didnt do any major damage to his store, trust it could have been worse. IF he's not happy about working there or where his store is located then they need to move it or he needs to quit.

Thank you!:yep:

I actually thought you were a teen from reading this story. I just can't picture two grown women playing around in the beauty supply store or any other store.

I'm sorry, but I don't agree with this. Yes, I have been followed in the store and no, it's not right. But, in the beauty supply store, it is a FACT that people do steal. The stores are narrow and many of the products are easy for a person to slip in her purse.

MOST people I know, who actually want to BUY something in the store, do just go in and get it, then leave. You may read labels, or ask questions, but who just stands there playing in the store??

I usually build up a rapport with a store owner and frequent that one or two places, and the store owners will get to know you. I don't like that Asian businesses are profiting off the black areas, but it doesn't matter what race they are, they are running a small business and trying to take care of it.

I have seen people (customers) be blantantly disrespectful and rude to these people (business owners). If they seem out of line to me, or say rude comments, I don't return to their store, but I (luckily) have only experienced this two or three times in years of going to these businesses.

Didn't read your whole post. I mean whatever think Im a teen sure but ummm my sis is a teen. She sure is. hence the reason we were joking around. We weren't being LOUD or running around simply walking around the store joking with each other about our inside jokes. Nothing out of the ordinary. I was NEVER rude to them. The lady asked my sis if she needed help my sis said no the lady went on about her business as did we. We were just looking. I am trying to find a BSS in the area that I want to go to. Might have to start going in to the city.
I agree that both sides could have handled this better. Even if you are just looking for a foundation match, if the products are for sale, permission should be asked before opening anything. I worked at Sephora and this was a constant problem, even with testers. And if someone accidentally swipes a product, we've just lot the value of the item, so I can see that he'd be upset by that. I can also see that he'd be upset if you put the product back in the wrong place, provided that you'd picked it up from the right place. That was always a pet peeve of mine, because I just felt the person was lazy not to put it back properly. If, however, it was in the wrong place to begin with, well, not really your problem.

That said, I wish someone would step on my toes and not apologize and cop attitude with me like that. Even with the most obnoxious customers--and my store got them in spades--proper decorum was a must. I've had women (always women) cuss me out in front of a line; not gonna get my ire up. I wasn't getting paid enough to let it bother me. So, stupidly long rant short, both parties were in the wrong.

Ok again I DIDN'T OPEN/DAMAGE PRODCUTS. the product was made so that you could flip the top open and view the foundation. It has a plastic film so that you can't touch the makeup. The lid hangs out and flips open as simple as that. well this ain't sephora it's some cheap bss up the street. And i didn't disrespect his merchandise. I know better then that. i have also worked in stores and I have common sense. i wouldn't go around opening up products. She didn't put the product back in the wrong place on purpose. She probably wasn't paying attention. And so what if it was in the wrong place ITS A STORE. **** happens all the time. that's why you recover and front face your store at the end of the day.

idk... i dont see anything wrong w. joking around and just browsing. i do that all the time.

i do see how he can take offense to you acting like there was something wrong w. his products. and if it wasnt a tester you shouldnt have opened it. did you also try it on? (he prob thought you did) cause i mean opening and looking at it wont tell you if the color matches your skin. you would actually have to try it on.
and if you did try it on i'd be pissed too if i was him. who's gonna buy the products if you mess it all up. you're costing him money. and whether you actually did it or not doesnt matter. its what it looked like.

also i thought it was extremely disrespectful for you to tell him to put it back and say you're not going to after you took it out to begin with when you werent even supposed to.

and i dont see why you're mad or even surprised that he's paying extra attn to ya'll when you guys were...drawing attn to yourselves. i dont get the logic here.

you telling him it's not your job to put it back and he should fix it if he has a problem with it :nono: that is SOOO rude. i kind of feel like you're perpetuating stereotypes here

you dont know what type of day that man was having.. and you just sat here and made it worse for no reason and all. why?

otoh, he shouldve never stepped on you foot no matter how mad he was. im guessing it was prob an accident though and he was too mad to apologize but still,that was wrong.
i dont fault him for getting in ur personal space though. i would've done the same thing after the way you acted. how you gonna get mad at him for coming over there and putting it back when you just said if he had a problem to come over there and fix it. like really? he's just fixing what you messed up..

so to answer your question.. you were wrong. lol
when i first read this i didnt think you were and thought everyone was being too harsh on you. but i re-read it a few times and the more i read it the more i smh @ your actions.

Seriously where are you getting this from? We weren't acting like anyting was wrong with his products. Matter fact we weren't talking loud and I doubt he could hear anything we were talking about. Yes your right I was wrong but he was wrong too. He came at me all wrong and I could have just walked out the store. When I told him to fix it I meant fix it later not come over into my space and bum rush the spot stepping all on my feet to put a product back. Besides I wasn't even telling him to put the products back I was telling him to flip the tops down if it bothered him so much.

I don't think anyone is being harsh on my. i respect all opinions but lets just stick to the facts and not go way to the left with the story.

I'm going to go with "both wrong". If there was no seal on the foundations it is reasonable to open them, personally I think it's okay to laugh and joke as long as it's not too raucous (I do get embarassed when we get too loud in public places). He could have been more polite in telling you to leave his products but you never know - he could have just found out that being Mr Nice guy has prevented him from making a profit the last two months. And you shouldn't have told him to fix it, especially that rudely because it's condescending. But maybe you were pmsing or embarrassed. From there, you both lost it and it's easy to see why. But I guarantee the next black female will receive even worse treatment since in his eyes, I'm sure you proved him right, not wrong :nono:

it's not easy to professionally rise above these situations, but it can be done and you'll feel better for it :yep:
We were sooooo not being loud. Plus we were the only people in the store. What that look like? Nah he shouldn't have told me to whatever that rudely. If only you could have heard his voice. he was like annoyed and angry at the same time. WTF we do to him? We were thinking about purchasing some things til he ruined the day.

Why is he watching you so hard? Most clerks watch all customers, it's not always to catch them doing something wrong but to more so check to see if they need any help a lot of times. I think he should have asked if you needed help first and kindly asked you to not open foundations. Then again foundations are like you know if you opened up lip gloss, they're things that are almost essentially ruined or things people wouldn't want to purchase if they saw other people opening them. I know if i saw some girls opening lip sticks, or foundations that i wouldn't want to purchase the ones they opened, or any of the make up at all. And the whole using profanity at him, that was just way out of line. Definitely both of you could have handled it differently.

Apparently where I live they like to watch you like a hawk. We didn't open or damage the merchandise. We do have sense enough not to do that. I mean really who does that? Especially in a BSS where you KNOW they watching you.

I'm sure there is a store policy about how to appropriately handle loud customers, and his behavior was totally inexcusable, i dont care what u were doing, he had no right to step on your toe or invade your space. he only did it cause you were a chick. that was a true punk move. do not waste your time calling the manager, because he is probably just as would want to call the OWNER and tell him about your horrible experience and 'how frightened you were'. and I would return back to the store (with my mace) and act just as unruly and wait til he invades my space and then WHAM, thats what u get punk..... how dare he....

WE weren't being loud. not even a little bit. i bet if you called him right now and asked him what we were talking about he couldn't tell you. We were joking to ourselves not to everyone...well him and his wife to hear.

I had an instance like that today. I was in Walgreens looking through the paddle brushes with my friend trying to see which one worked best for my hair, and a dude that worked there was staring at us while we did so. I shot him a look like "Are you really going to stand there and stare at us this whole time" so homeboy walks off, and I think all is well. Wrong! I look up in those reflective mirrors they have there near the ceiling and he's in the next aisle staring at us through the mirror! That's just too much. If he suspected I was stealing I'd rather him say something than spy on me the whole time.

See me I'd much rather you go away and watch me in the mirror. That way you can stand there looking dumb while I enjoy my shopping experience. im not doing anything wrong so when you get tired and feel dumb you'll move on to the next unlucky black person that comes up in the store.

I own a BSS and ITA. Get what you want and KIM. Laughin, joking, playing in the aisles, pickin up ever item and the putting it back down & (most of the time in the wrong place......:nono::nono:) Im so tired of it.:wallbash:

That's fine and all but I like to read my products. When I was on my skin care thing I would read the backs of lotions like I was reading a book. Certain words and ingridents just jump out at you. The way a product is worded really make a difference in if I want to try it or not. I don't know where I said I was picking up every item. Matter of fact we didn't even pick up that much stuff. Probably 3 or less thing we touched in the store.soo.... I mean whatever. The store was very open aisles were big. Store was bright. There we weren't going through the store causing damage.

I mean I was just venting. Me and my sis were there and that dude was dead wrong.
I don't care what kind of day he had. That don't have anything to do with me and wether or not I chose to spend my money somewhere or not. He works in a store. Customer service is a must.

Matter of fact he kinda scared me. I felt myself tense up and i imagined knocking him over the head with something while he was bent over. I hate when people disrespect me and stepping on my feet TOTAL disrespect. Yea he did it on accident but he did it and didn't apologize. NOW if we had been in his store before, or cause him prolems before or was causing him problems then FINE TELL US TO LEAVE. we weren't doing anything wrong but walking around quietly browsing and joking to ourselves. AGAIN we were the ONLY people in the store. So it's not like he had a whole lot of people to watch.