****Serious Growth Challengers****

Count me in ladies.
I would be overjoyed if I can get anything close to 3 inches by the end of the year!

1. I'm keeping my hair in twists pulled back into a bun 90% of the time.
2. I'm trying to stretch washes to 2 weeks, then 3 weeks, then 4 weeks (per LHDC2011)
3. High Protein Diet consisting of Bronze's shake, protein shake, lots of boiled eggs,
and fish
4. Vitamin Supplements (including chlorella, biotin, msm, etc.)
5. Drink plenty of water.

I'll try to get my starter pic posted in this thread asap. But it's in my August 2009 Album, if anyone is interested. :)
My DH lost my cam so i cant post any pics right now, my AV gives a good idea of my hair length though cause i trimmed recently so its basically the same place now as it was a few months ago when i took my AV pic.

I'll be doing lots of buns, scalp massages, cowashes every other day, moisturize and seal as needed, i'll try and keep up with my water and vits and DC probably twice a week.
Here's my starting pic. I blow dried it straight because I wanted to see how long it was because I have 3B/3C hair and that's the only way I can get a true idea of the length. I am now in braids and will be wearing them until the end of October (if I can wait till then, my hair grows pretty fast).

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Count me in, I'm a newbie and 3 inches by Christmas or my birthday Jan 13th would be great. I'm taking hair collagen and MSM. I have increased the protein in my diet and I plan stretch relaxers 10 weeks and rollerset the first 5 and protective style the last 5 weeks.
I'm in! I am trying to do my 1st 6 month stretch anyways! I will not relaxing until 1/2010! I will be twisting,braiding,and,weaving! I will also use Mega tech occasionally. I am breastfeeding so I don't know if I can take biotin, I'll have to check on that! If I can i'll start that again! I am BSL now I would post a pic, but I am in twist right now.
Hey *Frisky*,

I'm definately down, I'm a newbie and I'm just itching for my first challege, like you, I took off about the same amount since March and need to replace it real quick. I think I'll do my first 3 month stretch to help with the progress, Thank you for this post.
Im def. in, I started to post a thread like so to get the lovely ladies to commit with me too :yep: 3 inches by Jan 1st...Its a challenge but we'll make it happen!


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I'm in. 3 inches by the end of the year would be fabulous. I am getting a sew in Friday, September 4th. I plan to limit direct heat, take my vitamins 2xs a day, increase water intake, increase protein intake, and use OCT and/or MN. I need to do these things on a consistent basis. Oh and I want to work out 4 - 5xs a week too.
My avatar pic is a picture of my hair immediately after my BC on 8/2/2009. I will try to take a picture of my current length and post it to this thread this week before getting my sew in.

Good luck!!!
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I know how you do it.:lachen:

Did you want the photos posted in this thread or are you gonna start a new thread?

Yes..the pic that you posted is fine

I'm sooooo in. I'll be:
-bunning/doing twistouts (no heat whatsoever)
-using MT at least 3 times a week
-keeping up with my cardio
-drinkng tons of water
-keeping up with my supplements: Biotin, Super B Complex, Flax/Fish Oil
-might incorporate my own version of the egg shake (1 scoop protein powder, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon flax oil) once daily

How do I post a starting pic?

Have you ever used image shack or any other hosting website? You will have to upload your pic on there and then it provides you with a link after the pic is uploaded and you copy and paste the link into your post in the thread.
I want in as well. Lawd knows I could use the 3inches. I think I'm going to braid until the end of the year. I'm in twist now, I have an unhealthy relationship with scissors, so I think I need to hide my hair from myself.

I want in... I am in the process of transitioning and my hair is rather short and I want to start bunning by the beginning of '10. Sign me up please!!!
I want in!! This is a great challenge!

I'm washing my hair two times a week with the TailRx 3-Step Treatment and at least 1 CWC in between. Also I've started back on the Gueye Hair Growth Pills (they worked really fast for me when I took them before - when I had stopped taking them my hair stalled something crazy!). I'm also "trying" to drink more water each day and I exercise about 5 minutes a day (I know it's not much, but it's better than nothing, plus I get exercise just from getting out of bed and while at work:lachen:)

I want more than 3" by the end of this year:yep:
Okay, so here is my starting picture. I know it's a bad picture, but I'm at school, so there's no one to take my hair pictures anymore. :(
The line denotes APL, and I'd like for all my hair to be at that line or past it by the end of the year. :grin:

Ok ladies there are 49 of us so far on the challenge..I started working on a spreadsheet last night with everyone on it to keep track of our progress for these 4 months. Keep the pics coming..I think I should be able to post mine tonight.
I changed my pic so this is a recent one as of 9/2/09 I am still 11wks post on this pic but my roots are pressed. my next relaxer is mid September.
My simple regi:
wash with CON and DC weekly with ORS o Suave Humectress , moisturize with S curl, seal with B&B castor oil moisturizer
I will back to protective styling with halfwigs and buns this weekend
I just ordered some JBCO to help with thickness and growth aid

I think My 3 inch goal should be at the #2 line


I want to add this because I need to work on thickening up my front also so I will be adding that to my personal challenge
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Okay, so I updated my current hair length picture...Taken 09/02/2009 *today* Also, I trimmed my hair for the last time until next year! My *new* regimen is, but not limited to: New growth touch ups every 8-10 weeks (or until I can't stretch anymore:ohwell:) MegaTek+Doo gro/Wild growth scalp applications every night, Garlic oil hair and scalp mask followed by Aphogee shampoo for damaged hair+Aphogee 2 minuet reconstructor every other sunday night followed by Aphogee keratin green tea restructionizer and Aphogee pro-vitamin leave in conditioner. I also will be taking 2 1000mcg of biotin and 2 1000mg of garlic supplements daily. I will be wearing my half wigs during the day, and a tight pony tail while sleeping at night...*Phew* A lot to keep up with :eek: But I am determained!

Thicker, stronger longer hair...I cant wait to meet you!:flowers:
Hello, I would like to join. I am current wearing Kinky Twists. I feel like the less I mess with my hair the better it grows. I am experimenting with BeeMine Growth Serum. I also started a new exercise regiment after a very long time without a regular routine. I would like to get around to taking multivitamins on the regular. I would really like to focus on the section of hair in the back of my head because it seems so much shorter than the rest of my hair.
Okay, so I updated my current hair length picture...Taken 09/02/2009 *today* Also, I trimmed my hair for the last time until next year! My *new* regimen is, but not limited to: New growth touch ups every 8-10 weeks (or until I can't stretch anymore:ohwell:) MegaTek+Doo gro/Wild growth scalp applications every night, Garlic oil hair and scalp mask followed by Aphogee shampoo for damaged hair+Aphogee 2 minuet reconstructor every other sunday night followed by Aphogee keratin green tea restructionizer and Aphogee pro-vitamin leave in conditioner. I also will be taking 2 1000mcg of biotin and 2 1000mg of garlic supplements daily. I will be wearing my half wigs during the day, and a tight pony tail while sleeping at night...*Phew* A lot to keep up with :eek: But I am determained!

Thicker, stronger longer hair...I cant wait to meet you!:flowers:

Trying to post my starting pic, hoping this works. Having some issues posting the pic directly here, so here's the link.


These are great...I didn't get a chance to do my pic last night but will by the end of the week..I plan on including some type of measurement thing too like a measuring tape showing wear 3 inches falls on me.
I've got my picturesss! :)
This was taken after a fresh relaxer, over 6 weeks ago. (I am just past 6 wks post)


This is the shorter side of my hair that I am trying to grow out (if you check my siggy, that pic shows when it was above ear-length)

My Regimen:
-Wash 1x per week with Elasta QP Creme Cond. Shampoo/CON Detangling Shampoo (for when the Elasta runs out)
-Co-wash 1-2x per week (depending on necessity); ALWAYS air-dry.
-Protein treatments 1x per week (Aphogee 2 step)
-Aphogee Green Tea and Keratin Recon.
-NTM Silk Touch/Daily Deep Con. (on wash days)
-Elasta QP Mangoo Butter on ends
-LOTS of protective styling :yep:

Sorry it took me so long to put mine up! I am sick as a dog right now and trying to get over a fever. :nono:
I want to join too :woot:. Three inches should put me at my goal of full MBL. I am BSL now. I will incorporate more vitamins in my regimen. I will also be uping my protein intake and H20. I wear PS 99% of the time, for work and for laziness :yep:. I will continue to do my BKT once a month. That is the only heat that my hair comes in contact with. I will post pics this weekend or Monday. I cowash every other day, and will start back DC 3x week, along with baggying. Good luck girls...WE CAN DO THIS! :yay:
Add me to the list, I need 4 " for short term, and 6" for long term. Will do no manipulation, massages, frequent washes, oiled ends, and tryyyyyyyyy no trims for a year....
Ok I'm posting pics again. I took down my braids in the front because they have grown out so much that I needed to get a touch up. Keep in mind I only have had them in for 2.5 weeks and started out with only about an 1.5 of hair in this area in the front. I am also natural so this is the heair stretched. Now I measured and it is close to 3 inches!!!

I made a little (HUGE) change to my regi, so here it is

So i made the big Chop 27 days ago and i intend to have at least ear lenght by the end of the year, i think 3 inches is not too much to ask.

So after make a HUGE research in the board, i went to the Naturist Store and the drugstore, and got this :
Liquid chlorophyll
Flexseed oil capsules
Spirulina Powder(smells yuuuuuukie)
Spirulina Pills

So my compromise is :
1.- Take a Shake with my protein shake and Spirulina powder every morning
2.- 1000mg garlic pills three times a day
3.- 1 tbs of Clorofyll 2x per day (morning and night)
4.- 2 spirulina capsules 3x/day
5.- 2 Flexseeds capsules 3x/day

1.- 1 hour walking in the park
2.- 1 hour on my bike

1.- I'm on a South Beach diet is a lot of protein daily

Hair Regimen
1.- Co-wash Daily
2.- Dc every 2x/week (homemade Emergencia + Glycerin + Honey + EVOO + Coconut Oil + Pantene Pro-v Restoratives)
3.- Pre poo 3x/week (EVOO or Coconu Oil)
4.- Moisturize 2x/day (Homemade Spritz Water + Glycerin + EVOO + Coconut Oil + Folicure)

Here my begining pictures






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I still haven't posted pics yet. I have some old ones, but I am going to be taking pictures tomorrow. So far I haven't done so well :(. I need to keep up better with my hair. I have conditioner in my hair now and will rinse it out in about half an hour and go ahead and moisturize and oil.
I'm in! This is my first challenge.

I suffered some breakage over the summer (almost 6 inches in some spots :ohwell:), so I need to start making up for it. 3 inches by the end of the year is totally doable. And New Year's is my birthday, so APL will be a nice present for me. :grin:

I'm going to:
~Increase my chlorella dosage each month
~Start working out (I haven't exercised all year)
~Increase my vitamins, and buy a hair vitamin
~Continue Boundless Tresses
~Increase my scalp massages
~Be more consistent in eating healthy foods
~Start eating breakfast! I never do, but I know a healthy breakfast will help me get more nutrients.

Oh, I'm in braids right now, so can I post my starting pic when I get my hair pressed around September 20? If not, maybe I can unbraid a few pieces in the back and flat iron to give an idea of my starting length.
This is my starting photo, which was taken circa August 30, 2009. It looks like I'm starting the challenge at almost APL. :yep:

Confession: My hair has serious layers, so this would only apply to the bottom layers.:grin:

Best Wishes to everyone. I can't wait to see all of the updates!:grin:
