****Serious Growth Challengers****

Ok ladies..get those starting pics posted by the end of the week. My plan is to do a monthly update to show any progress..even if there is little to no progress that would be good to know so we can offer encouraging words for future month.

Frisky I am fairly new to the LHCF and I would some pointers on attaching the pics to the post. :perplexed If you can lead me in the direction of a thread or give me some pointers I would greatly appreciate it!
I want in too, my stylist hacked off about 2" and I need about 2.5"-3" to hit BSL. I'm on a high protein/high water diet and want to know what's the game plan. How many grams of protein are you doing? Dlewis, please chime in as I've stalked your hair blog and remember you getting amazing growth in only 2 months. Tell us what you did, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeese!!!!

I just ate for growth at that time. That along with scalp massages.:yep:

This is what I had posted on my blog.
I'm going to do a better job with keeping up with it the rest of the year.

Friday, December 5, 2008
egg, summer sausage and toast
2 boiled eggs
eggs, grits, summer sausage and biscuits
peanut butter and jelly sandwich
oatmeal and cinnamon toast
cheese egg omelet

walnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds or fruit

redbeans and rice
blackeyed peas and cornbread
tuna salad
salad and fish
soup and cornbread
leftover from the night before
chicken salad

walnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds or fruit
I normally have pineapple tidbits in the afternoon

what I cook for my family
what I cook for lunch
sardines and crackers

of course lots of water and drinks
Posted by Dlewis at Friday, December 05, 2008

This month I plan to stay with my diet of lots of fish, eggs, broccoli, beans, vitamins, water and yogurt. I buy yogurt weekly but I don't like yogurt that much, my family loves it. I'm going to try to eat it with my breakfast at least twice a week. I'm also going to try to start drinking milk again. The last couple of times I tried to drink it I became sick.

I'm going to deep condition my hair for 1 hour weekly, since to plan to do more with it this month, it may need a little more conditioning. I also have some new styles I been thinking about, I don't know how it will work out but I'm going to try to incorporate something new once a week to prevent boredom. For me boredom means cutting.
Posted by Dlewis at Friday, December 05, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008
HAIR DIET (week of November 10, 2008)

I'll eat eggs every morning this week for breakfast. Take my vitamins after breakfast, take another hair vitamin after lunch, drink plenty of water, eat what I normally would eat for lunch and dinner. Try to eat a boiled egg every night for a snack along with yogurt.
Posted by Dlewis at Monday, November 10, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Week of November 3, 2008

eggs, toast, meat
peanut butter and jelly sandwich
take hair, skin & nail vitamin

Peanuts or ginger snap cookies

beans at least 3 times a week

fruit - fresh or canned

eat what the family eats, except for 2 days. on those days eat sardines and crackers

yogurt for a snack
I would like to be in a grow chalenge bur what's the challenge about? i mean how are we going to achieve this 3 inches by december or a challenge is just to be like a support group?
Please count me in...

I will be;
-upping my protein intake with shakes, eggs, beef & chicken.
-Finishing up my supplements/growth aides (ultra hair, MTG & MT)
-Going to the gym 3-5 days/week

I plan to give myself a BKT and some color within the first couple of weeks in Jan.

Gotta find my usb cord to upload some starting pics. :wallbash:
Ok ladies..get those starting pics posted by the end of the week. My plan is to do a monthly update to show any progress..even if there is little to no progress that would be good to know so we can offer encouraging words for future month.

My starting pic is in my siggy. The August one was just taken 1 week ago. Or do you want a separate pic as an attchment?

this is my starting length
I would like to be in a grow chalenge bur what's the challenge about? i mean how are we going to achieve this 3 inches by december or a challenge is just to be like a support group?

I think it's both..the word challenge is probably used to make it seem more competitive but in my opionion, challenges should be about giving support and advice to help acheive said goals...
My starting pic is in my siggy. The August one was just taken 1 week ago. Or do you want a separate pic as an attchment?

No this is fine..maybe you can mention what number line your hair is on the shirt so when the challenge is over, we can compare the two.
Oh Thank You Friskey. well count me in.

I'm in high protein diet, to (loose some weight actually, so two birds one shot)
I'm using MN with Coconut oil as a growth aid
Drinking a LOT of water p/day

My start lenght is in my signature
I'll try and post my starting pic ASAP! I just did a curly roller set last night so It wont be straightened again until i was on Friday.
No this is fine..maybe you can mention what number line your hair is on the shirt so when the challenge is over, we can compare the two.

In the August pic, my hair is a little past line 6.

Edit: Okay, i just realized that the lines on the shirt are not correct...they are more than an inch apart! So, I will add my measurements from my tape. On September 1st i was 24 1/4 inches from front hairline to back.
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Ok ladies..get those starting pics posted by the end of the week. My plan is to do a monthly update to show any progress..even if there is little to no progress that would be good to know so we can offer encouraging words for future month.

Will be doing so later on this week! I'm going to Co-wash and take pics right afterward. I have been lazy in my photo-taking lately :grin:.
Count me in!!! Just relaxed my hair and planning on getting my next touch up on the 30th of Dec. 3inches!!! here I come!!!!
I am in too!! 3 inches would get me to armpit and a little closer to bra strap. I plan to eat for fast hair growth and include the following into my weekly intake. Almonds, Salmon, Lentils and Kidney Beans, Baked Chicken and Turkey, Eggs, Cottage Cheese & Yogurt, Carrots, Dark Greens, Whole Grain (cereal, bread, crackers).

Also, wear my hair up often, co-wash twice a week and deep condition with 2 min aphogee condition every friday.
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I'm in. I understand where you are coming from OP. I cut off 3" at the beginning of summer and I want them back. I still need my mega thickness too :). I'm bunning and moisturising until February next year (personal challenge) and taking my HSN and Omega 3-6-9. I'm retouching in November so I better see some progress by then.

My plan:
-Continue to take my vits
-Moisturise daily and bun, loose braid or some other PS which ensure my ends are tucked under and protected all the time until November when I retouch (found a great style today). Then I'll start all over again.
-Drink 2L of water everyday
-Continue my workouts
-Stick to my regimen
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I'm sooooo in. I'll be:
-bunning/doing twistouts (no heat whatsoever)
-using MT at least 3 times a week
-keeping up with my cardio
-drinkng tons of water
-keeping up with my supplements: Biotin, Super B Complex, Flax/Fish Oil
-might incorporate my own version of the egg shake (1 scoop protein powder, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon flax oil) once daily

How do I post a starting pic?
I'm in! I baggy all day long and only take my hair down when I absolutely can not stand to have it up anymore (normally by the middle of the week when I cowash & put it immediately back up in a baggied bun.) I use HE HH & Costco brand conditioner & Shea butter mixed w/ aloe, grapeseed oil, castor oil, almond oil, honey & herb infused water. I wash w/ peppermint castile soap w/ almond oil, herb infused water & grape seed once a week.
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May I join in?
OK, so the strategy is to drink more more more water, keep the diet in this hierachy: raw veggies-raw fruit-cooked veggies-lean proteins (beans, fish)-eggs (boiled-whites>>yolks, only 2 yolks a week), flourless whole grain products-soaked raw grains (oats, millet, quinoa, barley, rye)-almond milk-nut butters. Can't forget the cardio. Starting tomorrow.

Not on this list: I am not ingesting it.
I got a little scissor happy when I did my trim. I definately need to make up for it. I am going to increase my water intake and take my vitamins twice a day.
I AM SOOOO TOTALLY IN!! Just look at my siggy. In the past month, my hair got thicker and I got like 1.75 inches. But I did a small trim so my progress isn't that dramatic. I also do castor oil pre poos and HOTs. I hope I retain a lot also. I will be baggying 3x a week. Wish me luck!!

I'm in and looking for some very serious growth by the end of the year:yep:

I'd like to get 8" (yeah right!!) :lachen:but seriously count me in!
Ok this is my 1st picture post so I hope it's not too big. I'm using this as my starting pic...it was taken 8/15/09 (fresh relaxer)

Count me in!!!

Im 12 weeks post relaxer right now. Im getting a relaxer in 2 weeks. Do I post my picture now or later? Do I start measuring now because I don't know how much my hair has grown since this is the longest I've been on a stretch
I'd like to join this challenge as well. 3 inches would get me to APL, and I really wanted to get there by the end of this year.

My plan of action is to:
- Work out consistently
- Start taking a multivitamin or biotin
- DC twice a week
- Baggy at least 5x a week
- Drink plenty of water
- Massage my scalp
- Wear protective styles daily

I'll take and post a starting picture sometime tomorrow, because my ends will be straight then. This is going to be fun! :yep: