On break
^ @YvetteWithJoy
You do realize that the challenge does not officially begin until September right? For now, you can buy to your hearts' content. I prefer to wait until LD and BF but if there's a really good sale at the end of this month, I'm gonna be all over it...![]()

I've started mine, personally, early. I really have to . . . though I will make a rare exception if something "serious" pops up over the next 10 days or so. At this point, I have so many NEW products that it makes no sense to just keep buying. I could easily spend 100s of dollars on products over the next 10 days or so. I've gotta stop and focus on technique.
TRUTH BE TOLD: My hair only looks only moderately different when it dries without product versus with it. That is probably a technique or product TYPE issue . . . versus a brand issue. I need to work on technique with what I've got.

I know I will purchase a very extensive hair analysis someone found for me on Etsy for $30. I know I will purchase a very high-end steamer (the ones most people use here are very good but get very hit-and-miss reviews about stopping working, spewing hot water etc., and I just don't wanna deal with it, so I'm going "up there" for a highly, highly discounted price at Sam's Club). I might keep the Huetiful follow-up appointment I let the consultant schedule (sigh). It's on
I miiiiiiiiight permit myself to invest in the Moroccan Oil mousse because it'd be a different sort of purchase: Not more leave-in, etc., etc,. but a different TYPE of product to allow a different TECHNIQUE to replace gelling the hair. I've tried 2 mousses/foams, one with okay results. This foam is supposedly FORMULATED for to do what I'm looking for. Hmm. I'll think on it! The Moroccan Oil brand is slick: They capitalize on the name without having a ton of Moroccan oil in their products.