sad about relationships....


Well-Known Member
I feel like I cant trust anyone any makes me sad :cry:

i have this one guy friend that i trust but hes all in love with me and im just not attracted to him like that

every other guy i have dated since has destroyed my trust in people

my most recent ex...we got along well on the surface....but we both have trust issues....if we got over it be great friends or more...i dunno

i dont even trust my close female friends....there has been too much drama and they can be shady too

my ex always says i overthink things...but im just thinking he says this because im onto something that he doesnt want to admit...or am i really overthinking things :spinning:

blah...i wish i could trust someone again....i even raise some eyebrows at my mom and dad....i trust theyd look out for me but for each other thats a different story :drunk:

is there any hope? after all these stories of lies, deceit and cheating you always here.
The best advice I know to give is :

Don't harden your heart toward people, and don't let these experiences change who you are. Just chalk it up to life and a learning experience. People are just people, you never know what someone has gone thru to make them into who they are. Always be receptive to love and don't be afraid to give love. That's the only way you will ever find real happiness.

It's up to you whether or not you want to trust again. Don't condemn everybody because of those experiences. Give everybody their own chance to try earn your love and respect. I ain't even gonna say nothing about your parents. :rolleyes:

Feel better.
awh sweetie don't worry. Those ppl are out there trust me. But just navigate them to find the right type of people to mingle and befriend. People are so crazy and things. But move with caution. When one won't qualify, another will. If the other won't move on to the other. I have been so blessed to have a truly best friend who is good in heart also. We've been their for each other over the years. She's the one that I share with the others I enjoy and talk but not as intimately.

I had a long time guy friend to buy I found out that he was in the friend ship hoping for the wrong thing:rolleyes:. Once it was clear, I dumped him as a friend. I was appauled at his behavior but he simply didn't deserve to be in my life. And I have so many around me both sisters and brothers and other friends that it really didn't matter. I didn't miss him or a beat. :yawn:

You can have this to just be patient and try and try again. :yep:
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I've come to learn that the Lord is the only one you can trust 100%. I believe that ultimate trust is in God and God alone....once you trust Him, you can take risks to be vulnerable to others knowing that he will not forsake you.
I feel like this from time to time. The most important thing to remember is to keep positive and if you have to for awhile take ppl at face value and have no expectations of ppl only appreciation IF they do show friendship and love to you.
I've come to learn that the Lord is the only one you can trust 100%. I believe that ultimate trust is in God and God alone....once you trust Him, you can take risks to be vulnerable to others knowing that he will not forsake you.

Bravo, excellent advice!
No one is your enemy, no one is your friend, everyone is your teacher. Become impersonal; learn what each person has to teach and soon you will learn your lesson and be free.

-"The Game of Life"
No one is your enemy, no one is your friend, everyone is your teacher. Become impersonal; learn what each person has to teach and soon you will learn your lesson and be free.

-"The Game of Life"


You need your own web site.

Annnd, to send these out daily.

(thanks for the reminder!)
Any idea why you are attracting so many dishonest people in your life?

Good question. I guess I have a lot of measups that I don't want people to know about. I think I attract people that insecure in the same way. Good people but they are insecure so they lie to protect themselves. Put on a front so peple are more likely to accept you. I've been more honest with myself lately and removing deadweight.
I feel like this from time to time. The most important thing to remember is to keep positive and if you have to for awhile take ppl at face value and have no expectations of ppl only appreciation IF they do show friendship and love to you.

ive been trying to do this more often its hard
I've come to learn that the Lord is the only one you can trust 100%. I believe that ultimate trust is in God and God alone....once you trust Him, you can take risks to be vulnerable to others knowing that he will not forsake you.

im starting to believe this...whoever 'lord' maybe be because you sure cant trust people on earth
Oh i'm sorry you feel like this.

Why not, from today, decide to start afresh, smile and as someone else said take everyone at face value.
Not everyone is out to hurt you or deceive you. You may be repelling the right person/people from you simply because you are emitting negative feelings.
Can I repel my dad lol?
I sad he cheated on my mom. :ohwell:
Then, my best guy friend cheated on his gf and I never thought he'd do that.
People suck.
I feel like I cant trust anyone any makes me sad :cry:

i have this one guy friend that i trust but hes all in love with me and im just not attracted to him like that

every other guy i have dated since has destroyed my trust in people

my most recent ex...we got along well on the surface....but we both have trust issues....if we got over it be great friends or more...i dunno

i dont even trust my close female friends....there has been too much drama and they can be shady too

my ex always says i overthink things...but im just thinking he says this because im onto something that he doesnt want to admit...or am i really overthinking things :spinning:

blah...i wish i could trust someone again....i even raise some eyebrows at my mom and dad....i trust theyd look out for me but for each other thats a different story :drunk:

is there any hope? after all these stories of lies, deceit and cheating you always here.

Me either..I learned the hard way. :ohwell: But I agree w/ another person posted, every person in your life is your teacher..learn the lesson and then you'll be free. I truely agree with that. :yep:
^^ I agree. I wish I could stop PMSing and crying. It is terrible.
I hope things are better for you since this post was a couple days ago.I sometimes feel the same way.Actually more than I want to admit.Noone wants to be comitted always afraid of the what ifs.Then as soon as you trust someone it seems to backfire on you.Atleast in my life.I have learned to take things as a grain of salt lately and if things are meant to be in whatever is going on in my life it will happen.Making friends,losing friends,marraige,and relationships.I am learning to love me and whoever isn't on my team can kick rocks!I can't go on not trusting everyone from what my past has done to me,and you shouldn't either.
I believe most people use the word "close friends" too loosely. In a lifetime, you'll probably only have a handfull of people that you can truly call your friends. I'm talking about friends that have been there through the test of time and are still there. I have less than 5 people that I call my true friends, everyone else are like associates, people I'll kick it with from time to time, and who I'm friendly with, but when these people let me down, I'm not disappointed because I haven't invested a lot of time and energy in them so I can move on without any heartaches. Sweetie, if your friends are giving you drama, that's negative energy, and life is too short to entertain these kind of relationships. And when you get rid of the negativity, something (or someone) positive will be waiting for you!
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