Rollersetting 2011! (Challenge, Tips, Techniques, etc.)

I rollerset my hair for the first time in a long time, today with my Macadamia natural oil products and it came out really soft and shiny. It was hard doing the hair on the back and my arms were killing me, but it was all worth it and i will do this as i said be4 2-3 times a week.

I truly feel your frustration. I'm sorry to hear about your hair loss. I say always defualt back to what works!

I find that my hair does fantastic when I flat iron after earch roller set.:yep:

I did a set about month ago (I posted pics back thread) when I did not flat iron the length (LIGHTLY hit the roots). This led to a lot of shedding and some ssks. That was a super NO GO for me!:nono: Granted I got really busy and worked that set for 2 weeks. However I have kept flat ironed hair for 2 weeks in the past and did not get nearly as much hair shed and no knots.

So that experiment proved to me that my hair is at it's best when I keep it smooth and straight. Length retention is my NUMBER one goal at this point in my hhj. My hair tolerates a lil heat very well...complete reversion. I plan to continue the rollersett/flat iron/big bantu knots for maintenance reggie.

Well until it get's HOT! Not sure what I'm gonna do then because wash n go's are guaranteed ssk city for me.:perplexed


I love ponytail rollersets also. They are so much quicker for me to do than the mohawk. I use my grey and purple magnetics when I tail set. Once a get a 2nd pack of the blue french mesh rollers.... I will alternate btw the mohawk and pony sets.


I love this thread. Thanks much for starting it!!! :)

@Napp, damn son. that doesn't sound too good. :nono: so do you think you'll return to wearing your hair primarily straight?

i think so. i did another flexi rod set and the SAME thing happened.(i thought it was the products i used)it wasnt even humid outside.... i was so frustrated i just ripped the knots out and flat ironed it. hair was all over the sink and floor and the hair in the crown and middle of my head has gone awol:nono:
im gonna need another hair cut sooner or later as well.

i should have just kept doing what i was doing.(flat iron 1x a month) i thought by stopping the heat my hair would be better but its in the worse condition i have ever seen it in. i dont even want to wear my hair natural anymore. i plan on getting a relaxer or a strong bkt by the end of may.
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I truly feel your frustration. I'm sorry to hear about your hair loss. I say always defualt back to what works!

I find that my hair does fantastic when I flat iron after earch roller set.:yep:

I did a set about month ago (I posted pics back thread) when I did not flat iron the length (LIGHTLY hit the roots). This led to a lot of shedding and some ssks. That was a super NO GO for me!:nono: Granted I got really busy and worked that set for 2 weeks. However I've have kept flat ironed hair for 2 weeks in the past and did not get nearly as much hair shed and no knots.

So that experiment proved to me that my hair is at it's best when I keep it smooth and straight. Length retention is my NUMBER one goal at this point in my hhj. My hair tolerates a lil heat very well...complete reversion. I plan to continue the rollersett/flat iron/big bantu knots for maintenance reggie.

Well until it get's HOT! Not sure what I'm gonna do then because wash n go's are guaranteed ssk city for me.:perplexed


I love ponytail rollersets also. They are so much quicker for me to do than the mohawk. I use my grey and purple magnetics when I tail set. Once a get a 2nd pack of the blue french mesh rollers.... I will alternate btw the mohawk and pony sets.


I love this thread. Thanks much for starting it!!! :)

i think for certain hair textures (silky and similar)it might be easier to keep the set smooth with no heat. I like tight curls(spiral curls) so i cant flat iron to seal the curl. Im so happy w. my hair straight.i just unpincurled and went about my day. I go so many compliments and someone even bought me some lunch!i even had some haters becuase i looked better than them plus i have nice REAL hair. I was really feeling myself today lol.
Originally Posted by Rocky91
Hey guys!
I haven't seen a thread like this, so I figured I'd start one.
I've recently started falling in love with rollersetting my hair for a low-manipulation style.
So, if there's anyone out there who'll be doing the same during 2011, here's the place to hang out, share tips, tricks, etc.
I guess you could call it a challenge, but I mean, I know we probably won't exclusively rollerset, and we're probably doing other challenges. so no pressure. just a place to chill and share with fellow rollersetters. i just wanna know some basic stuff to get us going:

Starting Length/Goal Length:
Why You Rollerset:
How Often:
Techniques/Tools: (magnetic rollers? flexi-rods? hooded dryer?)
Your #1 Piece of Advice on Rollersetting:

*Trey Songz voice* lehgo!


I'm new to LHCF (lurked for a long time tho) and still getting the hang of posting. BUT, I had wanted to try roller setting for a while. (I have a texturizer). Well, sometime ago I decided to buy magnetic rollers. For some reason I got the gray ones. I'm CBL and I just wanted some body and movement. Needless to say 1) you think you know what you're doing 'cause rolling your hair is pretty basic right? Well, I quickly learned that I had no idea what I was doing, and 2) the gray rollers - BIG MISTAKE! It was like trying to roll a TWA on soup cans!
That was about a month or so ago. I tried again yesterday. I searched out tips on the threads and did my best. I washed with Nioxin (other issues I may post on another thread), Chi Thermal shampoo (2nd lather) then did an Aphogee protein treatment. DC'd overnight with Hask Placenta, towel dried, used Jane Carter leave-in and Chi silk infusion. Set with Aphogee setting and wrap mousse. Set on purple and tan rollers (BTW - should I be using the pins or clips to hold the rollers in place? The pins digging into my scalp hurt like the dickens).

Didn't take long to roll (cause I still don't really know what I'm doing - ignorance is bliss). Anyhow sat under dryer for about one hr. Took down rollers and finger combed, and my hair shed and broke like crazy! Put oils (grape seed, peppermint, rosemary and tea tree) and more Silk Infusion on my hair trying to head off more breakage. It was a little unsettling.

My goal is to mitigate the breakage and shedding so I can gain and retain length like everyone else here. (you all are so very inspirational, btw) I just want to find a way to eventually eliminate heat, so I figured I'd step down by doing the roller set under the dryer. My usu. Is to wash, cond. Air or blow-dry my hair, then flat iron once a week and seal and wrap my hair at night, comb it down and wear loose during the day. My question (finally) is what the heck did I do wrong? I take reasonably good care of my hair and would like to wear it straight without either using heat or as little as possible. I do shed a lot, but it really seems like I may have missed the mark on something, just can't seem to put my finger on it. I'm not nearly as dense as this post may make it seem, I just need a little help on this roller setting thing. Can somebody please shed (no pun intended) some light?

:welcome: to the forum!

Looking at what steps it appears that you used too much protein. I'm assuming the Aphogee was the two minute protein rather than the much stronger two step? In any case the Hask Placenta has a form of protein in it and you kept that on all night which is probably the cause. After the Aphogee you need to follow up the treatment with a moisture rich conditioner.

I would suggest that you leave protein for a bit and focus on getting moisture back into your hair. Your hair will soon bounce back. :)
Thanks so much! I've been texturized for @ 4 years and grew out of a TWA. @ CBL now and want to get to APL. I didn't do more than wash 'n go then and was pretty carefree/careless about haircare. I'm only this year beginning to get serious about my hair and can be pretty remedial sometimes.:yep: It's amazing how when you think you're doing the right thing though sometimes you're doing the exact opposite - I guess it's time for a do over. CW & DC'ing midweek.

Oh and thanks to you and the other ladies on the LHCF with your beautiful locks I now have a trunk full of products and supplements!:grin:
Just finished my set. I tried Keracare foam wrap with very good results. I've not had much luck with setting lotions recently, but what I did differently here was I applied the foam to dripping wet hair, just after I finished rinsing. I love the way my hair feels post set, so soft, and no hard hair at all, it's a keeper!
Originally Posted by Rocky91
Hey guys!
I haven't seen a thread like this, so I figured I'd start one.
I've recently started falling in love with rollersetting my hair for a low-manipulation style.
So, if there's anyone out there who'll be doing the same during 2011, here's the place to hang out, share tips, tricks, etc.
I guess you could call it a challenge, but I mean, I know we probably won't exclusively rollerset, and we're probably doing other challenges. so no pressure. just a place to chill and share with fellow rollersetters. i just wanna know some basic stuff to get us going:

Starting Length/Goal Length:
Why You Rollerset:
How Often:
Techniques/Tools: (magnetic rollers? flexi-rods? hooded dryer?)
Your #1 Piece of Advice on Rollersetting:

*Trey Songz voice* lehgo!


I'm new to LHCF (lurked for a long time tho) and still getting the hang of posting. BUT, I had wanted to try roller setting for a while. (I have a texturizer). Well, sometime ago I decided to buy magnetic rollers. For some reason I got the gray ones. I'm CBL and I just wanted some body and movement. Needless to say 1) you think you know what you're doing 'cause rolling your hair is pretty basic right? Well, I quickly learned that I had no idea what I was doing, and 2) the gray rollers - BIG MISTAKE! It was like trying to roll a TWA on soup cans!
That was about a month or so ago. I tried again yesterday. I searched out tips on the threads and did my best. I washed with Nioxin (other issues I may post on another thread), Chi Thermal shampoo (2nd lather) then did an Aphogee protein treatment. DC'd overnight with Hask Placenta, towel dried, used Jane Carter leave-in and Chi silk infusion. Set with Aphogee setting and wrap mousse. Set on purple and tan rollers (BTW - should I be using the pins or clips to hold the rollers in place? The pins digging into my scalp hurt like the dickens).

Didn't take long to roll (cause I still don't really know what I'm doing - ignorance is bliss). Anyhow sat under dryer for about one hr. Took down rollers and finger combed, and my hair shed and broke like crazy! Put oils (grape seed, peppermint, rosemary and tea tree) and more Silk Infusion on my hair trying to head off more breakage. It was a little unsettling.

My goal is to mitigate the breakage and shedding so I can gain and retain length like everyone else here. (you all are so very inspirational, btw) I just want to find a way to eventually eliminate heat, so I figured I'd step down by doing the roller set under the dryer. My usu. Is to wash, cond. Air or blow-dry my hair, then flat iron once a week and seal and wrap my hair at night, comb it down and wear loose during the day. My question (finally) is what the heck did I do wrong? I take reasonably good care of my hair and would like to wear it straight without either using heat or as little as possible. I do shed a lot, but it really seems like I may have missed the mark on something, just can't seem to put my finger on it. I'm not nearly as dense as this post may make it seem, I just need a little help on this roller setting thing. Can somebody please shed (no pun intended) some light?

I think it's the 2 Aphogee products, it did the same to my hair! Not everyones hair can handle that much protein and mine can't. Anyway, you don't need setting lotion to rollerset hair, I use just a creamy leave in (Giovanni Direct) after I have washed it then a serum (Giovanni Frizz Be Gone) to each section I roll with water. Providing I pincurl, my sets last 3 weeks and are very smooth and silky. The clips are best I find to secure it but they shouldnt hurt so careful about how your placing them. I have a rollersetting tutorial video, check out my YouTube link in my siggy. Feel free to ask any questions after u have watched it. God bless x
Just finished my set. I tried Keracare foam wrap with very good results. I've not had much luck with setting lotions recently, but what I did differently here was I applied the foam to dripping wet hair, just after I finished rinsing. I love the way my hair feels post set, so soft, and no hard hair at all, it's a keeper!

i :love: Keracare foam wrap. the elasta qp feels like silk foam is pretty comparable also, and a lower price.

I've started using a lot more leave-in for my sets that i usually do, and i gotta hair feels amazing! so soft and bouncy! i love the Garnier Sleek and Shine leave-in, combing through is so easy with all the cones.
i will never be cone/sulfate/paraben free. nuh uh son. i'm good. :look:
i :love: Keracare foam wrap. the elasta qp feels like silk foam is pretty comparable also, and a lower price.

I've started using a lot more leave-in for my sets that i usually do, and i gotta hair feels amazing! so soft and bouncy! i love the Garnier Sleek and Shine leave-in, combing through is so easy with all the cones.
i will never be cone/sulfate/paraben free. nuh uh son. i'm good. :look:

Not sure why I slept on it for so long, I feel this will make a big difference in how long I can maintain my curls and smooth ends post set. I'm glad I finally tried it. :yep:

As for cones, oh yes ma'am, I'm a true cone heaux! :lol:
so I missed one week.. I was frustrated about the length of time It takes me to do rollersets...

but.. I have discovered twist and curl.. can I still be in the challenge?
so I missed one week.. I was frustrated about the length of time It takes me to do rollersets...

but.. I have discovered twist and curl.. can I still be in the challenge?

of course!!
that's quite fine. I've actually been doing a lot of braid n curls myself. to me, it still counts cause i use all the standard setting technique: smoothing the ends, fine tooth comb, end papers, etc.

can y'all believe i have yet to do a successful regular ole magnetic set?? :lol: I've done all other kinds, just been scurred. i'll probably try a ponytail set next time i wash.

:welcome: to the forum!

Looking at what steps it appears that you used too much protein. I'm assuming the Aphogee was the two minute protein rather than the much stronger two step? In any case the Hask Placenta has a form of protein in it and you kept that on all night which is probably the cause. After the Aphogee you need to follow up the treatment with a moisture rich conditioner.

I would suggest that you leave protein for a bit and focus on getting moisture back into your hair. Your hair will soon bounce back. :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you Lushlox!!!

I rushed home after work today to re-set my hair and it came out fabulously! It's soft and full of body. It was necessary too, my hair had ADHD all day!:ohwell:

I CW''d with a cheapie and DC'd with ORS Rplenishing Cond. and set with the same stuff I used before and the difference is so obvious.

Thank you again!:spinning:
Thank you, thank you, thank you Lushlox!!!

I rushed home after work today to re-set my hair and it came out fabulously! It's soft and full of body. It was necessary too, my hair had ADHD all day!:ohwell:

I CW''d with a cheapie and DC'd with ORS Rplenishing Cond. and set with the same stuff I used before and the difference is so obvious.

Thank you again!:spinning:

That's fab news! Glad it worked out for you and so quickly too! :yep:
Anyone use Mizani Setting lotion, Mizani Foam wrap or Pantene's mousse to set their hair? Pros/cons?

I've used Mizani's silk defining mousse and I like it. Just wondering how these other products compare.

Anyone use Mizani Setting lotion, Mizani Foam wrap or Pantene's mousse to set their hair? Pros/cons?

I've used Mizani's silk defining mousse and I like it. Just wondering how these other products compare.

I love mizani foam wrap set lotion.... It is the best, the ingredients are the same as the setting lotion I think the main difference is that one comes in foam.

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Thanks. I'm gonna try the foam out. Does the foam make your hair feel like silk? That's what the mousse makes my hair feel like
welp. my ponytail magnetic roller set was a bust. i think i give up on getting a really smooth magnetic set on natural hair. i may look into mesh rollers.

salvaging this set by hitting my roots, brushing it out, then putting my hair in flexirods. i hope to get some big, fluffy curls a la Joan....
@Rocky91, I understand. I set my hair, but I don't wear my curls. I use it as means to straighten my hair and then I flat twists. After that I wear my twist out in a chignon.

What are you using to set your hair with?
@Rocky91, I understand. I set my hair, but I don't wear my curls. I use it as means to straighten my hair and then I flat twists. After that I wear my twist out in a chignon.

What are you using to set your hair with?

yodie, I use either foam wrap, either Elasta QP or Keracare. Underneath I use Garnier Sleek and Shine Leave-In. for some shine, i'll add fantasia ic serum usually.
I will try to post a pic if this set comes out cute. we need more pics in here!
under the dryer with a ponytail set. magnetic rollers. let's hope this comes out looking nice...

I'd been dreaming about trying a ponytail rollerset all week, but I chickened out and did a traditional mohawk set instead. I have an event tonight and decided not to try anything new. Tell me why I took my rollers out too soon and ended up with poofy hair anyway. :lol:
^^awww man, yea that's usually what'll ruin a set for me. i'm just so impatient when it comes to sitting under there. quite foolish really, to spend all that time setting and then have it come out all poofy.
Rocky91 looking forward to seeing your pics.

Ladies I am getting tired of doing my own hair.:look: I need a break! So I may hit the DM salon over the weekend for a set and light blow out. I'll post pics.
Rocky91 looking forward to seeing your pics.

Ladies I am getting tired of doing my own hair.:look: I need a break! So I may hit the DM salon over the weekend for a set and light blow out. I'll post pics.

Sunshine_One, I didn't let it dry fully and it came out kinda crazy. :nono: I'll be redoing it tonight-i need fly hair this weekend.

here are some pics of a recent flexirod set though. I finally stopped being lazy and updated my fotki, so i'll share. :)
products/info: garnier sleek and shine leave in. keracare foam wrap. end papers-i'm finally sold on them. my ends are soo smooth. sat under dryer for like an hour and a half. hit up the roots with my flatiron. voila!!



Sunshine_One, I didn't let it dry fully and it came out kinda crazy. :nono: I'll be redoing it tonight-i need fly hair this weekend.

here are some pics of a recent flexirod set though. I finally stopped being lazy and updated my fotki, so i'll share. :)
products/info: garnier sleek and shine leave in. keracare foam wrap. end papers-i'm finally sold on them. my ends are soo smooth. sat under dryer for like an hour and a half. hit up the roots with my flatiron. voila!!





Oh WOW your hair turned out FABULOUS! You look so pretty! OK I may try doing some flexies and flat ironing the roots for some length. Well next weekend...I'm going to the salon today. ;) Thanks for posting the pics!
rocky, i love this on you. how long do you think it will last?

thank you both for the compliments!

it lasted a full week with me just pineappling at night-high ponytail with satin scrunchy/bonnet. it got really really big, but i liked that. :grin:
I have a question... I want to do a rollerset then flatiron. Should I use heat protectant spray before I rollerset or before I flatiron?

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