RollerSetting for Length/Health Challenge

Who: Relaxed
What: Rollersetting
When: 1x per week
Where: home
Why: Healthier hair
Where: Home or salon sometimes
How: Wash Con,keracare,humecto conditoner,leave in conditioner,oil, spray bottle,gray and purple rollers.
I'm in~

Who: Relaxed
What: Rollersetting each wash.
When: Every week
Why: Because my hair responds better to weekly rollersets than cowashing I loose waaaaaaaay less hair.
Where: Home
How: Red rollers, lacio lacio leave in, fantasia ic serum under a dryer for 1 1/2 hours
Who: Texlaxed
What: Rollersetting 1X or 2X a week.
When: Started last night
Why: I've recently experimented with heat styling to minimize the difference between my massive new growth and texlaxed hair. I'd like to continue without risking heat damage to my tresses.
Where: Home
How: Wash and condition with AO Honeysuckle Rose or Trader Joe's Nourish Spa. Apply Hair One leave in or Silicon Mix and a little EVCO. Set on purple rollers.
I have started the roller setting challenge because my hair broke off in the back due to wearing a ponytail daily. Setting hair 2x a week is hard because it takes 893893 hours to dry my hair... but it's the healthiest way to go for my hair! I'm taking the plunge!
Ok so it is official----I have a big head!! LOL I used my Pibbs for the first time last week with the magenta rollers which are the ones right under the grey and my head barely fit! YIKES :( Anywho my drying time went from 2 hours to 40 minutes so I was very happy. It takes me about 20 min to roll and 40 min under the dryer not bad at all. I used the leave in by shescentit and put a little bit of the hair butter on my hair wet. My hair was so soft and bouncy. I always saran wrap at the end for 15 minutes, but will need to figure something out as the dryer kept sucking the saran wrap off my head.
COUNT ME IN!!!!! COUNT ME IN!!!!!!!!

Who: Natural
What: Rollersetting
When: 1x per week (if too greasy will do more)
Where: home
Why: Help me reach my goal quicker, with healthy results
Where: home
How: Deep condition before setting. Moisturize my ends with virgin coconut oil. Set with the purple rollers. Sit under the dryer until hair is COMPLETLY dry. That is a mjor challenge. It takes forever for my hair to dry.

Any other tips would be appreciated. I am new to this roller setting stuff. I just have too much hair, it gets complicating for me. I guess with practice, I will succeed. lol
So , no one is using Sabino Moisture Block?

I am a natural 4 and want to use Sabino to rollerset. I'm just not sure what type of moisturizing product to use under the Sabino. Do you think the diluted Lacio will be moisturizing enough?

Count me in!!

What: Rollersetting each wash.
When: Your next wash (if possible)
Why: I believe it promotes healthier hair, especially the ends
Where: HOME

Rollersetting tomorrow, will post beginning and ending pics

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Who: Relaxed, 4b, SL
What: Rollersetting/weaves
When: 1x/week, every week since October 8, 2008
Why: I get no damage whatsoever and plenty of body
Where: Home/ salons for touch-ups
How: Purple and grey rollers (2 red rollers on front edges), dime size of NTM Silk Touch Leave-In Cream and 2 drops of Fantasia IC Serum. Under dryer for one hour and airdry the rest of the time. Take down and do saran wrap treatment with 1 drop of serum and a quick spray with Keracare oil sheen
Yay! please add me in...:grin:

Who: Relaxed
What: Rollersetting every wash
When: 1x per week
Why: Healthier ends, thicker hair
Where: Home
How: Wash & DC for 30 mins, apply Lacio Lacio + serum, use the gray rollers and dry for 1.5 hrs
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Hi Ladies,

Thanks for all of the replies!! I am still waiting for my LACIO LACIO, I don't even know where it is, I am so salty :wallbash: but I can't wait to use the LL and the saran wrap technique.

But my hair had to get washed tonight without my LL.... so I cowashed with my Kenra conditioner and then I DC'ed with heat for 20+ mins with Elasta QP/DPR 11. I then lightly spritzed my hair with a leave-in and a heat protectant mixture (thanks for the advice ya'll! I will be diluting it too going forward) and then I rollerset my hair with a new combination oil I bought. I tested a few dry rollers and my hair came out so soft and smooth this time..I am so happy, because I definitely prefer to roller set since it is better for my hair. Thank goodness, it only takes my hair about 45 mins to dry because it is late...LOL...4:55am :lachen:

P.S. By the way, I always have one roller at the very crown of my head that is still damp when every other roller is dry, do you have any recommendations?

P.P.S. Where do you all order your Lacio Lacio from? I see it on Amazon but I want to make sure that I get it the cheapest possible ;)
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has anyone figured out how to apply their leave in so they don't get crunchy sets? this is why i stopped rollersetting!!

Hey girl, if you see my earlier post on this thread, I was having the same issue. After my rollerset, my hair was a little too dry for my taste. I ascertained that it was probably a combination of both too much protein and I was being too liberal with my leave-in and heat protectant mixture. Definitely try to add more moisture to your rollerset. I am currently under the dryer and I can tell already that there is a difference since I added oil. Also, ladies recommended I try the NTM and the Lacio, so see if you can give that a try.

Hope this helps!! :yep:
Ladies...I've read some of your rollerset regimen...And for the first time I applied some serum on wet hair after my lacio lacio. My set came out better.... silky and shiny:grin:.

So I'll add the serum to my regimen...thanks!
Please add me!

Who: Relaxed
When: Every wash, starting tomorrow.
Why: Health and Length
Where: At home
How: Purple and red magnetic roller or my new hard mesh rollers when they arrive in the mail. Will also try the saran wrap method... never tried it and I'm intrigued...:drunk:
Okay, I changed my mind. I'm going to mostly rollersetting, but I know I will be flat-ironing sometimes....good luck ladies!
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ANyone with nape length hair doing this challenge? I'd love to join in, but having a hard time rollersetting on nape-length hair. Not quite sure how to rollerset either, so I'm going to just do trial and error here!
Lawd help me y'all...:nono:

I rollerset this past friday night with mesh rollers and my hair came out too soft. I also had a BIG problem with my roots being too wavy. I pulled the rollers taunt as I could...:nono:...I texlax and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get my roots straight enough. I even saran wrapped it, which helped loosen the curls but did nothing for these wavy/curly roots. Without heat, my hair looked like a helmet. I wore a beret to church yesterday and I pinned it up for work today.

Any suggestions? If I don't figure out a way to straighten my roots without direct heat, my challenges will be shot!
Lawd help me y'all...:nono:

I rollerset this past friday night with mesh rollers and my hair came out too soft. I also had a BIG problem with my roots being too wavy. I pulled the rollers taunt as I could...:nono:...I texlax and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get my roots straight enough. I even saran wrapped it, which helped loosen the curls but did nothing for these wavy/curly roots. Without heat, my hair looked like a helmet. I wore a beret to church yesterday and I pinned it up for work today.

Any suggestions? If I don't figure out a way to straighten my roots without direct heat, my challenges will be shot!

I'm in the same boat!!! I can't get my roots straight without direct heat. Can't grow my hair WITH direct heat. Have you tried magnetic rollers? Any difference there? I was thinking of trying a rollerset with magnetic ones tonight.
I'm in the same boat!!! I can't get my roots straight without direct heat. Can't grow my hair WITH direct heat. Have you tried magnetic rollers? Any difference there? I was thinking of trying a rollerset with magnetic ones tonight.

I haven't tried it with magnetics recently. I will probably use the snap on kind so either way I'll have wavy roots or a dent at the root from the roller cover. I can't win for losing. :ohwell:

I think I'm gonna have to remove myself from both challenges....hey, about Caruso rollers? I wonder if they can help.
Count me in relaxed dc then lotta body setting lotion, motions leave in, beyond the zone frizz buster serum, oil on each piece of hair,twice a week, have no pictures at present time:nono:. Doing for healther hair and length
I'm a regular rollersetter--been setting for years. No wrapping, just rocking the curls. I find it can be a fair amount of manipulation if you're detangling each section with a fine-tooth comb. I do this to each section I'm rolling AFTER my main detangling comb-thru with my shower comb, to ensure a smooth set on each curler. It's not so bad on freshly relaxed hair, but it can get to be a bear if you're several weeks/months out.

As for kinky roots, I just dealt with them. Depending on how you style, you can conceal them. And in my experience, if I detangle well the natural growth is manageable.
I'm a regular rollersetter--been setting for years. No wrapping, just rocking the curls. I find it can be a fair amount of manipulation if you're detangling each section with a fine-tooth comb. I do this to each section I'm rolling AFTER my main detangling comb-thru with my shower comb, to ensure a smooth set on each curler. It's not so bad on freshly relaxed hair, but it can get to be a bear if you're several weeks/months out.

As for kinky roots, I just dealt with them. Depending on how you style, you can conceal them. And in my experience, if I detangle well the natural growth is manageable.

I could conceal them if my hair was longer but I'm only a little past SL, plus I have concealing the roots.
I flat ironed my roots today...:look: If we can't use direct heat I'm going to remove myself from this challenge. I normally don't flat iron my roots but I liked the results today and may continue to do so....

Good Luck Ladies....Happy Hair Growing!