Request for Graduate Student Forum...


Formerly Lisaaa Bonet
I am a grad student currently enrolled in a doctoral program and would love to chat with other women going through the same process to discuss the writing of the dissertation, collecting data, research, finding an academic position etc. Not sure if there are other women here who might find this useful. I would be happy to help out in any way that I can. I am between my 2nd & 3rd year. Wondering if LHCF would consider this....thanks in advance.
I would love if we had a Graduate Student forum, too. I'm in a Master's program and it would be great to exchange with other young women regarding topics related to this pursuit!
Hi ladies! :wave:
Well I'm not a graduate student yet but I have hopes of applying in about 1.5 more years.
However, I decided to reply just to congratulate you lovely ladies:dance7:
I dont know you but I feel so proud of your decisions to pursue masters and doctorals. The world needs more women like you and for your pursuit to achieve higher academic achievements, I comment you. It would be great if we had a forum of such!
Good luck in your academic journey and once again , :congrats:
This would be a great forum. I'm taking a short break viewing LHCF before I finish my Literature Review. Can't wait until I'm done. :yep:


Oh yeah, I'm in a MPA at Troy University
I''m not a grad school student. Undergrad. But I think we need an education forum in general. There's the career/finance forum, but I really don't think it's the same. It's like the hair and children's hair forum. Similar but it's nice that there's a separate one for each.
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An education forum would be great. I am an undergrad right now, but it would be great to have a resource to turn to once the time gets close....
I would definitely suggest making two separate forums: graduate and undergraduate.

The needs and topics of exchange will be very different, depending on which point in their studies the users are at: e.g. undergraduate as opposed to graduate.

Thanks for the support everyone. :)
There's already an education/career/financial forum. I would think you can have discussions on there.
There's already an education/career/financial forum. I would think you can have discussions on there.

There is a career/financial forum. However, I don't see one that is an "education forum". Also, as the OP mentioned, we'd like two: one devoted to our specific needs/topics of concern according to our level of study/education (e.g. graduate/undergraduate)

Having one that is just all-inclusive will lead to confusion and will be counterproductive since as an undergraduate, my concerns and tasks were very different from those of a graduate level student. And vice versa.
I agree. I'm getting a Master's right now and would love a forum that would support discussion, encouragement and fellowship around education as a whole or graduate/doctoral studies
I doubt they will make two forums..grad and undergrad. Forums need a lot of traffic for them to really have merit. There are one or two that I could see getting deleted soon.

There should be a education forum in general. Undergrad and grad would both benefit :yep:
I think OFF TOPIC has enough room for these discussions. Make your headliner intriguing enough for your targeted group. Members have so many interests so it is really not possible to have a niche group for every interest! I think Bev is doing a great job maintaining what is already please, use your imagination to find the area which suits you.
I am a grad student currently enrolled in a doctoral program and would love to chat with other women going through the same process to discuss the writing of the dissertation, collecting data, research, finding an academic position etc. Not sure if there are other women here who might find this useful. I would be happy to help out in any way that I can. I am between my 2nd & 3rd year. Wondering if LHCF would consider this....thanks in advance.

Please check out PhinisheD ( It's a very helpful, very supportive community for grad students. I found them when I got stuck (for a couple of years...) trying to write my dissertation. I wouldn't have completed my PhD without them!

Good luck with your studies!

P.S. I have a couple of books on how to make the most of your grad school experience, and also thesis writing advice. They're free to anyone who's willing to pay shipping (PM me if interested).
Wish I knew about that PhD forum when I was completing my doctorate a few years ago. Either way, OP, if you need support from sisters who've been through the process before, go ahead and send PMs or post a thread. I'm sure there are a few of us that have been in your shoes. I'll help in any way I can. BTW, my doctorate is in clinical psych.
Great idea. I'm a medical student. I do have a medical forum I subscribe to, but it would be great to have a grad forum for us:)
I would LOVE to have an education forum. I think it would be really helpful for so many of us with questions about what you need to do to get into grad school be successful once you get in. I'll be starting grad school in Fall 2010.
I think a graduate student forum would be great. It would be so nice to have an area here to go to for support and information.
Thanks everyone for responding! Wow, I am pleased to know that I am not alone. AfricanViolet, thanks for the offer. I do agree with everyone who has mentioned the need for an education forum in general. I would be pleased with that also. However, I can also understand if there can only be so many individualized forums.
Please check out PhinisheD ( It's a very helpful, very supportive community for grad students. I found them when I got stuck (for a couple of years...) trying to write my dissertation. I wouldn't have completed my PhD without them!

Good luck with your studies!

P.S. I have a couple of books on how to make the most of your grad school experience, and also thesis writing advice. They're free to anyone who's willing to pay shipping (PM me if interested).

I agree that this is a great resource that helped me out quite a bit this past summer. Thanks also for your o ffer on your books :yep:.
I think this is a great idea! I'm sure it would have been extremely helpful when I was first thinking about going for my Masters. I'm almost done now and I find I still need support and a "listening ear" as I contemplate getting my PhD.
I am completing my dissertation and am a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Public Health in Community Health Behavior and Education....I would use the forum!! :)