Rep your city: Best cities for single black women


New Member
I was reading an old thread about the best cities for black women that was based on an Oprah poll. A lot of women here questioned the validity of the list since they felt that many of those places on the list were not good for black women (ie San Francisco, Utah, Wisconsin, etc), whereas other places, like most cities in Texas, were considered better. So, I thought it would be cool if we make our own updated LHCF list:grin:.

So, rep your city!! (or another city that you've been to/lived, etc.) Which cities do you think are great for black women looking for eligible black men? Why? Feel free to share your experiences, your perception of the type of men there, what else you love about that city, etc.
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This thread is right on time :yep: It's been on my mind to move and I want to have real plans within the next 6 months.

I'm going to start researching Austin, Texas, seems like a great city for my personality and interests..anyone familiar with Austin?

I live in Upstate NY, which tends to be awful for the quality of single men under 40, as they usually move if they have anything going for themselves. The leftover guys are here temporarily due to financial hardship, OOW kids and baby mama drama, or are over 40 and divorced with baggage. White people here have slightly better luck but a lot of them tend to move after the college years as well or they settle down with someone they've known since high school.
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I'm interested in hearing from the other ladies. From my experience, it's not about location. I think the issue is there are more eligible women than men wherever you go. I moved to Memphis after living in Chicago for 3 years. I was in a long-term relationship while in Chicago but I had several single friends. Now I'm in Memphis and it seems many people get married young so there are slim pickings in the 30-40 age range. But this has been my experience. I've heard good things about cities in Texas, though.
I'm interested in hearing from the other ladies. From my experience, it's not about location. I think the issue is there are more eligible women than men wherever you go. I moved to Memphis after living in Chicago for 3 years. I was in a long-term relationship while in Chicago but I had several single friends. Now I'm in Memphis and it seems many people get married young so there are slim pickings in the 30-40 age range. But this has been my experience. I've heard good things about cities in Texas, though.

There was some research done a couple years ago about this topic that concluded that eastern seaboard cities have the worst disparities in numbers between straight single women and straight single men. The biggest cities in Cali are bad for single women too. I would never move to atlanta, the people i know who love the ATL were already married when they moved there. The Midwest and Southwest is better and Texas is a standout due to many men in the military, oil, engineering, and technology fields. Women are outnumbered in some Texan cities.

I have to dig up that thread and articles later when I get some time.
Found this singles map


Now if we can just get all the single men on the west coast to come to the east coast...everything would be good :yep:
I think Chicago is a greater city for singles if you can tip into what the "urban professionals" are doing. I know of black wine tasting groups, adult flag football leagues such as In the Zone which has a bunch of my friends regularly meeting and dating folks, art and business functions and a great music scene.

I'm from LA and think its also a great city but it takes a while to weed through the Hollywood nonsense...there are a lot of folks looking to somehow be associated with the entertainment industry, and that gets annoying. But once you get past that I think LA has a lot to offer, especially during the warmer months when people are going to outdoor festivals and music etc.

For whatever its worth, my male friends and classmates, they all agree that DC and Atlanta are terrible cities for cities for single black women..."it's a black man's playground" "why get serious if I don't have to" "its like being a kid in a candy store"...
I think Chicago is a greater city for singles if you can tip into what the "urban professionals" are doing. I know of black wine tasting groups, adult flag football leagues such as In the Zone which has a bunch of my friends regularly meeting and dating folks, art and business functions and a great music scene.

I'm from LA and think its also a great city but it takes a while to weed through the Hollywood nonsense...there are a lot of folks looking to somehow be associated with the entertainment industry, and that gets annoying. But once you get past that I think LA has a lot to offer, especially during the warmer months when people are going to outdoor festivals and music etc.

For whatever its worth, my male friends and classmates, they all agree that DC and Atlanta are terrible cities for cities for single black women..."it's a black man's playground" "why get serious if I don't have to" "its like being a kid in a candy store"...

I'm taking a trip out there this summer for the first time. What can a sister expect out there coming from the NYC area?
I am always leery about these generalizations about where is best for black women etc. Honestly, although I know NYC is statistically not the best place for black women compared to Houston or other TX cities, I will take my chances for now. I have only been to Texas once and I figure moving there I will be way out of my element, not know anyone, and take along time to adjust to the culture of the city and people etc

I saw the best place for each woman in the place she thinks she can most easily get out there, meet tons of people, try new things, feel comfortable, etc. Because in the end its about how many people you can meet in said city

But again, if we are speaking just numbers I heard Texas is great
More important than the city, I think it comes down to a person's willingness to go out and do things, alone. I don't care where you live - if you're not out doing things, OR if the only time you do things is with a wolf pack of girls - you are not going to meet people.

Go out and do things ALONE...
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This thread is right on time :yep: It's been on my mind to move and I want to have real plans within the next 6 months.

I'm going to start researching Austin, Texas, seems like a great city for my personality and interests..anyone familiar with Austin?

I'm from Houston and I went to graduate school in Austin and I would NEVER EVER move back. After 22, the city is NOT for single Black women. It's not supposed to be a college city, but it has that vibe because 5 other schools are in that area; universities & community colleges. With Austin's downtown being the main place where everyone goes to party so after your college years you'll have to sift through all the youngins. SMH. It seems the nightlife is completely over focused on drinking as well. Now for gays/lesbians, dating seems healthy, as it's the only city I know of in Tx with a club strip/street specifically for that demographic and it's lively.

Although there's a professional scene there, it's an older, white one, and if you don't mind, then go for it. I prefer an urban professional young adult demographic to be present and Austin is NOT IT. I always tell women (Black women looking for Black men specifically) before they make the mistake of moving there and I'm giving you the honest truth. The music scene is good, I'll admit, and that, coupled with the city's natural landscape make for GREAT dating ideas. I know/knew too many Black miserable women there, most leave the city and find men in other cities and carry on LDRs. I've settled that the city's only good for visiting.

If you're looking to Texas, Dallas & Houston. I'd probably not recommend San Antonio either. Ive been to all those places for an extended amount of time. I'll always repeat this for Black women aiming to move down to Tx.
ITA with the other ladies about the whole idea of where a Black woman needs to live in order to meet a single good man. I've known women on the board and in personal experience that have met men(straight) in Atlanta and went on to marry them.

I great census to say which city is better than the other because everyones experience in dating is different.
ITA with the other ladies about the whole idea of where a Black woman needs to live in order to meet a single good man. I've known women on the board and in personal experience that have met men(straight) in Atlanta and went on to marry them.

I great census to say which city is better than the other because everyones experience in dating is different.

Of course personal experiences will vary but there's no denying that demographics are a big deal when it comes to quality of life in a particular location. The average level of education in area correlates strongly with the quality of career and even entertainment options. I live in an area that has long been experiencing "brain drain" of educated people (of all races) ages 21-35, that has a huge impact on quality of life for a single person and even young marrieds. Now do some young people manage to find a mate and ideal social circle and a great job under these circumstances? Yes, but they are a small number, and it would be unfair for me to dismiss concerns by elevating an anecdotal few over the statistical majority.
Oh I want to clarify that I'm nite moving primarily for the purpose of finding an ideal black man or else I would have moved a long time ago. I've come to the point that I've gleaned all I can from local career opportunities and its not worth coping with a very limited social life anymore.. Dating is only a part if hat equation, almost all friends my age have left the area and entertainment options are dismal unless I like drinking or hanging out with middleaged folks.

I'm also not solely invested in the idea of eligible black men, I just want to be around more stable and single men period, who may or may not be black.

I'm from Houston and I went to graduate school in Austin and I would NEVER EVER move back. After 22, the city is NOT for single Black women. It's not supposed to be a college city, but it has that vibe because 5 other schools are in that area; universities & community colleges. With Austin's downtown being the main place where everyone goes to party so after your college years you'll have to sift through all the youngins. SMH. It seems the nightlife is completely over focused on drinking as well. Now for gays/lesbians, dating seems healthy, as it's the only city I know of in Tx with a club strip/street specifically for that demographic and it's lively.

Although there's a professional scene there, it's an older, white one, and if you don't mind, then go for it. I prefer an urban professional young adult demographic to be present and Austin is NOT IT. I always tell women (Black women looking for Black men specifically) before they make the mistake of moving there and I'm giving you the honest truth. The music scene is good, I'll admit, and that, coupled with the city's natural landscape make for GREAT dating ideas. I know/knew too many Black miserable women there, most leave the city and find men in other cities and carry on LDRs. I've settled that the city's only good for visiting.

If you're looking to Texas, Dallas & Houston. I'd probably not recommend San Antonio either. Ive been to all those places for an extended amount of time. I'll always repeat this for Black women aiming to move down to Tx.
Thanks for your input! I was drawn the idea of Austin because of the SXSW festival lol. But I totally hear you about how living where the party is is not always a good idea.

I have focused on Texas because the job market seems better for those in technical industries like myself and seems to offer a good balance of jobs, churches, men, and general quality of life. I have friends who love Houston but its so hot there, nite sure if i could take it lol. I'll definitely look into there and Dallas though :)
San Francisco is hardly a good city for romance. I lived there for 5 years through undergrad and the first part of grad school and the females at my school of ALL races had trouble meeting guys. First it was because my school was 70% girls. Then my school got more guys to even things out and let's just say they went for quantity not quality. All this at a private, Jesuit university. I moved back home to Oakland which is over 50% black but declining. Honestly I'm not sure there are any cities that give Black women an advantage, especially educated ones. Statistically there are more of us in existence. But it's not just Black women, but women in general.
I think DC is a good city. The job industry is good. There are a lot of eligible single men and night life is good no matter your interest.

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I've only visited DC but it does seem like a good city to find a decent guy. So many black men its ridiculous! But then again, Im living in a city with a not so huge black population let alone black male population, at least any that are about something.
I know folks think Alabama is dull and country (lol), but I think Huntsville would be a nice city if you don't mind small cities. I don't live there, but I'm from Alabama and have friends and family there. There are a lot of technical and government/defense jobs there. Lots of men in computer science/engineering fields. Cost of living is low. And they have been doing a lot of development in the city, there's a new shopping center thats supposed to be nice (I think its similar to Atlantic Station in Atlanta).

The reason I personally would not live there is bc I've lived in Alabama most of my life and I'm pretty tired of it. Also in general Alabama is too conservative/traditional for my personal tastes.
I don't know why people are downplaying NYC but I don't think it's that bad for single Black women especially if you are interested in dating a diverse group of men. We have pretty much any and everything here! Other than the ridiculous COL, NYC isn't horrible compared to other cities like Atlanta or DC. Does anyone have more info about Philly, Miami, LA, or the Bay area? These are areas I am interested in relocating to post graduation.
@ Daystar, I heard that Toronto was a great place for women in general to meet men. I'm not quite sure about BW, but I do know that my cousin (a man) had a great time while he was living there.