Removing hair with Nair


New Member
I know that this is a crazy question, but has anyone ever heard of someone using Nair on their head, as a way to remove all of their hair. Is it even safe to use Nair on your head? I have shaved my head in the past, but my clippers are dull and I was actually considering using my Nair. Will it take longer than usual for my hair to grow back?
I'm not sure how SAFE it is to be honest, but I do know that hair depletory creams go a little further down the surface of the head so it'll take a little longer for the new hair to move up to the surface and be visible. Also, less stuble.
Well these types of creams contain BOTH the same chemicals as lye and no lye relaxers, which is why I don't use them and people can actually burn from them. Remember skin is the largest organ on the body and will absorb into the bloodstream. Even though I am a relaxer user I relaxer 3 times per year and that is on my hair not on my scalp. Using this product every few days/weeks is a no no for me, I wouldn't recommend it. I'd say go to a barbers you can trust than risk burns from a chemical all over your head, and the hair won't be removed evenly from the cream, you may still need to clip them and the hair will be tooooooo soft to use clippers. I'd say use clippers.
The LOGICAL thinking side of me knows that using Nair is not a good idea. But the CURIOUS side of me says, let's see. I have done alot of dumb things to my hair listening to my curious side. Thank you for your replies.
I don't think Nair is a good idea. There are products that are made specifically to remove hair from your head...I think one is called 'Magic 8' (or something like that).

If you're looking to remove all the hair from your head, I think you'd need to cut it and then apply the product.
LondonDiva said:
Well these types of creams contain BOTH the same chemicals as lye and no lye relaxers, which is why I don't use them and people can actually burn from them. Remember skin is the largest organ on the body and will absorb into the bloodstream. Even though I am a relaxer user I relaxer 3 times per year and that is on my hair not on my scalp. Using this product every few days/weeks is a no no for me, I wouldn't recommend it. I'd say go to a barbers you can trust than risk burns from a chemical all over your head, and the hair won't be removed evenly from the cream, you may still need to clip them and the hair will be tooooooo soft to use clippers. I'd say use clippers.

That is some interesting info :up: Thanks:)

And to the original poster, I wouldn't use that stuff on my head. I don't even use it on my body ;)
I wouldn't use that they make creams for shaving facial hair and such! I think the one Magic 8 is one like Poetess said! THey one in a green and white bottle I think!! Just don't use that Nair on your head!
Do not put Nair on your head. I have no idea how much it costs to get clippers sharpened but a basic set of clippers from Sally's will cost you about $15. Spend the few dollars and don't risk burning your scalp...not to mention the close proximity to other organs such as your eyes, ears, nose. Having the fumes this close to your face for you to inhale should tell you automatically that this is a bad idea. Tell your curious side to take a hike. You must already suspect this is a bad idea for you to even post the question.
Poetess232 said:
I googled to find the one I was talking about: It's called 'Magic Smooth Razorless Cream'

You can get it here (or at drug stores): (scroll down about halfway).


Thanks for the information. I will buy some of that. I had a terrible experience with trying to texturize my own hair. I am too impatient to wait for my hair to grow out, so I wanted to just shave it all off and start anew. I am an all or nothing type of person. Believe me, I have made many errors with my hair because of that philosophy .
Do not use Nair on your head. Nair is made for "body" hair and it will burn sensitive areas. I do use a hair remover to shape my eyebrows.
kenkaikim said:
Thanks for the information. I will buy some of that. I had a terrible experience with trying to texturize my own hair. I am too impatient to wait for my hair to grow out, so I wanted to just shave it all off and start anew. I am an all or nothing type of person. Believe me, I have made many errors with my hair because of that philosophy .

I use magic shave to shape my eyebrows and do a "brazillian" sans wax. It gets rid of all the hair very quickly and is very comfortable.
cutebajangirl said:
I use magic shave to shape my eyebrows and do a "brazillian" sans wax. It gets rid of all the hair very quickly and is very comfortable.

co-signing. I recently switched over to Magic Shave and am not going back to Nair, Neet, Veet and all the other creams I've tried.

About "nairing" the hair, well I don't know about that but I'll never forget when my cousin told me this story. She did some time in jail, and there was a girl in her block that the other girls didn't like for whatever reason. One day they decided to mess w/ her and dumped out her shampoo but refilled it w/ nair. Homegirl "washed" her hair and was a balding mess afterwards :ohwell: