mean girls messed up my nieces hair!!!!

THat is so horrible. I am usually for the peaceful approach but I"d be kicking somebody's butt at that point.
That's horrible! I agree with the action is a must and I too would classify this as assault. Unbelievable. People can be such haters. I know when my older sister was in middle school, she had long hair.....relaxed....still has log hair in fact. But back then, girls were haters man......she had her hair in a pony tail and some girl with scissors came up behind her and cut it off. Jealousy is real!
Sending ((((((Hugs))))))))))))) to your niece. Please do not let this issue slide- all involved need to be punished.
This post brought tears to my eyes. How can someone be that hateful? :(

Definately have your niece pursue this throught the school, have them do a formal investigation. I hope she saved the bottle that had the conditioner in it so it can be tested.

And then I would retain a seperate attorney and slap those low down jealous women with a civil suit...whatever damages she could get won't make her hair grow back, but it will teach them a lesson.

Oh and don't forget filing charges at the police station. The chemicles could have permanetly damaged her eyes, or her skin. That is assault.
:mad: Horrible!

If it had gone into her eyes, this would have been a worse story. The school needs to investigate this ASAP before it happens to someone else. Those girls need to be arrested and punished.

I hope your niece's scalp heals quickly. Did she go to a dermatologist yet? She'll need a medical report.

I'm sorry she experienced this. I'm hoping she gets through this whole ordeal all right.
I agree with everyone who said you should save the bottle, file a police report, and contact an attorney to file a legal action against ALL of those b**tches on the team and the school, too.

If it were me, someone (or a few folks) would've ended up in the hospital and my a** would've been facing assault charges. If some of that stuff would've gotten in her eye...I'm getting mad just thinking about it.

Please keep us updated.{{{{Hugs}}}}
Why why why?!?!!?!?!?!? Def pursue this :mad: How is she doing now?

She needs to keep that conditioner bottle for prints...and then file an assult complaint with the police. This is VERY serious! She could have gotten the conditioner in her eye and could have been seriously injured besides the scalp burns. :mad::mad::mad:
That is just sick. I feel so bad for your niece :( I agree with everyone else who mentioned legal action. Let us know what happens.
Well my niece went to her primary care physician this morning. She is waiting for her insurance to approve :ohwell: a referral to see a dermatologist. That's dumb but whatever. Her pcp what's to make sure that there is no permanent hair damage/scalp damage.

Until she goes to see the doctor, she's been advised not to put anything on her hair or scalp except the ointment that her doctor prescribed until she sees her dermatologist. She says her scalp is really sensitive right now and the doctor prescribed her some special type of shampoo as well. Her doctor put the referral in as an "emergency referral" so hopefully it will process within 48 hours.

She's holding up but since she can't really do anything with her hair and she's not supposed to put anything on her hair she's staying locked up in the house. :(

She says she's not coming out until her appointment. :nono: - which I can understand.

My sister is already looking at some wigs for my niece to wear.

She's been looking here to get some style ideas but she's going to take her out to get on in person obviously:

Since the website is private now she's going to ahve to sign up for an account. Before she was just monitoring what people are saying. She says she may sign up when she figures out what's going on with her hair from her doctor but she sounded a little embarrassed about it. I'm going to give her gentle auntie nudges to join. ;)

This is difficult since the full school administration is not present. This was a sporting events practice so the proper school officials are slowly being contacted. I'll keep you updated.
Here I am ready to cut someone after readin that. That is some evil stuff that karma will bring right back to them. I cannot believe that girls can be that cruel! That just reminds me to be extra nice and make sure the girls in my dorm never get to that point. Although I completely doubt that girl did anything to deserve what was done to her! I guess some people are capable of doing the most hideous things out of spite and jealousy--- you know they were just hung up on the fact that this girl was probably prettier than them anyway. Punks. No one deserves that mess.

Ooh... I need to put the scissors down... That is just so :mad:... grrrrr!
She needs to keep that conditioner bottle for prints...and then file an assult complaint with the police. This is VERY serious! She could have gotten the conditioner in her eye and could have been seriously injured besides the scalp burns. :mad::mad::mad:

Good Idea !!!
this makes me so, SO upset!!! I'm very sorry that this happened to her neice. The best thing about it though is that those sames girls are going to be feeling so salty when they see her hair growing in better in more beautiful than ever (especially since she will be taking better care of it).
wft???!! :mad::mad::mad: that's beyond cruel:mad::eek::perplexedGROWN ASS WOMAN ACTING LIKE JUVENILE IDIOTS..they all need to be EXPELLED from college, IN JAIL and paying Restitution
Mean was a nice way to put it. I think times like this remind me of why I don't have children yet.
Everyone knows that there are some jokes that just aren't funny...I would have gone to school and given those rats a piece of my mind...
Mean was a nice way to put it. I think times like this remind me of why I don't have children yet.
Everyone knows that there are some jokes that just aren't funny...I would have gone to school and given those rats a piece of my mind...

well put hun,
I know if I was older, and that girl was my daughter, I would have been had the belt off and been on the freeway heading up to the school--- besides having those girls prosecuted and fined, I think the thing that would really drill it in their heads that they made a mistake would be a good ole fashioned a$$ beating...

I get the feeling Im gonna be suspicious of every girl I live with from now on... Im keeping all my hairstuff where I can see it just in case, and I think I just might hold off on buying that family size nair bottle...:perplexed
That was hellicious (if that's a word) :eek:. I'm sorry that had to happen to your niece. People have no respect when they are jealous. Well, I pray her hair grows back stonger, healthier, shiny and faster than it ever has. Those girls in her school are just plain jealous.
Oh wow. This is exactly why my mom told me to never leave things sitting around. You never know how devious some people can be.

I would insist that there be a criminal investigation. I would also talk to the school board and ask them to cancel the season... watch how quickly some of those girls will start telling what they know once they hear that!

I am so very sorry for your niece.
well put hun,
I know if I was older, and that girl was my daughter, I would have been had the belt off and been on the freeway heading up to the school--- besides having those girls prosecuted and fined, I think the thing that would really drill it in their heads that they made a mistake would be a good ole fashioned a$$ beating...

I get the feeling Im gonna be suspicious of every girl I live with from now on... Im keeping all my hairstuff where I can see it just in case, and I think I just might hold off on buying that family size nair bottle...:perplexed

It never hurts to be cautious. Like Enchantmt I also remember the member who had some girl putting bleach in her hair products.:(
It hurts that you can't trust people and I told my husband and we were both just speechless. I swear I don't know how people look in the mirror.

These girls should really be prosecuted.
:swearing::swearing::swearing:What a sick and twisted act to perpetrate on somebody! Your niece needs to pursue any and all legal avenues to get those @%&*!#@.
I'm really sorry this happened.
Take the bottle, take some pictures and head to a lawyer's office. Most likely the school will be shuffling their feet on finding the culprit. I would have my lawyer contact them and discuss where to go from there.

The fact that the school might have to come out of pocket for this will light some fire under their tails to find the real culprit and make an example out of her or them. Don't waste one minute. If nothing else, they would be covering baby girl's tuition, room AND books if they don't want question the other girls.

Ditto,ditto, ditto. I'd {She} also make sure the incident hits the school newsletter!!! Shame {not your niece-she should not be hiding or quitting the team} is a powerful motivator.
I don't know what sport she plays but they outta make it to where the team will be unable to participate in any activities until the culprit confesses. That'll get the WHOLE TEAM pissed at whoever did it and motivate them to weed out the culprit.
That's a shame. That's an assualt. The culprits knew exactly what they were doing, and they know what the result would be. Your neice should pursue this, and not let those hateful girls get away with this.
Oh no! :nono:
That's terrible.
I'm so sorry to hear about that.

First off, I would definitely file criminal charges and get an attorney for her or her guardian. Any proof or evidence would help. Contact the investigators department at your local police station. Press charges against the school because it was done on school time and on their campus. A full blown investigation should get to the bottom of matters. They will have to question everyone there that day. She needs to document the date, people around, time of day, etc.
Unfortunately when it comes to her hair, she can't "trust" anyone around at school (and the like). I will send blessings to her.
It's a shame that people are sooo jealous that they hurt another human being.
I hope this is resolved.
Please let us know the outcome.

PS. On a karmic note, it's true that what comes around surely goes around whether we are there to see it or not.
Well my niece went to her primary care physician this morning. She is waiting for her insurance to approve :ohwell: a referral to see a dermatologist. That's dumb but whatever. Her pcp what's to make sure that there is no permanent hair damage/scalp damage.

Until she goes to see the doctor, she's been advised not to put anything on her hair or scalp except the ointment that her doctor prescribed until she sees her dermatologist. She says her scalp is really sensitive right now and the doctor prescribed her some special type of shampoo as well. Her doctor put the referral in as an "emergency referral" so hopefully it will process within 48 hours.

She's holding up but since she can't really do anything with her hair and she's not supposed to put anything on her hair she's staying locked up in the house. :(

She says she's not coming out until her appointment. :nono: - which I can understand.

My sister is already looking at some wigs for my niece to wear.

She's been looking here to get some style ideas but she's going to take her out to get on in person obviously:

Since the website is private now she's going to ahve to sign up for an account. Before she was just monitoring what people are saying. She says she may sign up when she figures out what's going on with her hair from her doctor but she sounded a little embarrassed about it. I'm going to give her gentle auntie nudges to join. ;)

This is difficult since the full school administration is not present. This was a sporting events practice so the proper school officials are slowly being contacted. I'll keep you updated.

Is there an update?