mean girls messed up my nieces hair!!!!


Ok, update. Sorry I got some PM's telling me to get in this thread and give the update already. Ok, so anyways...the first pic is like...September I think. Her hair used to be VERY long (MBL) but now you can see it's short on the sides and kind of wispy and her crown is still sort of thin.

The second picture is pretty recent although I cannot tell you what date exactly. She has made a lot of progress in thickness since then but it's still pretty short.

She's graduated now ya'll so she doesn't have to go back to that school. And they never did find out who did it and an investigation proved fruitless from what my sister tells me. :rolleyes:

I think my niece really just wanted to move on with her life in the first place so........she's happy to be done with her degree and have this past her.

She's doing a lot better but now she handles her shampoo/conditioners like she does her drinks. If they are left unattended (lockerrooms, etc.), she throws them out. I tried to get her to join this site but she's not really into message boards and I still think she's a bit embarrassed. She got mad that I posted her pic before :look: and I had to take it down. :perplexed

Good thing I'm the auntie or she might have tried to fight me. :lachen:

Anyways, she's not 100% hair health yet but she's better and she's not doing the fake hair route. She has some really thin spots but her derm says the conditioner mixed in with the nair probably saved her quite a bit of damage. :nono:
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Glad she moved on...

College is criminals paradise. Crimes are never prosecuted as hard on a college campus.

Sorry this happened to her!!!
thanx for the update im glad she is doing better her hair looks really healthy in the 2nd pic :yep: my blood sure was boiling when i read your first post i dont know what happens in a persons life to think its ok to act like that towards someone else, jealousy is an evil thing :nono:
Than you for the update. I'm glad to hear she's doing better. I was hoping for some kind of justice for her. Oh well karma will get those culprits.
My heart is breaking for your niece. I know from experience the horror you feel when your hair is just coming out, especially long strands.

I would suggest she visit a dermatologist, especially since she said her scalp was burned AND she doesn't know exactly what was in that stuff.

And, I'll hope they catch the culprits. To be jealous is one thing, but what was done was definitely a crime.
I just saw this. I can't believe the coach didn't intervene. :nono: I was so upset reading about this. Some people are just evil. I hope your neice is successful in everything she does from here on out. She sounds like she is a very strong young woman.
Yea you have to wonder how they couldn't find who did it. :look:

I don't think they took it as seriously as we did. I mean hair is crown and glory to any woman but especially to a black woman. I honestly believe white girls did this to her and that's what my niece thinks too...that it was a racism issue because some of the girls would call her a half breed behind her back (when she's actually a quad-breed thank you very much). But at any rate, white folks just take hair for granted more than we do in my opinion. It just ain't a big a deal to get a terrible cut or hair tragedy to them as to us cause there's grows back without much hooplah. :rolleyes:
Unfortunately some College students are as mature as one would think. When I lived in the dorm I had someone pour bleach on my favorite shirt and another incident I had my panties go missing, only to see it strolling down the hallway on someone else's behind!! I'm very sorry about what has happened to your niece. If the school is not taking it seriously maybe a visit from a lawyer to the Dean will make them take it seriously because it is an assault I don't see it as any joke.
Here are just a few words of comfort for your niece.

Galatians 6:7 says: "Do not be misled. God is not one to be mocked. Whatever a man is sowing, this is also what he will reap."

Ecclesiastes 12:14 says: "For the true God himself will bring every sort of work into the judgment in relation to every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad."

Deuteronomy 32:35 says: "Vengeance is mine, and retribution. At the appointed time, their foot will move unsteadily. For the day of their disaster is near, and the events in readiness for them do make haste."

Your niece may not see them go through the "reaping process," but it will definitely happen. That's why it's necessary for people to watch their actions and be careful what they say.
I'm so sorry that has happened. I still consider myself a newbie so I don't know what advise to give on how to revive your nieces hair. In terms of actions against the culprit...I would do four things:
(1) Make sure the school takes some type of action such as investigation and make sure the culprits are kicked out of school.
(2) file a police report so that the police can investigate and assault charges can be brought
-she should take the shampoo bottle to the police so that it can be analyzed and locked up for evidence.
(3) Find a lawyer so that when the culprit is found you can also sue them for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
(4) If your niece decides to quit the team have her contact the NCAA and report the incident (the NCAA might view it as hazing and prohibit/suspend the team from playing this season).
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omg! i hope she presses charges. someone has to know something. SMDH!

ETA: Ok, so I see this is an old thread. Glad you're keeping her encouraged!
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Now that ive read the whole thread I see that this is 2 years old. So my earlier post is what I would have done. lol. I'm glad to see that your nieces hair is progressing!
OMG! this is horrible! the school has to do something about it and find out who is responsible! they were probably just jealous that your neice has hair and they don't. tell your neice to keep her head up!
She should definitely find out who did it. Here's an idea: College students are usually poor. Tell your daughter you will offer a reward of $100? for information on whoever did it. Then once I know, I'd call the police. In fact, she should go to the police right now and file a report. Once you know who it is turn her scheming arse in!!!