mean girls messed up my nieces hair!!!!

I was just thinking about this the other day. I'd like to know if there was any justice...street, divine, or otherwise.
I am not surprised....:nono::sad:
Girls today are CATTTY and very cruel, and a lot of people on a college campus can have serious self-esteem and self-image issues (I know because for my job we do presentations on the issue).

Damn... I won't even say I am sorry because it won't grow her hair back. But, Lenzi's Requests works like a charm.
I guess I wasn't the only one. I was wondering how your niece is doing and what happened to the criminals who did this.
This sounds like assault and maybe battery. She should treat it like a crime, put that bottle in a plastic bag or take take it to the campus police or the local police if the campus police don't have the ability to dust for prints.

She should also be keeping pictures of the damage that was done to her & make the school and the police interview the team members to determine who did this and file for civil damages against the perpetrator. Quite frankly, if this team is unwilling to reveal who did this, the entire team should be suspended, but sometimes only the fear of a lawsuit will make an entity like the school do what they should do.

I know it's hard now because I have lost my entire head of hair before to a hairdresser's negligence & I was demoralized and depressed for almost a year, but she'll feel better in the long run if she takes action.
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I am not surprised....:nono::sad:
Girls today are CATTTY and very cruel, and a lot of people on a college campus can have serious self-esteem and self-image issues (I know because for my job we do presentations on the issue).

Damn... I won't even say I am sorry because it won't grow her hair back. But, Lenzi's Requests works like a charm.

You are right. Some girls nowadays have some serious self esteem issues. They are so mean, way worse than when I was in school.
Oh my God! What is going on? Tell your niece I am so sorry this happened to her :nono:. This is crazy and it should have never happened. I would advise her to press charges. It sounds like they are more than willing to cause her great bodily harm unless she stops them.
A Joke?!! Who would find that funny? This is a simple case of jealousy and those girls deserve some kind of punishment. I am so sorry to hear that, I know if this had happened to me I would be writing from a jail cell right now.
I hope she is doing better and she keeps her head up. :rolleyes: This whole thing goes to show that jealousy doesn't just stop when you get out of high school and some women just don't deal with their own insecurities. Then they make choices in their lives as adults that shows their insecurities loud and clear. And it makes them look even more desperate and ugly.
This is sad. I'm sorry they did that to your niece. She needs to sue to for her medical bills and pain and suffering. Tell her to take lots of pictures. I'm sure that everyone will deny involvement but once your niece start naming the whole team on the lawsuits people will start talking.
I hope they caught these people because if they are willing to do such a thing I dont think they are a long way from doing far worse. This should be taken seriously by the school and the police as its not a joke:nono:. Goodluck to your niece and your sister in getting some sort of positive out come from the school and police. But do keep us posted.
Well Karma has a good way of keeping tabs on all of us...TRUST.

I'm sorry to hear this happened but I agree with the above statement...

Jerry Savelle says it best: If Satan can't steal your joy, he can't keep your goods. While it's easier said than done, the best response she can have to this (aside from pursuing finding out who actually did this) is to keep a wonderful disposition in the face of it and those who did it. That'll will irk them more than anything, I have NO doubt the culprit would end up revealing themselves unintentionally out of shear confusion at her lack of response.

Wishing her all the best and super beautiful hair regrowth.

I'm sorry to hear this happened but I agree with the above statement...

Jerry Savelle says it best: If Satan can't steal your joy, he can't keep your goods. While it's easier said than done, the best response she can have to this (aside from pursuing finding out who actually did this) is to keep a wonderful disposition in the face of it and those who did it. That'll will irk them more than anything, I have NO doubt the culprit would end up revealing themselves unintentionally out of shear confusion at her lack of response.

Wishing her all the best and super beautiful hair regrowth.


sage wisdom!!! I did this one with stellar results- people get so upset thast you are flipping out and mean. people do things like this to break ones spirit so they can really make you hurt. Her being the strongest she's ever been will not only make her stronger but make her enemies weaker!! BTW, you and your husband are CUTE!!!!! :eyebrows2:grin:
Hey Adequate... what happened to your niece? How is her hair doing?

What did they do to the girls?

I was just thinking about that for some reason and thought I'd come back and ask. I hope she's doing well.
U should def. pursue this!!:wallbash:
The world is an ugly place, but I'm sure that your neice will grow back her hair longer and more beautiful than it was before.
This is hair hate gone to a different level!:nono:
I was thinking about this too after I saw the mean girls topic in OT but I didn't realise you were the OP.

How is your niece doing? What happened to the girls?

What!?! I am so sorry to hear about that:nono:
I'm so scared for my sister for that very same reason. She has beautiful, thick mid-back length hair. She's also tall and slim. This week at church, some girls from her school actuallly came and started feeling her up for tracks!!!!

I was so heated when I heard!!! :mad: :angry2: :swearing: They are lucky I'm like halfway across the country....

no body messes with my sisters....

nobody :sekret:
I just about cried when I first read this. I hope your niece is doing better. What ever happened to those terrible girls?
I wanted to faint when I heard this. They are just terrible miserable people who can't stand to see others with even a glimmer of happiness. They obviously felt like they were beneath her.

I'm so sorry this happened to her. It is abusive and something should be done about it. Especially seeing that they aren't 5 years old.

She needs to embark on a proper hair repair regimen. If the damage is abosolutely terrible, she should get her hair cut into a pretty style at a good salon.

This is just the beginning of even greater and wonderful things for your niece.
Wow, this happened in college? I thought people would be more mature than that!
Unfortunately that isn't the case. This same thing happened to a girl when I was in college ____ years ago:grin:

She was bald in the back. I don't know what the issue was.

Everyone in college, ain't always mature enough to be there.:nono:
After reading this, I am so friggin' angry! Your family needs to file criminal charges, and also take this up with the school administration, and the school board. These girls should be punished for such an assault!

Take many pictures from different angles! Go visit a derm as well.
After going back and reading the rest of the thread, I am shocked that college students did this. I automatically assumed it was a HS environment.

Please keep us posted, because this is a good enough reason for some folks to get a good a$$-whooping. I pray for your neice to recover and hold her head up high.
I think the coach should line the whole team up and shave each and every one on the team every one have the same look it might make them think the next time they play a prank....
That's seriously messed up. That goes beyond jealousy...That's a personal attack on someone. The girls who did that deserved to be expelled or something. You are right to want to do something about it.