Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread

Bi-weekly protein, heavy protein like Emergencee or Aphogee 2-min or the stinky kind (sorry, I forget the's setting in my cabinet lol)? I recently decided to henna again after having a bad result a few months ago. I had used Bigen several weeks before the henna and I now know that was the major problem with the dryness. I'm thinking using a 1-hr henna treatment (so not to overload the hair) in natural to leave a redness so I can very easily see the new growth then deep moisturizing weekly. I'm trying to figure out if I wanna henna for the protein or Emergencee in addition because this shedding...good lawd! I know I need a touch-up but I want to stretch so badly. I have bought Silk Elements lye in mild. I hope I don't lose my hair lolol:look:

I LOVE SILK ELEMENTS. i use no-lye (i know it's drying, but i have a sensitive scalp). YOU'LL LOVE IT TOO :)

I am in. I am only 3 weeks post, but I usually do a 12 week stretch. I plan to do a 20 week stretch. I hope to be APL by than plus that is my friends wedding so I want to wait for a perm.

I already damp bun everyday so I will continue. I usually do a protein treatment once a month (Apoghee 2 minute) once a month. I will start closing monitoring my hair at 10 weeks to see if more protein is needed. I wash and DC weekly.

I used to cowash once a week but stopped. I guess i will be picking that back up as well.

Well wish me luck ladies.
**sigh** I DC'd last night and am wearing a bun today. This style is sooo boring to me but I know it is best for the cause. I'm only doing a 12 week stretch since this is my first. We'll see how this one goes to see if I can go longer, but its going to be summer soon...fingers crossed. I'll post pictures on perm days.
Ladies, that are getting sick of protective styling, there are 3 threads with ideas and pics for over 100 PS's. You don't have to just resort to the bun - and even if you do, there are dozens of ways to wear one! That's what I did last year (same bun all day every day) and I got fed up. I'll try to find the links but the threads are called something like:

  • 101 Protective Styles
  • 2009: 52 Weeks of Protective Styles
  • 7 Styles in 7 Days
Ok I couldn't bring myself to get the braids, in fear of losing my sides AGAIN:wallbash:. I have worked too hard and too long to get them back from the last time. So I tried bantu knots (under my half wig) and bantu knot outs. I really think I can make it to the end of March now and not use heat............... Happy dance --->:woot:
Okay my 12 weeks relaxer stretch ended yesterday and I am starting all over again but I'm transitioning to texlaxed hair so I'll stay a part of this thread. I will try to continue stretching 10-12 weeks at a time.
Hey Ladies...I can honestly say I'm thinking of giving up, I'm about to be 7 weeks post and I am thinking of relaxing at 12 weeks instead of 24.....:nono:
I'm just soooo frustrated....:pullhair:....I didn't know my hair grew this fast, I have an inch and a half of NG and I know its growth but I KINDA dont want it.....Anyhoo, HOPE all yall are doing fine....
Im 6 months two weeks but in the calendar is almost 29 weeks ( don't ask). I have been doing daily braid outs. I apply NTM to the NG to soften them and braid my hair. I have almost 3 inches of NG under there. The worst part it grows in spiral so I have to detangle with my fingers. Below is just my New gowth.
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Im 6 months two weeks but in the calendar is almost 29 weeks ( don't ask). I have been doing daily braid outs. I apply NTM to the NG to soften them and braid my hair. I have almost 3 inches of NG under there. The worst part it grows in spiral so I have to detangle with my fingers. Below is just my New gowth.

Your hair spirals!!??

I damn near had a moment when i washed my hair last week and was detangling it and noticed 2 spirals right in the front.

I nearly jumped in my bathroom sink trying to get a closer shot in the mirror to look at it!

I didnt know my hair could do that! It was so random! just these 2 little spirals.

I've stretched longer and never noticed it so it was weird to see it.
Your hair spirals!!??

I damn near had a moment when i washed my hair last week and was detangling it and noticed 2 spirals right in the front.

I nearly jumped in my bathroom sink trying to get a closer shot in the mirror to look at it!

I didnt know my hair could do that! It was so random! just these 2 little spirals.

I've stretched longer and never noticed it so it was weird to see it.

Its weirder to feel it. It feels like worms. Im playing with them right now, cause I do not want my relaxed hair to tangle around them.
hi guys. just curious, how much growth do you usually get after stretching and how long do you stretch? i'm just getting antsy..

also, this is random but do you think it's realistic for me to plan to reach brastrap by the fall?
Checking in on my stretch...
Cowashing is a lifesaver; My last cowash w/ GVP Nexuss Humectress was wonderful. My hair is so soft and silky. I need to do a protein and DC session this week sometime. Right now, I'm learning to leave my hair alone: no combing between washes. Right now I fell like I can strech forever; but I think that's called transitioning :)
I LOVE SILK ELEMENTS. i use no-lye (i know it's drying, but i have a sensitive scalp). YOU'LL LOVE IT TOO :)


I'm 11 weeks too!!! :drunk: I blew out my roots and all is well in stretcher's land! :lachen:

Your hair spirals!!??

I damn near had a moment when i washed my hair last week and was detangling it and noticed 2 spirals right in the front.

I nearly jumped in my bathroom sink trying to get a closer shot in the mirror to look at it!

I didnt know my hair could do that! It was so random! just these 2 little spirals.

I've stretched longer and never noticed it so it was weird to see it.

DD spirals too. Perfect insy weensy spirals. A million of them - her hair is hecka thick. Problem is, they tangle with each other and will dred up if uncombed for more than a couple days. I got tired of fighting with them and she is now relaxed. She loves it though, she loves swinging her hair. :lachen:And momma no longer cries on wash day. :drunk:

Checking in on my stretch...
Cowashing is a lifesaver; My last cowash w/ GVP Nexuss Humectress was wonderful. My hair is so soft and silky. I need to do a protein and DC session this week sometime. Right now, I'm learning to leave my hair alone: no combing between washes. Right now I fell like I can strech forever; but I think that's called transitioning :)

Cowashes are the truth. :lick: They def get me through the rough times. :yep:
hi guys. just curious, how much growth do you usually get after stretching and how long do you stretch? i'm just getting antsy..

also, this is random but do you think it's realistic for me to plan to reach brastrap by the fall?

Well the answer to this question would depend on a few variables and it's definately not the same from one person to another.

It depends on:

one - what your hair's actual growth rate really is,
two - what your overall health is like,
three - exercise,
four - how much water you drink,
five - vitamins you take and/or healthy foods you consume

So you see, this would be a complicated question to answer acurately without knowing all the facts about you. I would tell you this though, hair typically grows an average of a 1/2 an inch per month, but for some it is as little as an 1/8 of an inch and for others a whole inch a month. In regards to your second question, again we don't know all the facts about you and your hair so the jury is still out on that one.

Whatever you do, do not set unrealistic goals because if you do, you will be greatly disappointed and eventually sadly discouraged. Watch your hair to see how much you think it grows monthly and then go from there. In the beginning of my hair journey, I actually used to measure my hair growth and it was only at 1/4" a month now it grows 1/2" to 3/4" a month because of lots of care and attention. Good luck honey.
Well the answer to this question would depend ona few variables and it's definately not the same from one person to another. It depends on
one - what your actual hair's growth rate really is,
two - what your overall health is like,
three - exercise,
four - how much water you drink,
five - vitamins you take and/or healthy foods you consume

So you see, this would be a complicated question to answer acurately without knowing all the facts about you. I would tell you this though, hair typically grows an average of a 1/2 an inch per month, but for some it is as little as an 1/8 of an inch and for others a whole inch a month. In regards to your second question, again we don't know all the facts about you and your hair so the jury is still out on that one.

Whatever you do, do not set unrealistic goals because if you do, you will be greatly disappointed and eventually sadly discouraged. Watch your hair to see how much you think it grows monthly and then go from there. In the beginning of my hair journey, I actually used to measure my hair growth and it was only at 1/4" a month now it grows 1/2" to 3/4" a month because of lots of care and attention. Good luck honey.

thanks for your response. i was really just looking for a range. i don't have a number i'm looking for and just anticipate being pleasantly surprised. i am just now beginning to pay attention to my hair.
thanks for your response. i was really just looking for a range. i don't have a number i'm looking for and just anticipate being pleasantly surprised. i am just now beginning to pay attention to my hair.

Well you have beautiful hair and it's obvious you are taking very good care of it. It's good that you are now paying attention to it, this will help you in determinig with some measure of acuracy how fast it actually grows, provided there are no set backs of course.
I'm 11 weeks too!!! :drunk: I blew out my roots and all is well in stretcher's land! :lachen:

DD spirals too. Perfect insy weensy spirals. A million of them - her hair is hecka thick. Problem is, they tangle with each other and will dred up if uncombed for more than a couple days. I got tired of fighting with them and she is now relaxed. She loves it though, she loves swinging her hair. :lachen:And momma no longer cries on wash day. :drunk:

Cowashes are the truth. :lick: They def get me through the rough times. :yep:

I remember a little while after I joined LHCF I saw my first spiral in my hair! I'm like a 4z, maybe even a 5 :lol: so it was really small, but I saw it!! Now they pop up allll over the front of my head. I never thought my hair could do that either!

I also :love: cowashes.
Well I'm 18 weeks and OMG! My hair was a tangled mess tonight. Spiderweb action all over my damn head. After I detangeld for bout an hour I deep conditioned with ORS. Love that stuff. It always melts the tangles away. I'm hoping to relax for my birthday which is on the 18th. Hopefully I can tame this mess until then...
Ok soooo I feel off the wagon:ohwell:. But in return I learned that after 2inches of new growth my hair is very difficult to relax:look:.... Well, now I no that 9weeks is my MAX (4z+ anything over 9weeks=:wallbash:).....Thanks for the support ladies, keep growin!!
I'm at 12 weeks right now. I usually relax at 12 weeks since my first 14 week stretch was :nono:

My hair was fine, no trouble. It doesn't hurt that I went to the Dominican salon a few time and let them deal with it. But when I washed my conditioner out this morning :blush: And detangling was a TASK. I still don't know if I want to continue with SE or try Butter Blends. I'll have to order the BB so that's another week. My mom told me before to never wait so long to relax again because it's too difficult for her (she does it for me). We're gonna be fighting in a few weeks :lol:
<huffs and puffs>

im at 15 weeks right now. 17 is the usual goal...but i think i can stretch longer than that. Ive been cowashing every other day...and the winter weather is making it drier more than ever.

my ends look like i chewed them off or something. So i will straighten this weekend to see if there are any probs.

i really wanna be WOOOWed on relaxer day!
I'm back to 2 weeks post and have 10 more to go:yep:. I will be weaving up my hair on Sunday for 7 or 8 weeks so that should make it easier for me to be able to stretch that long. I have been using MT a lot lately, and I noticed in that 2 weeks, that my hair is growing like crazy but I don't want to get overly excited just yet. I will wait for about the 10th week and see how much new growth I have then.
I'm at 12 weeks right now. I usually relax at 12 weeks since my first 14 week stretch was :nono:

My hair was fine, no trouble. It doesn't hurt that I went to the Dominican salon a few time and let them deal with it. But when I washed my conditioner out this morning :blush: And detangling was a TASK. I still don't know if I want to continue with SE or try Butter Blends. I'll have to order the BB so that's another week. My mom told me before to never wait so long to relax again because it's too difficult for her (she does it for me). We're gonna be fighting in a few weeks :lol:

Tarae, if I was your mama, I would be fighting with you too:grin:.
8 weeks post today....(rollersets & wet buns--no direct heat [yet])
Aiming for 8 more :yep:

See, it's people like you who tempt me to stretch longer than my usual 10-12 weeks. Hmmmm, let me think, uhh, NO, I don't think so:grin:.
I relaxed last night and I'm SOOO happy! Just ended a four month stretch! It was rough, but empowering. I gained a LOT of length, too! I plan on stretching at least 4 months this time as well. Maybe one day I will get to 6 months!
See, it's people like you who tempt me to stretch longer than my usual 10-12 weeks. Hmmmm, let me think, uhh, NO, I don't think so:grin:.

I hear ya! I'm 7 weeks about 6 more to go until I'm 12 weeks and ready for my retouch. Been using MT 5 days a NG is a beast @ only 7 weeks:wallbash:. THank goodness for bunning daily. I barely have to deal with it except nitely to put more MT on the scalp.:nono:
:grin::grin:Aggie, I would LUV to stretch to 16 weeks..i'm gonna try--but 10-12 is my usual.

LOL--ur like--'uh-uh--not for me':lachen:

See, it's people like you who tempt me to stretch longer than my usual 10-12 weeks. Hmmmm, let me think, uhh, NO, I don't think so:grin:.