
Does anyone relax in certain areas only. My new growth comes in very thick in the middle and back of my head, but the newgrowth on the sides and front are pretty soft. I was wondering if it would be wise to ONLY perm the thick areas for now and do the sides when they grow out more?
You sure can, I have friends that do it all of the time. Just try to wait at least 5 to 6 weeks in between relaxing and make sure not to overlap. If there's a chance that you'll overlap, I wouldn't advise it. Even if you have a stylist, make sure that you can see the line of demarcation before putting your hair in his/her hands.


mahogany66 said:
Does anyone relax in certain areas only. My new growth comes in very thick in the middle and back of my head, but the newgrowth on the sides and front are pretty soft. I was wondering if it would be wise to ONLY perm the thick areas for now and do the sides when they grow out more?