Problem Spots


New Member
Okay - Promise - last question for the night.

I've had some serious trouble spots all my life - and they've been the two front sides of my hair and the nape of my neck (where the "kitchen" is). I hope I'm explaining this well... By front sides.. I mean where men's hair line usually recedes first. My hair hair is thin and short and always really has been. The hair at the nape peas up and is prone to snagging and breaking.

Anyone have any miracle cures, techniques or anything that they used the boosted the growth in those areas (or any trouble spots on your head)

Thank you!
When you say your hair at the sides has always been thin and short ... how far back can you remember ? I mean I checked out your fotki and your hair seems to be thinning there , do you have any patterns of male baldness in your family ?
Also your hair there can just be thin, different texture. If you check out my attachment you will see what I mean. My hairline is like freaking 2c/3a and the rest of my hair is 4a/b so it looks way thin and fine compared to the rest of my hair. ( maybe you can try growth aids like BT, MTG Ors Temple Balm, that Doogroo stimulation oil i think that is what it is called, a mix of essential oils, MN, WGO .. and the list goes on)
As for your nape .. i actually dont see the problem, your beady beeads are quite cute. As I have told many people , your nape tends to be a different texture then the rest of your hair , so you should try a different moisturiser there than you would on other areas of your hair ( maybe try a creamy moisturiser ? )


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Okay - Promise - last question for the night.

I've had some serious trouble spots all my life - and they've been the two front sides of my hair and the nape of my neck (where the "kitchen" is). I hope I'm explaining this well... By front sides.. I mean where men's hair line usually recedes first. My hair hair is thin and short and always really has been. The hair at the nape peas up and is prone to snagging and breaking.

Anyone have any miracle cures, techniques or anything that they used the boosted the growth in those areas (or any trouble spots on your head)

Thank you!

This is exactly what my hair was doing. Get yourself some Boundless Tresses!!!! It's like I have a whole new hairline and nape line!!!
Thank you so much for that response!!

There is a history of male pattern baldness in my family... they all go bald right there first, followed by their widow's peak area leaving them with the friars patch.

I can remember that the first instance of my hair being thin on ONE side was around 6th Grade when i went from my mom taking care of my hair to me taking care of it and I had a pension of wanting to comb it to one side... ALL THE TIME. So the side that I constantly used the brush on (the left side) took a beating. The texture of my hair up front is DEFINITELY different than the texture at the crown. it's must finer, softer... smoother. When I have castor oil in it, it almost looks relaxed where as I could dump a whole jar of that on the crown and it'll be like.. what?:lachen:

I'm hearing so much wonderfulness about the BT product - I'm going to order some tomorrow and see if I can get that going. Healthy Hair all the way!

Keep the stories / suggestions coming... This is SO helpful!!
I was having problems in the same areas. My temples were thinning and my nape area was broken off. These two areas are the most delicate for me and it sounds the same for you. I eventually had to give up relaxers because my hair looked so thin at the temples. How long have you been natural?

Now, my temples look better and my nape is about 11 inches long which is the longest it has ever been. It was probably around 3 inches long at its worst.

I agree with Plastic in using some of the growth aids and also not putting any tension on those areas. Wearing twists and braids really helped me, not too tight though. By the way your curly peas are cute.:lachen:

Sounds like it's time for me to join the Growth Aids Challenge :)

What does MT stand for? I know what BT is now... - I'm growing, I'm growing!!!