Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

Fyne said:
DominicanBrazilian82 Sounds like 'shrinkage' I experince it too. Your hair has so much volume :yep:

Texlax day for me on Sat @ 28 weeks post

28 weeks :delicious: LOL! My new growth shrinks up my whole head. I can't even flat iron it straight :(. Haven't yet decided how long I want to stretch. 15 weeks by Oct 1. Or 21 weeks at Nov 15. Depends on my MN results at the end of the month.

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Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

DominicanBrazilian82 Girl!! If I dont stretch out my hair after cowash/wash day it shinks and I feel bald ha ha. I've been forced to put down the flat iron as it reverts so quick there is no point! :drunk: Yeah just go with the flow and take each week as it comes. I like that you broke it down into two goals :D
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

i am 2 days post. i am under processed, so i am going to relax again at the end of October. i was moving way too slow applying.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

10 weeks post, although I was slightly underprocessed last time. I'm going for 12 weeks. I think I am going to self relax then go in to get some color and a trim maybe a cut 2 weeks after. I feel like I need something new, something refreshing.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

11 weeks post and I want to do a touch-up mid-October (16 weeks) but my new growth is very soft because of my hair drying technique so it's gonna be a wait and see. I might relax mid-November or even December if my hair continues to behave this way.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

About to be 7 weeks post. Too bummed to think about relaxing... I might try to stretch past my usual 12 weeks so that the cutting I had to do isn't so noticeable.
Just gone 7 & aiming for 12.

I think I'll achieve it as long as I'm co-washing and moisturising my new-growth.

With long hair it so much easier! Years ago when I wore a short cut I couldn't go so long because my cute chic cut grew out & not down! Lol
Misseyl said:
11 weeks post and I want to do a touch-up mid-October (16 weeks) but my new growth is very soft because of my hair drying technique so it's gonna be a wait and see. I might relax mid-November or even December if my hair continues to behave this way.

Misseyl what's your technique?
11 weeks post. Will be getting a touch up in two weeks.
I might stretch a little longer the next go round because I am getting better at moisturizing my new growth. The first time I stretched it was
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

I will be 7 weeks post on Thursday. My new growth is very soft this go round and I attribute that to increasing my water intake. I might relax at the end of October. Or not...
9 weeks post! Im planning my next TU to be a little before Christmas at about 20 weeks post. I think I'm going to order DB transitioning creme this weekend to help me with my new growth because it tends to get extremely dry
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

9 weeks and wish I could TU right freaking now. :(
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

11 weeks post

Trying to go at least 22 weeks

I self texlax with ElastaQP Regular but I promised myself that if I managed to go the full 22 weeks I would reward my new growth with a Phyto touch-up lol

oh, we gone make it!
mochalocks said:
7 weeks post, and my new growth is managable, and soft this time.

What are you using in the ng?

I'm almost 2 months. Using s-curl. Going to see if I can make it to three months.
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

I'm currently a few days shy of 24 weeks. I'm currently in a sew in, but heavily thinking of just texlaxing my hair. Last night, I had a dream of a big bucket of lye relaxer and my new growth :lol:.
pinkness27 said:
What are you using in the ng?

I'm almost 2 months. Using s-curl. Going to see if I can make it to three months.

Recently I washed and dc'ed my hair, and used dark and lovely's anti- reversion serum on my new growth.
I am 9 Weeks and I am over it.....I wanna relax!!!!!

But I always go 12 Weeks,and to think I was thinking about going 14 Weeks(sigh) we will see
14ish/15 weeks post. Forgot exactly what week I relaxed. In a sew in that's looking good but I'm dying to take it out just for a length check and because I wanna style it, lol. But I'll be strong, and I don't want to waste money so I'm keeping it in for at least another 4 weeks, hopefully 6 which will make me 18 weeks or 21 weeks post. I better be APL by then :)
Re: Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up

I'm Currently 24 wks post relaxer and i'm stretching until Dec/Jan. I did aphogee 2 step yesterday and DC'd overnight and had really great result.