Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

I went ahead and ate a little snack and took a Power Nap. I might get some dinner and coffee and see how I feel.

I also need to reattach my shampoo bowl to my shower again. It’s much more comfortable using that. I’ve got some new timers that I prerecorded my voice for telling me when to smooth etc.
I went ahead and ate a little snack and took a Power Nap. I might get some dinner and coffee and see how I feel.

I also need to reattach my shampoo bowl to my shower again. It’s much more comfortable using that. I’ve got some new timers that I prerecorded my voice for telling me when to smooth etc.

Attachable shampoo bowl?

Off to Google....
I’ve got this plus a chair: Artist hand Shampoo Bowl Portable...

Definitely need a big enough bathroom to make it work though, and I also bought a longer hose part.

I finished relaxing my hair and I’m glad I can check it off my to do list. I did mess up when I did the front because I ran out of relaxer mix. I ended up doing the half/ half method (front/back) which is really necessary for a virgin application unfortunately. It took a long time but the back section looks pretty even and consistent with the texture, the front of course needed more product. I mixed up only 13 oz but probably should have just done 20 and thrown out whatever wasn’t used.
Ended up trying the affirm mild relaxer and I feel like it was pretty good and it actually straightened my hair decently considering it was on my head no more than 13 minutes. Always love the feeling of my hair on my back and the curls were definitely stretched.


deep conditioning for now but I’ll add more pics once I rinse this out. I still worry it’ll end up reverting too much but fingers crossed.
Definitely not a rapunzel yet but gimme 2 more years

I’m finally done!!! despite my temptation, I didn’t flat iron though I will in a couple weeks to get a good trim. My hair looks good with just a blow dry though so I’m quite happy about that. I’m going to do length checks with blown out hair sometimes to get a little sense of where I’m at w/o the whole flat iron routine.
I’m good for the next 12+ weeks before I gotta do it again.


I added olaplex, argon oil and silk aminos to my lye relaxer. I added a tiny bit of conditioner since I only had the kerastase handy and that stuff is pricey.

The back is definitely the right texture, the front will need more work unfortunately but I’m ok waiting until the next relaxer day. Idk why I was being stingy with the relaxer mix but I have a 4 lb container.

It’s crazy how it initially looks quite straight but curls up once the rest of the treatments are complete. I probably would have freaked out seeing that level of straightness the first go round.
Lovely job at ScorpioLove - well done, gorgeous length!

I also relaxed today, much earlier this time at 12 weeks post. I'm over it and just wanted to relax early this time - it feels great, I'm really enjoying the thickness.

I didn't flat iron, just a blow dry but I'm going to wash again in a couple of days as I don't like how my hair feels post relaxer.
It be like that sometimes.

It really do be like that! I'm usually excited about relaxer day. Just wasn't feeling it today.


I got off the couch and parted/oiled/twisted my hair. That part took me over an hour! I took an hour break and got to the relaxing. Now I'm deep conditioning.

Love the results and so far it looks processed like I want. Time will tell. I used African Pride Regular (no lye) from Sally Beauty.

Pics coming later this week!
@sunnieb cant wait to see some pictures!

@LushLox would love to see pictures if you’re up for it!

I think 12 weeks is the perfect timeline to minimize stress with the two textures but 24 would probably be my future goal from a hair growth/ thickness perspective. Right now easy is best until our family can buy a house in a few years that I can adjust to be more hair friendly.
Looks like I'm under-processed in a few areas again. Relaxers have changed and I'm not sure what they did to them.

I'll be relaxing at 12-14 weeks instead of 16. My newgrowth starts matting around 15 weeks no matter how much I condition and moisturize.
@sunnieb what relaxer do you use? I wonder if it’s because of the bad press with relaxers that companies decided to do this. Caustic chemicals in the hands of the public tends to cause problems for those not well trained ( including salon stylists) so they opted to make the solution weaker. I’m no longer using the relaxers I used to use 10 yrs ago before being natural but given the change in consumer choices, I can definitely believe that companies are doing this.
@ScorpioLove this time I used African Pride.

But, ORS Olive Oil was my go-to for a while. I could process for 15 minutes flat (sometimes less) and my hair was perfectly straight every time. Didn't even have to think about underprocessing.

Then they came out with a "new and improved" formula that had the consistency of milk - ok, not that runny, but I've could tell something was different. :)

I've also tried Dark 'n Lovely and Optimum. Same under-processed results. :confused: Design Essentials is what I first used when I started self-relaxing because it's what my last stylist used. Unfortunately, I could only buy it online and had to order a gigantic tub or a dozen little tubs. That would be great if I relaxed monthly. :spinning: It was too much product to keep on hand and I wanted fresh kits with each relaxer.

Yeah, I think the recent lawsuits have something to do with it. If all else fails, maybe I'll have to transition to texlax. I don't know. But I DO know I'm going to do what the heck I want with my hair. Just sayin'. :cool:
@sunnieb cant wait to see some pictures!

@LushLox would love to see pictures if you’re up for it!

I think 12 weeks is the perfect timeline to minimize stress with the two textures but 24 would probably be my future goal from a hair growth/ thickness perspective. Right now easy is best until our family can buy a house in a few years that I can adjust to be more hair friendly.

Hmm pic doesn’t want to post, will try a bit later.
Hi, just in my humble opinion using relaxers can have long-term effects on your hair and scalp health.
Instead of self-relaxing or frequently using relaxers, which can be damaging, consider using a deep conditioning treatment like the Nutree Professional Hair Expert Mask.

This special deep conditioning mask is designed to moisturize, hydrate, and restore the health of your hair.

The mask contains a unique blend of natural ingredients, including shea butter, avocado oil, and olive oil, which nourish the scalp and protect against styling damage. It penetrates deep into the hair shaft to restore softness, shine, and manageability, while also providing essential nutrients like Vitamins A, C, and E. With regular use, you should experience healthier, stronger, and more vibrant hair. Additionally, this mask is free of harsh chemicals such as parabens, sulfates, and phthalates, and is safe for color-treated hair.

This can be a great alternative to frequent chemical relaxers and help maintain the health and beauty of your hair.
I am also promoting the brand,so pls DM for a free sample (USA only)
Hi, just in my humble opinion using relaxers can have long-term effects on your hair and scalp health.
Instead of self-relaxing or frequently using relaxers, which can be damaging, consider using a deep conditioning treatment like the Nutree Professional Hair Expert Mask.

This special deep conditioning mask is designed to moisturize, hydrate, and restore the health of your hair.

The mask contains a unique blend of natural ingredients, including shea butter, avocado oil, and olive oil, which nourish the scalp and protect against styling damage. It penetrates deep into the hair shaft to restore softness, shine, and manageability, while also providing essential nutrients like Vitamins A, C, and E. With regular use, you should experience healthier, stronger, and more vibrant hair. Additionally, this mask is free of harsh chemicals such as parabens, sulfates, and phthalates, and is safe for color-treated hair.

This can be a great alternative to frequent chemical relaxers and help maintain the health and beauty of your hair.
I am also promoting the brand,so pls DM for a free sample (USA only)

Is this being allowed now? @beverly @dimopoulos

This person is obviously a Nutree representative posting all over the hair forum and advertising their products.