Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

@sunnieb, glad it went good. Sorry about your breakage. Do you know what might have caused it?

Mostly laziness. I have to do better overall throughout my relaxer stretch. I start off good, them fall off around 6 weeks post. My hair starts rebelling and I get back on track around 10 weeks post.

I'm happy being BSL, if this is all the length I get, I'm good. :)
@sunnieb, laziness is a real struggle. We mean well but sometimes you just don't feel up to it.

Girl, who you tellin'? I keep trying, but it's hard sometimes. You understand more than most about dealing with dh health struggles, work, family, life - haircare gets moved waaay down the list. But, I have to look out for me as well, so do you.

Like today, I had no problem swooping my hair into a cute side pony. We've been out all day and just got back. It was a lazy style, but whateves. :look:
@sunnieb, exactly! I've had my own medical challenges over the past few months. We must take care of ourselves for sure. I'm guilty of letting my hair go when life isn't right. During those moments, hair is the least of my worry. I bet that side pony was everything though.
I'm 33 weeks post. I've been in twist extensions for about 5 weeks. I've never kept in twists this long but I needed to decide what to do w my hair. I started micro locing it back in Feb and kept my relaxed ends because my hair is MBL. The locs ended up requiring more upkeep than my natural hair!!

I'm going to take down the extensions and comb out the locs. I think I'm going to cut my curly ends (from my waaay underprocessed virgin texlax) and continue texlaxing my hair. I loved my natural hair just fine but SSTs were killing me and shrinkage kept me discouraged. I hated that I had to wait until the times I straightened my hair in order to see my length. So I may cut to APL or BSL and continue my texlax journey.

Question: How often do you ladies relax/texlax while pregnant? Just asking. :look: :abducted:
Ok, well I have decided to relax sooner than previously planned. I have gone to 16 weeks and will relax at 17 weeks cause my new growth won't let me go any further with this stretch. My plan was to go to 26 weeks which I have never done before. However, when I think back to my old habits of relaxing I have made a lot of progress because I would relax every time I felt new growth.
1 day post and me and my hair are so very happy. My new growth was no joke. I was 13 weeks post. My hair is doing good and growing and I love it. My family yesterday kept asking me if that was my real hair, lol. I guess because most of the time I have my hair in a bun or always up they can't believe it is actually how long it is. Hopefully I will reach my goal of BSL by the end of the year.
Oh wow, I just realized I'm 40 weeks post. I've mostly been in crochet braids for the last 3 months but I'm wearing my real hair out this week. I have tons of new growth but I washed, did a protein treatment, DC and did a rollerset in ponytails on Thursday and surprisingly my hair is still doing well. I can even still run my fingers through my new growth!!