Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

I've decided on Lineage Shea Butter relaxer for my next touch up. Should I run it through my no-lye relaxed length the last 2 minutes? Reading some threads and it seems like an okay thing to do

Lye makes my hair look and act like straw. :hair:

I wouldn't recommend running relaxer to the ends on purpose. Too risky for overproccessing. The relaxer is going to get on your previously relaxed hair - it's unavoidable for the most part. That's why most of us protect that hair with oil before relaxing.
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2 weeks and might relax at 10 weeks instead of my usually 12 weeks. Relaxed at 9 weeks because was going on vacation and wanted less of a struggle
18 weeks post, I want to relax by the end of August(22 weeks). That way, I'll have about 20 more weeks of stretching before giving birth. I can barely touch my scalp and it tangles very easily. I also want to cut some inches and finally get rid of my bone straight ends.
Tomorrow I will be 23 weeks post and will have 3 more to go before texlaxing again :yep:.

You know I really think MSM is keeping my roots really soft and very silky. I don't know if I will be relaxing in 3 weeks. Plus I am using some really great deep conditioners by Naturelle Grow that are keeping my roots under some serious control:yep:.

One is called NG Marshmallow and Slippery Elm Deep Conditioner and the other is called NG Mango and Coconut Deep Conditioner for get this..."Natural Hair Growth," but my texlaxed hair is enjoying the heck out of them :drool:. They are both holy grail status.
Just relaxed!! My last relaxer was last November and then I put it in micro locs back in Feb. Those things required way too much upkeep because they were so tiny. I decided to take them down and continue to Texlax. I think I got it too straight this time though. I'm going to flat iron it so I'll see the real texture in a couple of weeks.

Next time I relax, I want to prepart using sunnieb's twist method. I think I'll like that. I'll also have less new growth since I plan to relax in December. Overall, I think muy relaxer turned out well for 8.5 months of new growth.
You know I really think MSM is keeping my roots really soft and very silky. I don't know if I will be relaxing in 3 weeks. Plus I am using some really great deep conditioners by Naturelle Grow that are keeping my roots under some serious control:yep:.

One is called NG Marshmallow and Slippery Elm Deep Conditioner and the other is called NG Mango and Coconut Deep Conditioner for get this..."Natural Hair Growth," but my texlaxed hair is enjoying the heck out of them :drool:. They are both holy grail status.


My hair loves Naturelle Grow everything. Those DC's are the truth. As well as the cowash cleaners. I find myself purchasing every time she has a sale. I love her products and customer service is on point. I have never had an issue. If there any any problems she rectifies them far above my expectations. I will always support this company.

My hair loves Naturelle Grow everything. Those DC's are the truth. As well as the cowash cleaners. I find myself purchasing every time she has a sale. I love her products and customer service is on point. I have never had an issue. If there any any problems she rectifies them far above my expectations. I will always support this company.

You are absolutely right @Rozlewis.

I convoed her yesterday about being added to her mailing list to be notified when she has sales and she answered me so fast, it was as if she saw my message coming from in space and answered immediately. I am impressed, I really am, and I will be buying some of her other deep conditioners for sure. I already have my wish list ready to launch. :lol:

Thanks for letting me know about the cowash cleansers. I currently still use shampoos because I'm concerned about my scalp not getting properly cleaned but I might give one or two a try though.
8 weeks post and still no issues.

I'm working out 5x weekly, and that may pose some challenges in the coming weeks since I sweat a ton in my scalp.

I seriously thought about transitioning, but now I'm leaning towards long term stretching with heat. I haven't used heat in about 5 years. I'd only apply it to my newgrowth to keep it from coiling on itself and forming dreads.

I'm still researching old heat threads. To be continued.....
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I'm 26 weeks post today but I decided to wait a little longer before I texlax again. I think I'll take it to 28 or 30 weeks.
9 weeks post and have a nice layer of newgrowth that is still behaving. :)

I'm looking for a good flat iron though. I hope to "heat stretch" until after the new year if at all possible!
9 weeks post and have a nice layer of newgrowth that is still behaving. :)

I'm looking for a good flat iron though. I hope to "heat stretch" until after the new year if at all possible!
Wow heat stretched, that long huh? You are so brave.
I dunno honey. I think that's a very long time to be heat stretched. I got wayyy concerned when I saw your post. Thankfully, it hasn't happened yet :yep:

Yeah, I have my relaxer in there ready as soon a my hair shows her booty. :massmoon:
8 weeks post and still no issues.

I'm working out 5x weekly, and that may pose some challenges in the coming weeks since I sweat a ton in my scalp.

I seriously thought about transitioning, but now I'm leaning towards long term stretching with heat. I haven't used heat in about 5 years. I'd only apply it to my newgrowth to keep it from coiling on itself and forming dreads.

I'm still researching old heat threads. To be continued.....

My hair does sooooo great with this. I prefer it much more than relaxer free. I swear my hair fights itself when natural :lachen:
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Thinking that I'll be rejoining you ladies, soon. It's been a while... years.

I'm trying to decide which relaxer I want to use. Leaning towards alter ego Linange Shea relaxer.
Thinking that I'll be rejoining you ladies, soon. It's been a while... years.

I'm trying to decide which relaxer I want to use. Leaning towards alter ego Linange Shea relaxer.

That is what I used my last self relaxer. I am under processed so if you are looking into texlasting, it might work for you.