Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

I'm 10 weeks post and it looks like I can go to my longest projected stretch of 20 weeks by the way my hair currently feels. That could change to 17 weeks but for now it's 20 weeks. I might even go for 22 weeks if all goes well, but we shall see.
9 weeks post and I'm starting to feel that kinky layer of newgrowth taking hold of my scalp. Gotta stay on top of my hair game to keep it in check and detangled. :yep:

@Sanity Don't know how you made it to 21 weeks! I couldn't take it!
I'm coming up on 8 weeks post on goal is to make it to 22-23 weeks post. I wonder if this is too big a goal considering 8 weeks ago was my first relaxer ever. It's just that all the relaxed gurus say stretch as long as possible so that's what I'm trying to do.:drunk:
13 weeks and I thought all was well, but I noticed a little breakage tonight. :(

I've been bunning and keeping my ends moist, so not sure what's going on. I'm doing a protein dc now.

Will reassess in a few days. I have all my relaxer supplies on hand if I decide to relax earlier than expected.
I'm just about 7 weeks post. I plan to get a crochet braids install soon.

I will likely relax at 14 weeks depending on what my hair says.
I'll be 15 weeks tomorrow and will have 5-7 weeks to go (20-22 weeks) before I'm due to texlax again. My hair is still doing very well at the moment so 5-7 weeks should be a breeze.
14 weeks and I plan to wait until 4th of July weekend, but really at this point, I'll relax as soon as I have time. Newgrowth is off the chain! :hair:
Does your hair naturally grow in with those lil locs at the root? If so, your hair would be FIYAH with locs or sister locs. Or, do you manually do that for style?

Looks nice!

Yeah girl, and therein lies my relaxer stretching problem! :lol:

My hair is naturally like this (thanks Dad!), so it's a constant battle with my relaxed hair.

I do plan to go natural in a few years. I'm curious to see what I'll look like with those coils everywhere.
16 weeks post today and I have 4-6 weeks to go. I did a demi permanent color on my hair this morning and will need about 2 mild protein treatments before texlaxing.