Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

I use PhytoSpecific.

Thinking of switching to Affirm but I can't find a kit for 2 application anywhere. I don't need 4 or more applications of relaxers when I relax so infrequently
Yeah @11228

I think all the professional relaxers come in sets of 4. Maybe find someone who don't mind splitting the purchase with you.
Update! Relaxed Last night at 11 weeks post I couldn't wait any longer! Next relaxer is October 24th! My hair is now 10.5 to 11' long my goal for 2016 is 14". :toocool:

I think I'm going to stretch for 12 weeks max. I loose too much hair after the 10 weeks work for stretching to be worth it. The point is to not overlap .... I can make sure of that
Any takers?

I'm relaxing in 2 weeks
Aww sweetie, I am in love with Affirm Fiberguard Lye Relaxer in the huge tub. That's the one that I use. No-lye relaxers are not for me. They put too much calcium buildup on my fine strands and ultimately leave them dull and breaking unfortunately :nono:. I wish you find someone to take you up on your offer though.
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Should I get this kit? The Affirm Relaxer Kit 4 Applications. It doesn't say whether it is Lye or No Lye

I suppose everything I need for the process is included in the kit?
Professional relaxer kits (sensitive scalp) come as no-lye. The big buckets are lye relaxers - this is the one that I purchase. Once the kit has an activator included, that is automatically a no-lye relaxer.
Professional relaxer kits (sensitive scalp) come as no-lye. The big buckets are lye relaxers - this is the one that I purchase. Once the kit has an activator included, that is automatically a no-lye relaxer.


I wonder if I can transition from PhytoSpecific to the Professional relaxer kit

I wonder if I can transition from PhytoSpecific to the Professional relaxer kit
Yes you should be able to without any problems. If you have a very sensitive scalp, just be sure to properly base your scalp and you should be fine.
How many weeks post relaxer are you right now? 16weeks since April 2016

When is your next touch up? Probably September 2016. I want to stop shedding first before I get another touch up.

What relaxer will you use? ORS

Are you going to a salon or will you self-relax? Self relax this time. Salon was a disaster last time.
I've decided on Lineage Shea Butter relaxer for my next touch up. Should I run it through my no-lye relaxed length the last 2 minutes? Reading some threads and it seems like an okay thing to do