Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

I'm currently 7 weeks post; I have about a 1/2" of new growth. I'm hoping to stretch another 7 weeks and touching up March 26. I'm still deciding if I'm going to do it myself or if I'm going to pay someone to do it.
17 weeks post and going strong. I definitely cannot air dry at this point. I must roller set to help with controlling this new growth.
18 weeks post and it is starting to be a struggle. I had a lot of shed hairs this time so I decided to blow dry on cold air and flat iron. I wanted to see my hair and progress which gives me the motivation to hold off from relaxing for another 6 weeks. This will be my longest stretch. Not sure I will make it but I sure will try.
I'll be 40 weeks post tomorrow and I was going to texlax but my French Perm stabilizer hasn't arrived as yet soooo, it's put off for another time.....again!

No worries, my hair, believe it or not, is still quite manageable because of my timely prepooing and deep conditioning. I may wait another 2 weeks. I'll update later.
I texlaxed my hair today at 41 weeks post finally. It was so soft last month and all of a sudden, the new growth just went crazy. I wonder if it had anything to do with the inversions I did in December, January and February? Hmm!

Anyway, I used Affirm Fiberguard mild lye relaxer mixed with sunflower oil, Keracare Restorative Mask and some Chi silk infusion serum. I used Affirm Sustenance treatment as my 5 minute protein treatment followed with my Affirm normalizing poo and French Perm Stabilizer Plus.

I mixed a little of the Keracare 5 in 1 Reconstructor and Keracare Restorative Mask with Mizani Moisturefuse as my deep treatment for 20 minutes under hooded dryer. Redken Anti snap as my leave-in.
19 weeks post but I am not doing anything to my hair since I will be traveling on business next week and I flat ironed last week. I plan to relax at 25 weeks which will be right before Easter.
11 weeks post today, now washing my hair braided and in sections. No tangling and matting this way. I wish I had started doing this a long time ago. I would have been far lengthwise by now as most of my setbacks happened at many weeks post on wash days. Oh well, better late than never!
I am going on 9 weeks post. I have alot of new growth but I am keeping it soft and moisturized. I usually relax at 12 weeks but I might go a bit longer this time.
19 weeks post relaxer! I am torn between going natural when i see how my hair is thriving especially with my going ayurvedic about 80% of the time, , trimming and dusting as it needs, on my hair for the past few weeks.....but then again, i miss straight hair and no, i'm not interested in flat ironing my hair is in braids which i weave up to create a smooth outline for my wigs
15 weeks tomorrow. Gotta relax as soon as I can before my newgrowth and previously relaxed hair start a war! :hair:
Girl you're doing great at 15 weeks. I'm only attempting maybe 16 to 20 weeks this time around depending on which is tougher to complete. I pray it's at 20 weeks though.
Girl you're doing great at 15 weeks. I'm only attempting maybe 16 to 20 weeks this time around depending on which is tougher to complete. I pray it's at 20 weeks though.

Thanks girlie!

I'm trying not to complain, BUT, it's getting tough! My weekends have been busy and I don't like to rush my relaxer application. I'm seriously contemplating taking a vacation day just to relax my hair. :look:
22 weeks. Im not sure when ill get a touchup. We will see atleast 4 more weeks because i want to give my hair a break from the creamy crack. Plus Ive experienced some breakage at the root from crochet braids that was supposed to be my protective style :mad:
16 weeks today and I'm so DONE!

Cowashed last night and my hair resisted everything! That's it. I'm listening to my hair and taking action.

I don't care if I have to stay up til midnight, I'm relaxing within the next few days.

I'll try to post a pic of my newgrowth from this morning.


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I'm 16 weeks post and a weird thing has happened....I fell in love with my new growth. This has been my easiest stretch ever. I'm still going to texlax either this weekend or next but now I'm debating if I want to continue long stretches or if I'm actually going to transition. I'll decide with the next stretch.
11-ish weeks I guess? I dunno when im going to relax again...I wanna make it to end of April/Early May but I dont think I can.

I had some Senegalese twists in my hair for almost 2 and a half months...took then out yesterday. Today I shampoo'd, used Aphogee 2-Step, and deep conditioned with KeraCare Humecto...yall, my hair was so tangled, and I lost sooo much hair trying to detangle and I blame myself...I wasn't taking good enough care of my hair while I was wearing the twists. I moisturized everyday, but I got lazy and stopped DC'ing for whatever reason...sigh..
I also have a lot of shrinkage, so maybe thats making my hair look worse than what it actually is? I really wanna get past APL. Im not enjoying doing my hair anymore...the thicker my hair gets(and it definitely is increasing in thickness!) the more I just dont want to touch my hair because it hurts my scalp sooooo much to even comb it. It tangles all the time, washing it takes forever. Blow drying? Good lord--takes forever!! Im texlaxing my hair, and im loving thickness but its so overwhelming and painful and im wondering if I should just go over the texlaxed portion my next touch up and smooth some of it out? But not to the point that it's bone straight...
Im literally sitting here debating whether or not I should just relax this upcoming week, or throw some box braids in and wait it out a little while longer...I just have to make myself deep condition if I do put in the boxbraids--and trust me, this experience will help motivate me to keep up with it!

Sorry for the rant yall lol
I'm 10 weeks this coming week. It is when I start listening to my hair as to when to retouch. As of my last wash, I feel I could go another 4 weeks. If the condition of my new growth dictates otherwise on my next wash, oh well, I'm ready to take action.

I am toying with the idea of jumping on the henna/indigo bandwagon after my next application. If it loosens my curls like it seem to happen to most, I can stretch longer.
I think I am going to relax one week earlier than expected. I will be 23 weeks post (my longest stretch) and I am sick of my hair looking a mess. This weekend at 22 weeks I will clarify, do a protein treatment and flat iron to get ready for my relaxer the following week.