Well-Known Member
Yup, starting with a bob. Thank you for this visual!! The thickness is exactly what I’m going for. And I see your point about holding off on cutting. I’m not as patient as I’d likeYou've already got a head start, I believe, bc you cut yours into a bob, right?
I grew mine out by staying mainly in low manipulation PSs like cornrows, braided pigtails and minitwists/minibraids with no added hair to minimize stress where the two textures met. Of course, it's harder to tell the difference between textures when the hair is straightened so I straightened once a month or alternated between minitwists for one month and then straightened for a month. I did that for about 1-1.5 yr.
This is one of the clearest examples of the texture difference I have from my transition from bonelaxed to texlaxed.
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My hair is just too fine to rock it bonelaxed. I look at this picture often to remind myself why I don't bonelax.
That bonelaxed portion of the braid is the SAME LENGTH as the texlaxed portion of the braid. With my hair down and straightened, it looked healthy and long. I couldn't tell. But once I did my braided pigtail PS, the difference was astounding!
I ended up chopping off the bonelaxed ends a year later. Now, I'm of the mind that I shouldn't have chopped and if I find myself in the same situation, I wouldn't. They weren't hindering me in any way, they gave me the extra length to do the quick PSs a new mom needed like a high cinnabun and they provided protection for my true texlaxed ends.