I want to do my first relaxer EVER and I have no idea the do's and don'ts. Can anyone help me out with tips?
There are a few threads I read through before I did my virgin relaxer but that was a few years ago. The information is still very good though. I think there's a thread about relaxer tips or something like that floating around. It was very long and SUPER helpful.
My quick advice from a non-professional:
-practice applying the relaxer ahead of time using conditioner. The faster you can apply it, the better.
-do your roots last because they will process faster
-pre-part your hair ahead of time and use vaseline (not grease or oil) to base your scalp very well.
-Smoothing (with a comb or your hands) seems to most directly impact the outcome of your relaxer. Lots of smoothing tends to give straighter results.
-neutralize your hair thoroughly (lather up at least 3 times and leave the shampoo in for at least 5 minutes each time)
--- For my final lather, I pour an ACV rinse onto my hair and then add neutralizing shampoo to lather.
-Watch some Youtube relaxer videos for ideas. I like to pick up tips from different ppl to find what works for me.
-Breathe, relax (no pun), and turn on some good music
Both Lye and N0-Lye have their pros and cons. Think about which one would work best for you. And don't worry, you can always switch later. In one of the relaxed threads I learned a very unscientific quick way to remember the difference
Lye- harder on the scalp, easier on the hair
No-Lye - easier on the scalp, harder on the hair
Have fun and GL!!
ETA: A few post-relaxer thoughts:
Natural hair hides a multitude of sins, LOL, so don't freak out if your hair doesn't look as prestine afterwards. I would say, give yourself a good trim (not a cut) and then create a plan for your hair.
I learned this trim method and this is what I do whenever I trim my hair:
If you haven't already, grab a lite-medium protein tx. Relaxed hair definitely needs protein. A good initial protein is the ORS Replenishing pak or conditioner. I personally used Infusium 21 leave in protein as both a natural and relaxed head.