Relaxed Hair Thread

Just relaxed after being 14 weeks post

based last night with ORS
Mizani for fine/color treated hair
applied E'tae reconstructor
neutralized with Mizani neutralizing shampoo 3times
washed with CON argan oil once
applied e'tae protein conditioner for about 10 mins (wasn't sure it o was supposed to use protein again or not)
deep conditioned with CON argan mask while I worked out
roller set

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How do you like this relaxer? Is it really mild?

Sorry for slow reply!

I have found it to be very mild; I've used it twice and have slightly underprocessed both times. Although I should add that these two occasions have been the two relaxer sessions since beginning my hair journey, so I've also been adding oils, protecting the hair before relaxing etc., none of which I was doing before when using a stronger relaxer. So that could be a factor. But it's been a good relaxer.
I'm trying to stretch until December which would be a 7 month stretch but all these gorgeous hair pics and YouTube videos may make me end my stretch sooner. Maybe October... Thank goodness for these wigs! Lol.
Just curious...

Any of you use natural haircare product lines while relaxed? I'm eyeballing conditioners from Annabelle Perfect Blends and also Bobeam.

Any input is appreciated.
@InBloom I do and I love Annabelle's oils, leave in pudding, and tea rinses. I have a conditioner but haven't used it yet. For conditioners I like Naturelle Grow, Silk Dreams, and Shescentit.
I did burn a little in a small area on my scalp, how do I treat that?

I had a severe scalp burn on my temple before. I used Jamaican Black Caster Oil. I massaged the oil 2x's a day. And whatever you do DO NOT PICK THE SCAB!!!!!!!!! <-I had to learn the hard way.

Yes, I've tried stuff from SSI and didn't repurchase. I tried some Silk Dreams but was put off by the EXTRAORDINARILY long wait time. Won't repurchase.

I used and loved Hairveda, but find her stuff sold out too frequently, or the website simply being down. Frustrating if you're trying to keep a staple on hand.

This brings me to APB..gotta be better.
Has anyone tried the Crème of Nature Straight from Eden relaxer in mild. If so How did you like it?

I've tried it. My second application was as fantastic as my first. No burning at all. My hair was still a little flat afterwards, but fluffed again after a regular wash day. The matching conditioner has protein in it (word of caution). I will use this relaxer from now on.
My hair is back to growing drastically un even I keep getting trims to even it out (loosing majority of my length) so I guess for the time being I'll leave it alone.
I've tried it. My second application was as fantastic as my first. No burning at all. My hair was still a little flat afterwards, but fluffed again after a regular wash day. The matching conditioner has protein in it (word of caution). I will use this relaxer from now on.

Thank you for the reply. How long did you leave the relaxer on for? I want to texlax with this relaxer for my next touch up.
Thank you for the reply. How long did you leave the relaxer on for? I want to texlax with this relaxer for my next touch up.

I took my time applying the relaxer, then spent a short amount of time smoothing. I would say about 20 minutes total time before rinsing.
Can anyone help me tweak my regimen? I need someone to review it and/or suggest other options.

I’m currently at 14 weeks post relaxer. I’m texlaxed with Affirm relaxer and undecided on whether to follow a no heat regimen (airdrying) or an indirect heat regimen(rollersetting). I’m currently BSL from MBL after cutting my bone straight limp ends (looks shorter in photos but BSL when flat ironed straight which I try not to do often). I don’t want to blow dry/flat iron.

My other problem is tangling (webbing) on the newgwroth and dryness on NG too.

No heat: The reason I want to try a no heat regimen is that I’ve seen other ladies have great success and retention with it but then I’ve also seen other people who rollerset or blow dry/flat iron and their hair flourishes.

My problem with airdrying is that my hair looks good for 1 or 2 days then becomes tangled, ends kink up and then I lose even more hair than before. I get “webbing” on my newgrowth where the hair tangles from the root and gets matted on my right side especially, I read “webbing occurs when hair is not moisturized but I use hydrating masks and moisturizers. My newgrowth also feels dry even though I deep condition every weekend, making sure I DC my newgrowth.last week I started trying Prettywitty77 leave in formula(Hello Hydration+water+glycerin) I like that one.

Rollersetting: I did a roller set last Monday and today my hair feels and looks amazing and moisturized but my NG still feels dry)

The pros about rollersetting are:

That was how my hair was best when I started.

Tangles are minimized when hair is smooth.

Easier for me to put in a loose bun or ponytail

I’m good at them.


It’s still heat.

There’s manipulation to part hair, smooth it over the roller etc.

My regimen when airdrying:

I detangle with my fingers first, then a wide tooth comb.

Prepoo with conditioner and grapeseed oil

I started using a sulfate free shampoo but sometimes I use one with sulfates to use it up.

I deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner (I’m a PJ and have been using up my stash in order to get it down to maybe 3 DC) for 30 minutes under my Pibbs.

I then hop back in the shower and rinse.

I apply a leave in conditioner and a serum. I’ve tried detangling in the shower under the shower head using a wide tooth comb but was losing too much hair) .

Use the tshirt method to dry. I then cover my hair with a scarf and let it airdry with the rest of the hair hanging loose.

Smooth hair back with a moisturizer and put it in a loose bun with no elastic or if I use one then an elastic without metal.

When rollersetting:

Same thing as before until leave in conditioner and serum.

I then rollerset using grey magnetic rollers. Then flat iron the newgrowth although if I’m wearing a bun I don’t flat iron the NG.

I wear it down for a day or 2 then up in a bun or ponytail for the rest of the week.

I use a protein treatment once a month, clarify once a month.

I moisturize and seal twice a week, maybe 3.

I wear a satin scarf to bed but sometimes I forget. I have a satin pillowcase too but it gets tossed to the floor in the middle of the night sometimes.

Shampoos I’m using currently: Keracare detangling (sulfate free), Mizani Supreme oil (sulfate free), Moroccan oil (with sulfates)

Deep conditioners I reach for the most(moisturizing and protein based ): Silicon Mix, Kanechom Ceramides, Salerm Wheat Germ, Moroccan oil Hydrating Mask, Mizani Hydrafuse.

Leave in I reach for the most: Salerm 21, It’s a 10 leave in.

Serum: Mizani Supreme oil, Moroccan oil, Kerastase oleo relax or Chi Silk Infusion.

Moisturizer: Mizani Coconut Souffle.

Oils: coconut oil, grapeseed oil.

So, any suggestions? Another moisturizer? Cowashing? I’d really appreciate any help.
You can try moisturizing your ng with a cream also sounds like your using a lot of protein based products....I would continue roller setting it's indirect heat.
I'm taking my braidlocs down and I'm on the fence about whether I should remain natural with the significant amount of new-growth I have or go back to texlaxing. I really loved Vitale Sensitive Scalp relaxer for texlaxing and I still have a box left that I bought months ago and never opened. It's a good thing I didn't give it away lmao
@divachyk love your latest video and how you addressed the "hashtag police". :lachen:

Whatever you decide to do, you'll have me as a subscriber. Your hair journey is you own and it takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there like that.

OT: what's that lip color you're wearing in the vid? :look:

That's hard.

For me, airdrying is cool, but it has to be in a style. That's why I stick to twist outs because that way, I am able to moisturize each are and then make the twist small enough to get to the area (roots) but big enough to not be a nuisance. Then, if needed, I can re moisturize without combing. My ends tangle as well, but I feel that's because I'm just impatient at times.

With roller setting, I hate the manipulation, but in the end, the amount of hair I lose is usually the same in the end.

I've also just blow out on cool, but it just leaves me with air dried like hair. Blowing on high is ok time to time of if your not going to be washing the hair frequently but :-( what to do.

Right now, I'm just finding that with airdrying if I keep my hair stretched some kind of way, that helps with the tangles and the roots. Otherwise I'm in trouble. You could also try a combination of both, but I think the problem with the roots is that are not stretched, not necessarily dry.
Anyone in New York have a recommendation of a good stylist who can give me a retouch and possible trim? I had some under processed areas that needs correcting. I want to try a professional after one year of being my own stylist.

I live in lower Westchester but won't mind a ride to Manhattan. Brooklyn and Queens are too far.
Anyone in New York have a recommendation of a good stylist who can give me a retouch and possible trim? I had some under processed areas that needs correcting. I want to try a professional after one year of being my own stylist.

I live in lower Westchester but won't mind a ride to Manhattan. Brooklyn and Queens are too far.

I know two people in the Bronx.
lol @sunnieb, thank you. The hashtag police better be glad I got Jesus or it would have gone down a little differently. It's MAC Show Orchid lipstick topped with MAC Fashion Perk gloss. The two together = fire! Love ya lots and thanks for always supporting.
Got a retouch this Tuesday at I believe 11 or 12 weeks post. For those that asked a few months ago the brand of relaxer that was used at the salon was Nairobi Pamper. I believe she used Nairobi brand again. I will try to remember to post pics, I haven't done a length check yet.

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Need guidance please!!

Any relaxed heads using clay washes instead of shampoo?

ALL feedback, advice, guidance welcome.

Thanks in advance.
So I switched my relaxer to affirm fiberguard and I loved the results but now I have dandruff and itchy, dry scalp issues! I bought a big arse gallon of it! I don't know what to do. I hate tea tree oil but I think I'm going to add it to my prepoo's. Any other suggestions?