Relationship (not marriage)Therapy?


Active Member
My SO surprised me the other night. I was watching the T.O. show and T.O. mentioned that he was planning on going to relationship therapy with his on again/off again girlfriend.

My thought was if you have to do all that b4 ur even married maybe ur not meant to be together. My S.O's thoughts were if u really want it to work you'll do what u can to make it work. He also said I was being closed-minded.

What do u ladies think?
Dang makes me wish i had tried that with a few of my exes- maybe I wouldnt have been so closedminded...i have a low tolerance for stuff

But i have learned that patience is a virtue
My SO surprised me the other night. I was watching the T.O. show and T.O. mentioned that he was planning on going to relationship therapy with his on again/off again girlfriend.

My thought was if you have to do all that b4 ur even married maybe ur not meant to be together. My S.O's thoughts were if u really want it to work you'll do what u can to make it work. He also said I was being closed-minded.

What do u ladies think?

I tried that with my now ex. It didn't work because he didn't do what he had to do to make it work. He would constantly cancel and reschedule our appointments. When he DID show up to the sessions he wouldn't be completely honest. such a waste of time and money (he paid for it :look:). :nono: At the time it did make me seriously question our relationship because I did find it odd that we needed therapy and we weren't even married. It was a bit unsettling. And eventually we ended up going our separate ways...

But I od think it could maybe be a good idea if both people are willing to give it their all and be honest with each other.
I agree with your hubby. Relationships are hard work, better to face the issues early and upfront IMO
I wouldn't seriously consider anything T.O. suggests...if by T.O. you mean Terrel Owens.
I saw that too. That's all nice and sweet but what I think is that he needs to be in therapy for himself. I do believe that there is something wrong with you if (per Moe and Kia on one of the episodes) you have cheated on every woman you have ever been with. And then in one of the clips he was saying that he has a son he has never seen and then there was some more relationship drama with Pablo. IMO he is dealing with issues that go much deeper than their relationship.

Now if she is still around and willing to wait until he gets himself together and then they go and work on their relationship that's fine.
Nah. I kinda feel like you. If it already takes a ridiculous amount of work, why would I want to marry you. Starting out with lots of problems...maybe we shouldn't be married.

NOW if you're talking about counseling of another sort, where you have marriage counseling (not that there's a problem) but to prepare for marriage where someone asks you questions like:
How are you going to discipline your kids, etc

I think that might be helpful. I wouldn't do it because I've had these talks with my FH, but in a relationship where subjects like this weren't discussed, it would be worth it to iron out the details, and be on the same page. To me that's a different kind of counseling.
I considered going to couples counseling with my FI a few years back when we had a really rough patch......but I decided to just break up with him instead. It wasn't a problem that counseling would help, it was a problem of grow the F up and do what you need to do if you want to be with me. (it worked)

I'm pro relationship counseling. You never know what it could uncover, it may help turn a struggling relationship into a thriving one.

But I do hear your logic, if it's a new couple that's been together 6 months I'd say relationship counseling would not be the go to problem solving method... but to each his own.

Did TO do the counseling and did it work?
My ex and I tried it...I thought it was working, then BAM...we broke up and he has stated that; "he doesn't want to work on us anymore"...Needless to say I have mixed feelings about it, lol.