Regarding the lastest headlines..Would you tell or not?

Infidelity to tell or not to tell?

  • Yes, I believe in the woman’s right to know

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • Yes, If this was my friend I’d want her to know the truth

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • Normally no, but at some point during this 15year charade, I’d have felt compelled to tell her

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Nope, I’d just mine my own business, this is between the 2 of them

    Votes: 5 22.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies, we all have our opinion and for the most part are outraged at Mr. Schwarzenegger's and his revelation that he fathered a Lust child almost 15 years ago.

AND that the mom worked for the company for at least 17 years of the Schwarzenegger's 25 year marriage.

WITH THAT SAID, and based on how you "feel" about those circumstances would you or would you not tell another woman (whom you knew more than casually), if you knew that her husband was "cheating"?
Like I have said before, my answer is NO. 9.99 times out of 10 the woman already knows. You are not giving her any new news. Maria knew about dirty dyck Arnold and when you are riding dirty like him, there are bound to be babies. I am not saying she deserved it, but she knew.
If I feel that the wife doesn't have a clue, then yes; but if I have an inkling that she does, I wouldn't bother.
I have to admit I'm fellin "some kinda way" about all of this. This kind of deception would generate some serious "trust issues" for me.

If, I thought something on this level was going on (with someone who was more than just a casual acquaintance of mine), I'd have to have a very difficult conversation with her.

- If she resents/hates me, then so-be-it; atleast I'd then know that she's aware of it. I just don't do well with this going on right in-her-face.

I'm not a medler, but given the "common" man & woman, in this situation. She'd atleast be in a position to check for clues (money,...hidden cameras) or whatever.
If I feel that the wife doesn't have a clue, then yes; but if I have an inkling that she does, I wouldn't bother.
Don't forget that some women are good at "acting" clueless.

EX: Chicks who get with sexual predators\deviants then act surprised when something goes down. For goodness sakes girl, he is on a friggin list.
No because i can guarantee 99% of the time the woman already knows. Women are not stupid, some just choose to turn a blind eye to their husband's wayward ways:look:
I'd drop hints. Like "Girl, he kind of close to ole girl" "Girl, he looking kind of hard at ole girl" "Girl, I saw your man with ole girl. They looked 'happy'. Just thought you should know." "girl that baby look more like your man every single day"....
If it were my close friend and I knew her SO or DH was cheating, and I mean I knew it for a FACT then yes I would tell her.

I would want her to tell me.
I would tell my friend. After that it's on her. I'd have nothing else to say about it.

OP, I always hated the term 'love child'. So disrespectful to injured party. It's not the child's fault, but they definitely weren't conceived in love.
My bestfriend cause we've had this conversation and she told me under no circumstances am I supposed to sit on this kind of info. She would want me to tell her. But as far as anybody else...NO. Definitely not a casual acquaintance.

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I've heard of women telling their friends and unfortunately it ends up breaking up the friendship because the woman thinks that woman telling her about her man is either jealous of their relationship or wants them for them self. I personally would stay out of it.
I've heard of women telling their friends and unfortunately it ends up breaking up the friendship because the woman thinks that woman telling her about her man is either jealous of their relationship or wants them for them self. I personally would stay out of it.

This is it exactly:yep:, plus the wife already knows
I'd only tell a close friend or family member. I don't believe that every woman who is being cheated on knows, but I do believe that people will kill the messenger & that's less likely if I'm telling someone who knows that I care about her.
Personnally I'd rather loose the friendship over an honest disclosure, than to loose the friendship because I find out my friend and my SO/DH are "messy" people.

I've been there (sorta) and honestly (once heald) and reflecting back: " I resepct the honesty I received WAY MORE than I am tolerant of the Messiness of some folks. " Even to this day.
Well, what's wrong with telling someone something they already know? :scratchch

Actually, it depends on the friend, how close I am to her, how sure I am that he's cheating, and a few other circumstances.
I would tell hubby that I knew and give him a deadline for coming clean with my friend before I spilled the beans.
Yes I would but I'd have to know it for a fact. I would want a friend to tell me. However, it has to be a friend, a random person I don't know, then probably not, I don't know how she'd react.