If her tracks are showing....would you tell her or not?

If her tracks are showing, would you...

  • Tell her

    Votes: 51 32.9%
  • Keep quiet

    Votes: 104 67.1%

  • Total voters
She knew they were showing.

If she looked at herslf, she knew.

Lips would be sealed.

I dont get it.

If you know you wearing fake hair, dont you check, double check, and triple check that bad boy before you go out the house?!?!

It was a girl I used to work with at BCBS that ALWAYS had her tracks showing. I mean the ones in the FRONT!!!!!! It was literally ON TOP of her hair. I stared at it allllllll day long too. While I talked to her.

My mouth remained closed. I figured she was making a fashion statement.

You took the words right out of my mouth... When I have a weave in I stay checking my head for that very reason...

And I also have a coworker that I go to lunch with from time to time and her tracks are always showing but I keep my mouth shut just like I do about that fact that her weave is some what matted. I figure she must know this already, I mean I'm sure she checks the mirrior before she leaves in the morning and plus the ladies room at work is wall to wall mirriors.

Although I must admit it's hard talking to her sometimes because no matter how hard I try not to look, my eyes always get drawn into to her tracks.
Hello Lovely Ladies,
As i was on my way to work (riding the A train for my NYC ladies) i looked down to watch Beyonce's "Diva" video on my Zune...but something caught my eye! :blush: The young lady sitting in front of me (i was standing while she was sitting by the way) didnt examine her hair in the mirror carefully before she left the house because her tracks were out there saying "HOW U DOIN'"...then i started to think "should i tell her? would she be offended if i say something?...how should i tell her without being rude?

Has this happened to you? Did you tell? Did you clown her with your homegirls? Did you offer to fix it? Would you like a stranger to tell you your tracks are showing?

Let's hair :lachen:the stories...

FYI...i tell my coworkers when their tracks are showing...i dont have the guts to tell a stranger :nono:

I would never say anything i don't know if she is a wack job. besides tracks don't really move around ( or do they ) she should've looked
Only for friends and family. It's not worth it to me to tell a stranger since I am not sure how they will react.
I wouldnt. If she had a good weave or combed her hair properly before she left the house, tracks wouldnt be showing.
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I had a situation somewhat like that. I did not tell her because I did now know how to say, " Miss, I just wanted to let you know that your track is showing" in french :lachen: I was happily stranded in Paris 2 days and at a hotel. I was at the restaurant and she was right in front of me. I wanted to tell her though.

You never know how someone will react to it. I know if I were her, I would want someone to pull me aside discretely and tell me.
i have a co worker that ask me if her tracks are showing. So I always tell her. I guess it depends on the situation and the relationship
Hello Lovely Ladies,
As i was on my way to work (riding the A train for my NYC ladies) i looked down to watch Beyonce's "Diva" video on my Zune...but something caught my eye! :blush: The young lady sitting in front of me (i was standing while she was sitting by the way) didnt examine her hair in the mirror carefully before she left the house because her tracks were out there saying "HOW U DOIN'"...then i started to think "should i tell her? would she be offended if i say something?...how should i tell her without being rude?

Has this happened to you? Did you tell? Did you clown her with your homegirls? Did you offer to fix it? Would you like a stranger to tell you your tracks are showing?

Let's hair :lachen:the stories...

FYI...i tell my coworkers when their tracks are showing...i dont have the guts to tell a stranger :nono:

lmao@ "HOW YOU DOIN?"

I wouldn't tell her. I think some people know and don't care. Maybe I'm wrong.... maybe I'm crazy, but sometimes I think... THEY HAVE TO SEE THAT!
Imma be honest and say no. :nono: Usually I'm all for telling folks (quietly) if their slip or bra strap is showing or something is on their lip, but I don't have any personal experience with weaves so I don't know the protocol, lol. I don't know how they'd react so I stay on mute. I only remember seeing one person who's tracks were OBVIOUSLY showing and I kept my lips zipped! :look:
:sad: I would tell her. Because what if my tracks were showing, I would want someone to tell me. :yep: But knowing me I would start laughing if a stranger came u to me saying "excuse me your tracks are showing and you need to fix that before the man of your dreams see you!":lachen:
one of the main reasons why growing your own is so freeing and less stressful.
not having to constantly worry about tracks playing peek-a-boo. THANK GOD!!!

to answer your question, depends on my mood, the location, whether she's approachable.... but i lean towards "yes"
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I voted that I would tell her. It really just depends... She might get an attitude, and I would not want to start a fight on the train.

A girl once came to class with one of her rollers still in her hair, and I pointed it out to her when no one was looking.
I voted that I would tell her. It really just depends... She might get an attitude, and I would not want to start a fight on the train.

A girl once came to class with one of her rollers still in her hair, and I pointed it out to her when no one was looking.

That happened to me before a loooooooooong time ago. :look: Pre-LHCF. :grin: To make it so bad an older man pointed it out, who later became my boss. :ohwell:
LOL. This reminds me of when my lil sis used to get the most horrific full multicolored weaves done by her friend who also had similar weaves. :nono: We have different styles and she had never taken my advice before on hair. One day she asked me "is my track showing". I said girl your whole head is one big vortex of tracks. (at the top it was going round and round in a circle) :lachen: She looked so shocked and said why didn't you tell me? I said, "I thought that was ya'lls style". Your friend got the same thing going on and you never said nothing about it. How am I supposed to know? :confused: There was no way of even covering the tracks since no hair was left out. She has since been wearing full wigs.

I'm sorry, but....:lachen:
Only if I could do it quitely w/o embarrassing her/drawing attention to it.

...also depends on whether or not she looked like a b*** - some girls just have that screwface...
nope i dont say a damn thing, i see tracks all day everyday..some JACKED UP tracks.

i've even seen the thread still. what can i say man if they dont see nuttin wrong then ...to each his own all i know is you would neva see my hair like that
I don't think I'd say anything. Too many folks are crazy out there. You could end up being cussed out ... all in the name of trying to help.
I can say definitely that I would not tell a stranger. I know because at the gym on Monday there was a girl with tracks showing. But on the real I think I didn't say anything especially because I smiled at her and said hello and she didn't even look at me. Rude!! The black women where I live are so smiley and friendly with whites but to other black women they are all out snobby. Not all--but a vast majority. I'm from another state and I think it's different. Just my opinion.
I've worn weaves and on a windy day, I've probably had an exposed track but I wouldn't want to hear about it from a stranger. It's not their business.

I'd tell a friend or someone I was friendly with at work.
Yep, I would tell her. Shoot, I would want to be told. And yes, I have let a complete stranger know that her tracks were showing.
Nope, don't want to get cussed out on the train. Especially in the City, some folks are dead up crazy. I'm not trying to deal with the drama.

I was thinking the same thing. People in Boston shoot each other on the bus for no reason, can you imagine if you gave them one LOL I would feel bad and depending on whether she looked crazy or not I would either tell her. Now if it was broccoli in her teeth or plumbers butt LOL yeah I would say something
Yes, Tell them PLEASE!...as a person who wears tracks I implore you to! Maybe the wind blew her cover the wrong way or her hair outgrew her cover, but it is better that one stranger let you know and you can fix it than to get home later and realize you were probably EVERYONE's lunch banter.
not trying to stereotype, but i know northern folks are not as nice as the ones down here. I would be scared to tell her. But i would def tell me friends, coworkers and etc
I've never said anything because I never thought they cared...it's not like no one knows it's fake hair anyway....so why fake the funk:)