If her tracks are showing....would you tell her or not?

If her tracks are showing, would you...

  • Tell her

    Votes: 51 32.9%
  • Keep quiet

    Votes: 104 67.1%

  • Total voters
I've never said anything because I never thought they cared...it's not like no one knows it's fake hair anyway....so why fake the funk:)

For the same reason people wear underarm deodarant...we all know humans sweat and produce musk, but we don't need to smell it. If someone told any of us they smelled our underarms I am sure we would be mighty embarassed....:nono:
LOL. This reminds me of when my lil sis used to get the most horrific full multicolored weaves done by her friend who also had similar weaves. :nono: We have different styles and she had never taken my advice before on hair. One day she asked me "is my track showing". I said girl your whole head is one big vortex of tracks. (at the top it was going round and round in a circle) :lachen: She looked so shocked and said why didn't you tell me? I said, "I thought that was ya'lls style". Your friend got the same thing going on and you never said nothing about it. How am I supposed to know? :confused: There was no way of even covering the tracks since no hair was left out. She has since been wearing full wigs.

I would keep quiet if she were a stranger. If it's a friend or colleague of mine, I would tell her and help her fix it.:drunk:
If someone's tracks are just obvious, I don't tell them because I figure they have to know and just decided to be like, "**** it".

If someone's tracks are loose, I tell them.
Ummm....... I'd probably tell her, because I don't see that as being much different than telling a lady that her cycle has soiled her clothes. Would I laugh about it later with friends? Nope, because I wouldn't want anyone doing that to me.
Last week in school, this white girl's tracks were showing and I was completely quiet. One she's not so nice to me and I felt if I told her her tracks were showing she'd try to play me to the left.
I told my co-worker that her track was showing and helped her fix it. I do not want anyone going around with their hair looking crazy.
It's not my business so no I wouldn't tell. Most of this ladies don't really care, and it's expected anyway.
hmm depends on who it is... but if its some1 im not to close to then no. I would tell this one girl who tracks are way to obvious but she believes that its all hers... i dont want her to know that i know they are tracks :lachen:
I saw a girl on the blue line train with a big ole track showing. But I didn't say anything. The train was crowded and I thought it would embarrass her more. If I had of knew her, I would have wispered it to her.
If we were friends/ associates.. I would tell her.. Otherwise, I'd keep it moving. Some people get mad when you try to help them out
Yes it definitely depends on who it is. But these days people don't even care if their tracks are showing. Actually I would pity a person that tried to past off a weave as there real hair...It's really not a secret anymore about weaves...come on ladies!!!
I was having this debate with myself earlier in class. The girl who sits in front of me had at least 1-2 inches of track showing, I thought about telling her, but decided against it because she looks like one of those girls who would turn around and slap you if you mentioned it.
I personally would tell her. Hey i wear tracks too and I will fully admit to it if i was ever asked. I would want someone to tell me, but not in a mean or disrespectful way, that my tracks were showing,( even though i take care of making sure not one single track is showing), but hey things happen. But yeah i would let someone know that its showing. i rather someone tells me early than me walking around thinking im cute, and all the attention is on tracks that are showing, that's not cute:sad:
I have told many a person in the DC area that their tracks are showing.. I would want someone to show me the same courtesy...
I wouldn't tell a stranger, only a friend. It was their choice to wear the weave anyway, and that's what mirrors are for.
i told my classmate who sits in front of me...
we're not friends or anything, just cordial classmates, and since she plays with her sew-in like it's real, i figured she would care.

me "hey, um, i'm not trying to be rude, but you have a track showing in the back" (it was REALLY obvious)
her "where? where?"
i pointed it out, and she couldn't cover it (not enough hair left out) and she gave up and said oh well. i felt kinda bad afterward, like i should have just left her alone, but i would want someone to tell me, ya know?

since then, the track show has gotten worse. high ponytails. you can see the entire track back there sittin on top of the new growth.:ohwell:
Wow. I wish I had seen this thread.

I was waiting for the A-train on the platform and this woman walked up with HALF-A weave. Basically it looked like she had ran out of hair and/or money while getting a weave and the last track installed was mid-crown area. No scarf. Just braids waiting for the tracks to be sewn in with one or two tracks tacked in place. Perhaps she got into a club fight? LOL

I felt bad for laughing and I sure as heck wasn't gonna tap her on the shoulder and point it out. She didn't bother to cover it up so I figured she knew was going on at the back of her head.
It really depends. My general inclination is to tell the person because I would want someone to tell me. However, if she looks like she will respond with a nasty attitude, then I won't waste my effort.