Reclaiming our Bodies--re-thinking modesty


formerly nicola.kirwan
Okay, so hear me out. I am not saying that women should be able to dress provocatively or that modesty doesn't matter, but some recent events have made me think that much too much of the responsibility for men's thought lives is placed on women.

Case in point. On a Christian blog I follow--run by Focus on the Family-the editor (male) was arguing against women athletes wearing 2-pieces at the Olympic volleyball games. Discussion went back and forth, then someone mentioned that, if men really wanted to, they could learn not to automatically view women's bodies in sexual ways, that men in other countries learn to do just that. The editor said that yes, that was true, but that he never wanted to get to a point where he would be "desensitized" to a woman's body, so that he would always be excited to see his wife.

My response was that that was exactly the problem. Whether women cover up or don't cover up, men seem to feel entitled to treat a woman's body as being there for the purpose of their sexual enjoyment, even Christian men who are trying to do the "right" thing. And so, for a godly man who's trying not to "go there" in his mind, he wants women to be covered. He doesn't say, "Oh, I'm not going to look at her in that way," he says, "My only option is to look at her in that way, unless she covers herself (and then I'll still want to go there anyway)." Of course, God created us to be sexually alluring, but have we tolerated our own objectification by accepting comments like the editor made and focusing on covering ourselves all the time so as to not make any man "excited"? Corinthians says that our bodies are for God, for His glory and purposes, not simply for sexual desire.

The other thing that brought it to mind is a couple of encounters at the gym. I actually went out of my way to wear loose-fitting pants and a tee, so as to not draw any unnecessary attention to myself. Well, as I'm working on the glute machine, I look in the mirror and this man is just staring...staring. Something similar happened with someone else when I was on the elliptical/stairclimber.

I don't know if I was offended so much as frustrated with the attempts at modesty only to have men show that it really doesn't matter what you have on or don't have on, they are going to "go there" anyway.

IDK if this is a rant or a question or what. But right now I think it would be really nice for women to be able to be in their bodies, exist and move freely, without there being an issue of lust raised. And for women not to have to bear the burden of that.

Other perspectives?
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Hi Nicola,

I understand where you are coming from and have made the decision to do what I can to prevent a man other than my husband to lust after my body. I make a point to pray that men won't approach me in an inappropriate manner and I make sure I dress modestly. That's really all I can do. I make a point to dress modestly, but if a man still lusts after what they see then that's his heart's condition. In the example you gave where you were in the gym, I say that was his issue.

Men in my family share the same viewpoint as the man you referred to in your post. They don't think they should have to restrain themselves from lusting. It's sad and unfortunate they think that way. Parents need to teach that modestly is the responsibility of both sexes. Most boys are allowed to date earlier and have later curfews. I don't even want to get into the whole "sowing wild oats" thing. Some boys/ men have been taught that it's ok. The double standard is set early in life.
2 Corinthians 6:3 - "We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path, so that our ministry will not be discredited...

This is not only for our brothers sake but our own. It assists us in living a holy lifestyle so that the word of God (His ministry through us) is not discredited.

Helping our brothers avoid lustful thoughts is not the only reason for modest dressing. What we value we cover up and protect. We are all representatives of Christ and should strive to carry ourselves in a way that He is glorified- setting us apart from the world.

We should not only be modest in dress, but behaviour and conversation ... so the above only deals with a small portion of it.
This reminds me of an article I read about how sexual harrassment is more frequent against women wearing the burqa in Egypt than women who were not. The men said that the covering provided something "sexually mysterious," in other words, they always thought about what was under there.

Think about it, even society tries to make "modesty" "sexy." Saying, "leave some to the imagination." What the heck are people imagining?

If someone wants to lust after someone, it usually has nothing to do with what they are wearing. You cannot control what other people think. To place that type of burden on women is so unfair and ridiculous.
Okay, so hear me out. I am not saying that women should be able to dress provocatively or that modesty doesn't matter, but some recent events have made me think that much too much of the responsibility for men's thought lives is placed on women.

Case in point. On a Christian blog I follow--run by Focus on the Family-the editor (male) was arguing against women athletes wearing 2-pieces at the Olympic volleyball games. Discussion went back and forth, then someone mentioned that, if men really wanted to, they could learn not to automatically view women's bodies in sexual ways, that men in other countries learn to do just that. The editor said that yes, that was true, but that he never wanted to get to a point where he would be "desensitized" to a woman's body, so that he would always be excited to see his wife.

My response was that that was exactly the problem. Whether women cover up or don't cover up, men seem to feel entitled to treat a woman's body as being there for the purpose of their sexual enjoyment, even Christian men who are trying to do the "right" thing. And so, for a godly man who's trying not to "go there" in his mind, he wants women to be covered. He doesn't say, "Oh, I'm not going to look at her in that way," he says, "My only option is to look at her in that way, unless she covers herself (and then I'll still want to go there anyway)." Of course, God created us to be sexually alluring, but have we tolerated our own objectification by accepting comments like the editor made and focusing on covering ourselves all the time so as to not make any man "excited"? Corinthians says that our bodies are for God, for His glory and purposes, not simply for sexual desire.

The other thing that brought it to mind is a couple of encounters at the gym. I actually went out of my way to wear loose-fitting pants and a tee, so as to not draw any unnecessary attention to myself. Well, as I'm working on the glute machine, I look in the mirror and this man is just staring...staring. Something similar happened with someone else when I was on the elliptical/stairclimber.

I don't know if I was offended so much as frustrated with the attempts at modesty only to have men show that it really doesn't matter what you have on or don't have on, they are going to "go there" anyway.

IDK if this is a rant or a question or what. But right now I think it would be really nice for women to be able to be in their bodies, exist and move freely, without there being an issue of lust raised. And for women not to have to bear the burden of that.

Other perspectives?

Oh my gosh, yes! The bolded has been an excuse many have used to disregard Jesus' statement concerning this.
This reminds me of an article I read about how sexual harrassment is more frequent against women wearing the burqa in Egypt than women who were not. The men said that the covering provided something "sexually mysterious," in other words, they always thought about what was under there.

Think about it, even society tries to make "modesty" "sexy." Saying, "leave some to the imagination." What the heck are people imagining?

If someone wants to lust after someone, it usually has nothing to do with what they are wearing. You cannot control what other people think. To place that type of burden on women is so unfair and ridiculous.

Thanks for that article reference. I had heard something similar, and that was also a part of my thoughts in the op. I think another poster on here said that muslim women in the US wearing the burqa have been hit on by men saying things like, "I know you got booty under there."

I get the not making my brother stumble reference, but I guess I'm questioning whether--on the whole--women are actually making men stumble, or whether men need to take responsibility themselves.

I think that women can dress in explicitly sexual ways by emphasizing cleavage, letting butts hang out of skirts, essentially wearing lingere in public--clothes that communicate a clearly sexual message. That would be inviting a man to lust, openly tempting him. That's what is behind a lot of outfits and designs. But I see a difference between that and an athletic suit on the beach--two piece or not, or even a spaghetti strap dress in the summer time.

I feel like men's comments about women in burkas is the extreme example of men making women take responsibility for their own lust. I also read in a book about Iran the trouble women would get in for nail polish and mascara. It's an extreme, yes, but it seems like an extreme version of the same attitude we have.

I also often think on why it is that Jesus said nothing whatsoever to women when telling men not to look on a woman with lust.

momi said:
Helping our brothers avoid lustful thoughts is not the only reason for modest dressing. What we value we cover up and protect.

This is an interesting point that I will think about more. Please share more on that if you have any more thoughts.
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Very interesting topic ladies! I have can only add that I totally agree. I mean men tend to let their mind wonder when nothing is 'hanging out' or being 'pushed up.' Personally, I am 'blessed' in the rear and even when I am wearing the baggiest sweat pants men still stare there. I mean God gave me this body for a reason and if I am using it to His glory, I should be able feel comfortable in even my most modest piece of clothing, but men sometimes make this impossible!

Please continue!!

Wow I will behave.I do believe men throw women under the bus on so many issues.They use to think and some still do that women are inheiertly evil and that women asked for the things that happen to them.I am blessed with boobs..48g's..I wear baggy shirts and pants not out choice but since I have lost weight it happens.I use to wear provocative tops bc I loved the attention I got..I once got a 20 slipped in there that Im on God side I do dress as modestly as possible bc we aren't suppose to bring attention to ourselves.I feel if a man is a man then its his responsibility to bounce his eyes.. like women are to bounce their thoughts when they see a fine vanilla or cholate guy at the gym. I believe firmly men have to long have run around without any responsibility of their actions and women have helped them do this by either advocating what the men are saying or by not saying anything.

Paul Washer in his sermon about dating and courtship clearly tells these so called men that its their job as christian men to step up and lead and take responbility for their actions..Im done venting I dont want to thread jack
Wow I will behave.I do believe men throw women under the bus on so many issues.They use to think and some still do that women are inheiertly evil and that women asked for the things that happen to them.I am blessed with boobs..48g's..I wear baggy shirts and pants not out choice but since I have lost weight it happens.I use to wear provocative tops bc I loved the attention I got..I once got a 20 slipped in there that Im on God side I do dress as modestly as possible bc we aren't suppose to bring attention to ourselves.I feel if a man is a man then its his responsibility to bounce his eyes.. like women are to bounce their thoughts when they see a fine vanilla or cholate guy at the gym. I believe firmly men have to long have run around without any responsibility of their actions and women have helped them do this by either advocating what the men are saying or by not saying anything.

Paul Washer in his sermon about dating and courtship clearly tells these so called men that its their job as christian men to step up and lead and take responbility for their actions..Im done venting I dont want to thread jack

No, I feel you. I've just really been feeling lately that women are being dumped on in so many ways, and the church is either participating or just remaining silent. The church and society feels free to mock women for their desire for marriage without calling men to step up to the plate, grow up and marry these women. Our beautiful, natural, God-given desires to love and nurture are characterized as clinginess and desperation, when those same qualities are what have enabled children to still receive love and stability when the men have abdicated their responsibility.

We're cowed into a corner, made to feel ashamed of what God truly put in us emotionally and spiritually. If we are intelligent or have a word of wisdom, we have to make sure that we don't step out of place and threaten a man's authority. And physically, again men are permitted to be free in their bodies and their sexuality is affirmed, but ours is not.

I'm not trying to rant, but something has really been in me lately about the church and femininity and creating a godly feminism. I think we have a lot more work to do here in understanding female liberation in Christ.
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Thanks for that article reference. I had heard something similar, and that was also a part of my thoughts in the op. I think another poster on here said that muslim women in the US wearing the burqa have been hit on by men saying things like, "I know you got booty under there."

I get the not making my brother stumble reference, but I guess I'm questioning whether--on the whole--women are actually making men stumble, or whether men need to take responsibility themselves.

I think that women can dress in explicitly sexual ways by emphasizing cleavage, letting butts hang out of skirts, essentially wearing lingere in public--clothes that communicate a clearly sexual message. That would be inviting a man to lust, openly tempting him. That's what is behind a lot of outfits and designs. But I see a difference between that and an athletic suit on the beach--two piece or not, or even a spaghetti strap dress in the summer time.

I feel like men's comments about women in burkas is the extreme example of men making women take responsibility for their own lust. I also read in a book about Iran the trouble women would get in for nail polish and mascara. It's an extreme, yes, but it seems like an extreme version of the same attitude we have.

I also often think on why it is that Jesus said nothing whatsoever to women when telling men not to look on a woman with lust.

This is an interesting point that I will think about more. Please share more on that if you have any more thoughts.[/QUOTE]

To save me from typing... I am sleepy and should be in bed.

Nighty Night ladies~
Thank you Momi..your awesome woman of God a rare kind in these days..I will be honest Im scared right now.I feel that my sexuality will be the only thing that will attract a man however I know the man I want has to be of God which means a man of intergrity.

I read your post about the woman in the home and it really spoke to me.I normally look down on women who say they want to be a stay at home mom with utter disregard..but I know it takes alot to run a home..please gives us tips..please..
I agree with you ladies 100%!! I've always dress modestly; because even as a young girl (teenager) I didn't want boys/men to look at me in a sexual manner. I use to wear clothes that were way too big and I never showed any boobs/booty (well I can't help the booty, I'm gifted back there). Now that I am older I still dress modestly.

I believe a woman can be sexy in her dress without boobs hanging out (unless she's married and drawing the attention of her husband).

But I do dress appropriate to my size (no more big clothes) and I like to have my curves accented (well my waistline since I lost over 30 pounds).

Log story short, I agree with you ladies. I think women should be conscious of the messages they are sending out to men in their attitude and their dress. The way a woman presents herself is PROJECTED and men know. Which explains why a man know the difference between a woman that is the "marrying kind" and a woman that is "bedroom fun".
Excellent topic.

God wants our minds to be holy, not just our actions. That being said, the responsibility to be modest does not only lie with women but also with men. We must keep our minds clean.

Matthew 5:28-29
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

These verses tell us that the sin occurs in our mind when we look upon another with wrongful intentions. Thus, men have a responsibility not to lust after women - period. The man doesn't only have one option, regardless of what a woman wears. He has two options - to do right or do wrong. Of course, we as women should dress modestly as that is our Christian duty. However, men have the responsibility to turn away if for whatever reason they feel tempted to lust.

Again great thread. This is very important not just for us as women, but for the sons that we are raising or eventually may raise (and the other men in our lives). It is essential that they know what is right in the eyes of God.
I agree with you ladies 100%!! I've always dress modestly; because even as a young girl (teenager) I didn't want boys/men to look at me in a sexual manner. I use to wear clothes that were way too big and I never showed any boobs/booty (well I can't help the booty, I'm gifted back there). Now that I am older I still dress modestly.

I believe a woman can be sexy in her dress without boobs hanging out (unless she's married and drawing the attention of her husband).

But I do dress appropriate to my size (no more big clothes) and I like to have my curves accented (well my waistline since I lost over 30 pounds).

Log story short, I agree with you ladies. I think women should be conscious of the messages they are sending out to men in their attitude and their dress. The way a woman presents herself is PROJECTED and men know. Which explains why a man know the difference between a woman that is the "marrying kind" and a woman that is "bedroom fun".

See, this makes me a little confused. Do we want to have our cake and eat it too? I feel like sometimes we as women are convinced that we must be "sexy" in some way or another; even when we are supposedly to dress modestly. Does the Bible say to dress modesty and still be "sexy?"
And how come everyone sees modesty as "covering one's body" alone? I thought modesty also meant not wearing too much makeup/jewlery for instance.
And how come everyone sees modesty as "covering one's body" alone? I thought modesty also meant not wearing too much makeup/jewlery for instance.

Agree completely. :yep:

1 Timothy 2:9-10 - In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

1 Peter 3:3-5 - Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands
See, this makes me a little confused. Do we want to have our cake and eat it too? I feel like sometimes we as women are convinced that we must be "sexy" in some way or another; even when we are supposedly to dress modestly. Does the Bible say to dress modesty and still be "sexy?"

I understand your view on the word sexy..its a hang up for some christians..I intrepret sexy as being aestrically appealing..which you want to be for your mate or even trying to found by a man.A man is a eye person or seeing is what attracks them.I wear clothing that are nice,not too tight,not too loose and not too low cute.As for the behavior a woman should be gently in her approach not loud or abrasive..she should be strong in motives and walk..there nothing wrong with being vocal but yet tactful..

To save me from typing... I am sleepy and should be in bed.

Nighty Night ladies~

Wow, momi, what a wonderful blog post. Thank you very much for sharing. I'm encouraged by that, and the bit about sewing was good to hear as I've had a longtime interest in fashion design. I think that you are quite right that when women dressed in ways that covered themselves better, they were much more beautiful and elegant--and the attitude of society was much more one of protection toward women rather than exploitation of them.

I'll be reading and learning more. :yep:
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oooh good discussion ladies. At work, i'm known as "the girl who dresses conseratively with the glasses" :lol: I was wondering why they called me that when i was wearing tees and jeans- which our store sells alot of. Then as i looked around these girls have on dresses that stop under their butt with tall boots on. Cleavage is out and skin is bare, even in disregard to the cold weather. I flat out asked a girl "are you cold?" with a hint of sarcasm in my voice because she looked like it was 102 degrees outside when it was below freezing. So nowadays the norm is getting sexier and what was normal 3 years ago (heck last year) is 'conservative' lol.
See, this makes me a little confused. Do we want to have our cake and eat it too? I feel like sometimes we as women are convinced that we must be "sexy" in some way or another; even when we are supposedly to dress modestly. Does the Bible say to dress modesty and still be "sexy?"

Pretty Face explained it best. Men are visual creatures and I believe woman can be modest and alluring (or sexy). Is it a requirement in the bible, no not to my knowledge. I'm not saying women "must" be sexy, its an individual thing, but I do believe women should always look their best.

As for me, YES I want my cake and eat it to. As a woman, I do like to feel sexy and yet be modest.....not feel sexy everyday. But I have my moments.....:spinning:
Modesty is more than what you wear and don't wear. True modesty comes from the inside and is projected out. That is why you can see two different women wearing the same outfit and one look classy and the other look overtly sexual. It is how she carries herself and what she is projecting from the outside. While chiristian women can do their best from inviting lust, we cannot control the minds of men. Men need to re-examine their culture of blaming rather than praying. If a man has a lustful heart he needs to ask the Lord to take that from him, not ask the sister to cover up more. We need to teach young men and women that you can admire the opposite sex without it leading to lust. For example, I saw an actor on TV shirtless. It was obvious that he worked out and he had a nice body. However, my mind went to the fact that he must be diciplined and keep working out while he isn't shooting. I was wondering about the amount of self contro neccessary not to hit the potato chips and burgers when the cameras weren't rolling. I admired but did not lust.
Pretty Face explained it best. Men are visual creatures and I believe woman can be modest and alluring (or sexy). Is it a requirement in the bible, no not to my knowledge. I'm not saying women "must" be sexy, its an individual thing, but I do believe women should always look their best.

As for me, YES I want my cake and eat it to. As a woman, I do like to feel sexy and yet be modest.....not feel sexy everyday. But I have my moments.....:spinning:

I have never found a verse in the Bible where women should always "look their best." In fact Proverbs 31:30 states, Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Modesty is more than what you wear and don't wear. True modesty comes from the inside and is projected out. That is why you can see two different women wearing the same outfit and one look classy and the other look overtly sexual. It is how she carries herself and what she is projecting from the outside. While chiristian women can do their best from inviting lust, we cannot control the minds of men. Men need to re-examine their culture of blaming rather than praying. If a man has a lustful heart he needs to ask the Lord to take that from him, not ask the sister to cover up more. We need to teach young men and women that you can admire the opposite sex without it leading to lust. For example, I saw an actor on TV shirtless. It was obvious that he worked out and he had a nice body. However, my mind went to the fact that he must be diciplined and keep working out while he isn't shooting. I was wondering about the amount of self contro neccessary not to hit the potato chips and burgers when the cameras weren't rolling. I admired but did not lust.

Completely agree! It's like when Jesus said to clean the inside of the cup first, then the outside would be clean.
Personally, if you look down on someone who shows more skin than you, and you deem yourself to be holier than they are just because of style choice, you never had real modesty in the first place.
I have never found a verse in the Bible where women should always "look their best." In fact Proverbs 31:30 states, Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

10Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

11The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.

12She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.

13She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.

14She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.

15She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.

16She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.

17She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.

18She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.

19She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.

20She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.

21She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.

22She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.

23Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.

24She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.

25Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.

26She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

27She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.

28Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

29Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.

30Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

31Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

The proverbs 31 woman is the prototype for a godly woman, and I have a feeling that if she could accomplish all of this, she also took the time to present herself well and in an elegant way. Proverbs 31:22 says that she wore silk and purple). She doing all this work, why not throw on some wool? I think its because she was a very elegant woman even though verse 25 says that her clothing is strength and dignity.
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I stand corrected; a woman should look her best. :)

10Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

11The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.

12She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.

13She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.

14She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.

15She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.

16She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.

17She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.

18She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.

19She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.

20She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.

21She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.

22She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.

23Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.

24She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.

25Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.

26She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

27She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.

28Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

29Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.

30Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

31Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

The proverbs 31 woman is the prototype for a godly woman, and I have a feeling that if she could accomplish all of this, she also took the time to present herself well and in an elegant way. Proverbs 31:22 says that she wore silk and purple). She doing all this work, why not throw on some wool? I think its because she was a very elegant woman even though verse 25 says that her clothing is strength and dignity.
Thank you Momi..your awesome woman of God a rare kind in these days..I will be honest Im scared right now.I feel that my sexuality will be the only thing that will attract a man however I know the man I want has to be of God which means a man of intergrity.

I read your post about the woman in the home and it really spoke to me.I normally look down on women who say they want to be a stay at home mom with utter disregard..but I know it takes alot to run a home..please gives us tips..please..

Hey Pretty Face -

Woman yes - awesome... not hardly :blush: Thank you for the nice sentiments though...

Yes your sexuality will attract a man, but more than likely it wont be the kind that you would want to keep...

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears The Lord shall be praised.

Tips for the stay at home mom? Girl that is another thread. I tend to stay away from that topic, there are so many varying opinions on that subject. For me, it is the best thing for my husband and children. When I first transitioned from the workplace to home I remember calling my mom saying" I am able to accomplish so much now, how in the world did I manage working out side of the home". She said "its simple, those things just didnt get done". I enjoyed my choice of career and it was a great experience for me, but after I was laid off I realized just how dispensible I was to the company. To be honest, although I was great at what I did, it wasnt anything for them to train someone to replace me. However there was no one who could take my place as my childrens mom and my husbands wife. :yep:
Wow, momi, what a wonderful blog post. Thank you very much for sharing. I'm encouraged by that, and the bit about sewing was good to hear as I've had a longtime interest in fashion design. I think that you are quite right that when women dressed in ways that covered themselves better, they were much more beautiful and elegant--and the attitude of society was much more one of protection toward women rather than exploitation of them.

I'll be reading and learning more. :yep:

I love the way you have summed up that article - glad you had an opportunity to read it... :yep:
To be honest, although I was great at what I did, it wasnt anything for them to train someone to replace me. However there was no one who could take my place as my childrens mom and my husbands wife. :yep:

Now that's really something to make you go "Hmmm..." and sit and ponder for awhile.