Real Talk: Hair Confessions

I would be natural in a heartbeat if I didn't have to deal with shrinkage and tangles.
I've been a little too familiar with my hair brush lately and I'm afraid of the damage that I might get from it.
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Even though I need a cut I just can't seem to bring myself to doing it. I tend to be lazy with my hair the more ng I get.:nono:
I don't like my length right now...I think it looks terrible worn "down"

I absolutely love my wigs and am starting to feel incomplete without them :look:
I've been transitioning for 7 months now and I don't have any defined curls except way in the back of my head.
I'm reaaaally thinking about Texlaxing.

And I hate to say this secret but, if I had those 3b/3c bouncy defined curls :sekret: or any curl pattern whatsoever....I'd probably would be natural forever and never look twice at a relaxer ever again.

And I hate that I feel this way. But maybe acknowleding and accepting the truth about my feelings will help me examine them and set me on a road to self acceptance....

Hell I don't know.:rolleyes: Is that PC enough?

lately I have been thinking about getting a relaxer

my hair is such a JOB! ugh

but I probably wont, I mean I cant see it, I mean I think not, I mean nah I'm pretty sure I wont................
I feel like I should want to go natural, but I really just don't want to. I like straight hair. Natural hair is so beautiful, but I don't even like stretching my relaxer :nono:.

I haven't really tried to establish a regimen. I change my products & routine every week.

I feel like my hair is in an "awkward" phase. It's so tempting to cut it into a nice, neat layered bob.
**I hate wigs, and never wore one up until last week. I am growing out a short cut and I just got a relaxer. I am trying to prevent putting heat in it, so i am like in that "in-between" stage, and have no choice but to wear it when it's not done. I cant wait till it's safe to re-sew in the weave; I also don't care too much for weaves neither. I cant wait till my hair atleast get long enough to put in a bun.

**When I was younger (like 6 or 7), I wanted my hair to be like the little white girl on the commercial. So, I did what she did, which was keep brushing my hair right after i washed it, hoping it will get straight by doing just that, and boy, was i sadly mistaken. LOL. Thank God I don't feel that way now, and i love my hair and it's texture. But no one knows about that situation; it was like my lil secret.
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~That I still pat my head like I have a relaxer :look:.

~And that I have my hand in my hair everytime I blink.

~That I dread Sundays when its time to retwist my hair (challenging myself to keep my twists in for two week or more :rolleyes:, if only I can KEEP my hands out of my head) HIH at its fullest :wallbash:
I overlapped my relaxer accidentally the other day. Now I'm scared I'll have breakage down the line. Might have to start having someone else do my touchups.

I really think that once I hit APL and beyond (and drop 25lbs), I'm gonna be one bad ****. :look: :lol: :look:

A larger part of me than I care to admit is growing my hair out for my man's pleasure. He absolutely loved me with short hair but always *wondered* what I would look like with longer hair. Now that it's growing out, homeboy is just in heaven (me too :look: :lick:). :D I ain't mad at that...

It really irks me when my friends with long glorious hair have horrible hair practices (frequent touchups, weekly blowdrying, wearing hair out every single day). Whereas if I use a blowdryer two weeks in a row, my ish is all over the sink. Ah well. :)

There is a very small part of me, waaaaay in the back of my head that doesn't think my hair will grow. It's because it never has before; this is truly the longest my hair has ever been. So to think that it will get LONGER is just... unthinkable. :perplexed

I have severe, severe, severe hair anorexia.
I have agree with Que! I'm thinking about cutting my hair to a twa!

I use to love long hair...I wanted it so bad. Now that I have it I am having second thoughts!
Be careful what you wish for! I am looking at all these cute hair styles on the board I use to rock when my hair was I miss that.
I overlapped my relaxer accidentally the other day. Now I'm scared I'll have breakage down the line. Might have to start having someone else do my touchups.

I really think that once I hit APL and beyond (and drop 25lbs), I'm gonna be one bad ****. :look: :lol: :look:

A larger part of me than I care to admit is growing my hair out for my man's pleasure. He absolutely loved me with short hair but always *wondered* what I would look like with longer hair. Now that it's growing out, homeboy is just in heaven (me too :look: :lick:). :D I ain't mad at that...

It really irks me when my friends with long glorious hair have horrible hair practices (frequent touchups, weekly blowdrying, wearing hair out every single day). Whereas if I use a blowdryer two weeks in a row, my ish is all over the sink. Ah well. :)

There is a very small part of me, waaaaay in the back of my head that doesn't think my hair will grow. It's because it never has before; this is truly the longest my hair has ever been. So to think that it will get LONGER is just... unthinkable. :perplexed

I have severe, severe, severe hair anorexia.

I feel you:ohwell:
I want to go natural, but I'm scurred. I think my natural texture would be beautiful if it is anything like my new growth, but would be a monster to deal with for the first year or two.

I'd would do it in a heartbeat if I was 3 a/b textured. And no I don't hate myself. lmao

I'm glad my hair is thick and I'm working to make it even thicker.

I want to dye my hair blue black. I'll settle for a jet black rinse though.
I thought you were going for waistlength.
I am pretty much there and going for full waistlength now. So the cut will probably be after I complete that challenge. :look: Q

I have agree with Que! I'm thinking about cutting my hair to a twa!

I use to love long hair...I wanted it so bad. Now that I have it I am having second thoughts!
Be careful what you wish for! I am looking at all these cute hair styles on the board I use to rock when my hair was I miss that.
Yeah I hope the feeling passes me once I finish this last challenge. Q

:lol: Q
No matter what anyone says - i do believe some people just grow beautiful long hair effortlessly - like my sister - and im jealous :(
- I want my hair to grow longer, but I secretly despise my hair as it gets longer. I straightened my hair on Saturday and discovered that I grew an inch BELOW APL. Being natural, I feel like most cuter, funkier styles require shorter natural hair and as mine continues to grow I feel like I am more limited in my choices.

- I when my hair reaches BSL or an inch or two below BSL (stretched) I'll probably hack off my hair to a little bit above shoulder length.
I overlapped my relaxer accidentally the other day. Now I'm scared I'll have breakage down the line. Might have to start having someone else do my touchups.

Oooohhhh!!Did you update your fotki?

When my hair is down(not braided)i use heat way more than i should,but i can't help it...

When my hair gets to apl,I don't see myself bothering with bunning it consistently.I'll probably be wearing it down a lot:nono:

I play in my hair sooo much when its down its not even funny.
Its subconscious though;but i don't stop when i catch myself.
Real Talk:

I thought I'd be happy once I hit APL now that I'm there I won't be happy till BSL :look:

I am getting lazy with the rollersetting regimen. It's easier to blowdry and bump the ends with the big barrel curling iron real quick. I've only done it two weekends in a row hopping next week I'll actually rollerset :look:

But I get the same exact look and bounce in 30 min oppose to 3 hours rollersetting and wrapping *excuses, excuses* running off to search heat threads*
*I'm so upset that I waited to so long to go natural...:wallbash: When I think of all the hair that I would have right now had I mad the decicion earlier...*sigh*
*I think my hair is gorgeous and can't wait to see it get longer
*My hair is so much easier to take care of now...*sigh* I don't know what took me so long to hack off the relaxed hair...*sigh*...I would have been waist by now *sigh*
I want both natural and straight hair. Poor SO. I love my natural hair until it gets about shoulder length, at that point I want to relax it but then it never gets straight, so I go natural again...

I am trying really hard to let it get to my booty this time, LOL!!! then I won't ever be able to go natural again, at least according to SO

What's the greek myth where something keeps getting eaten up and after it grows gets eaten up again??...well you get the picture, that's my hair life...bipolar, it doesn't just affect the mind, it affects the hair too [TMI :)]
I want thick hair.SO.FREAKING.BAD.

Looking through everyone's fokti's, especially the ones that are popular on this board - IMHO thickness is the #1 precursor for beautiful hair, followed by length.

I mean, what are us thin haired folk to do? My hair is below BSL now, and I only wear it in a bun because I'm a little self conscious about it. Sigh...
I cant work with my NG, it's like a real battle when I make it to 10 weeks post and reverts like no other in the presence of water.

I need to step my braid-out game up. I took my hair out today and it came out alright.

I want to lighten my hair color but I'm too afraid it'll break off crazy like it did years ago.

I cant handle the thickness of my hair at all. My hair looks like the girls' from The Ring sometimes.:(
Real Talk:

I thought I'd be happy once I hit APL now that I'm there I won't be happy till BSL :look:

I am getting lazy with the rollersetting regimen. It's easier to blowdry and bump the ends with the big barrel curling iron real quick. I've only done it two weekends in a row hopping next week I'll actually rollerset :look:

But I get the same exact look and bounce in 30 min oppose to 3 hours rollersetting and wrapping *excuses, excuses* running off to search heat threads*

do you pincurl afterwards? the thing i like about rollersetting is that it makes my curls last longer. when I would use heat, it wouldnt last very long.
I'm seriously considering relaxing my hair.

I haven't washed my hair in a month, and don't plan on washing it until I take out my sew-in. :blush:

UM...I didn't say anything when my weavologist braided my hair too tight, and now I'm going to have serious issues with my hairline when I take out my sew-in.\

I love natural hair, but I miss my straight sleek relaxed hair when it looked good (which was seldom).

I think I'll probably get a 'Too Sexy for you" complex when I get to MBL/WL. lol :lachen:

I hate getting even .00001 centimeter of hair trimmed.

I'm really anxious of being 100% natural, but I refuse to cut off my relaxed ends.

My natural hair is very thick, dry and difficult to manage. I secretly dream of finding a great moisturizer that will keep it nice and soft.

I'm growing my hair long because I know that it is possible, and I love the way that I look with long hair. I'm also secretly growing it because I know a lot of men find it sexy. :ohwell:

I wish my entire head had perfectly coiled curls.
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I'm relaxed and i blow dry my hair once a week AND follow it with a flat iron. I always deep condition first and use a heat protectant, but even still, I know that much heat can't be good. What can i say, I like my hair straight, and i'm too lazy to spend hours doing a roller set.:ohwell:

me too, exactly.

- also, i don't think that i truly believe that I will be able to grow my hair to BSL, even though i'm trying to do the right things ( excepting the above, of course) and had APL hair as a child.

- I don't like the way braids look.
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Even though I am enjoying being a new natural and learning about my hair, I don't honestly see myself as a natural for "life"... maybe 3 or 4 years:look:

But I can see myself transistioning to natural again, if I did relax or texlax. I liked the look of the BC and short cuts on me. Sooo.:drunk: