there's always one.
it's just knowledge that if you're now aware of it, you will be held accountable.

and for the mature in Christ, it will not be hard for them to put down the NIV and pick up and KJV because God will give those who are willing, the ability to understand it.

There is much I can say to prove I was not just talking from mere feelings nor observation nor just taking another person’s word for it. I myself have cast stones at people who read the NIV. Now I can go down the road of the history of the biblical translations, the imperfections of my beloved KJV etc, etc, etc…..

But this thread wasn’t started for that and even if there was a thread for that I wouldn’t be inclined to join. I am so amazed at how easy it is for us to condemn one another for our different preferences. But I pray we could lay off the “doubtful disputations” (borrowed from Rom. 14:1 KJV) and get back to imbibing the word of God whether for us it is strong meat, Bread of life, water, or sincere milk. I pray that we read it and ask God for understanding and a filling no matter if it is the French translation. I personally want to thank Netta for this thread and I hope she would forgive me for this long post but I feel inclined to give a testimony regarding how her simple effort sustained a sister in a rough battle. I was placed in a new ministry this year and it seemed like all hell went into overtime to defeat my purpose. God kept causing me to triumph and so the enemy launched a new strategy. Women in my church whom I have supported, encouraged, wept for, fasted for, prayed for (and still would) started whispering lies behind my back. It seem like anyone I even smiled at would be told something about me. The perpetrators (even my close relative) were so skilled that even were confronted or cornered they would change stories or say it was a matter of misinterpretation. I felt alone and vulnerable. The attacks were so wide spread I didn’t even know who to talk to. I withdrew and went into battle with prayer, fasting and my KJV (of course). One day I was feeling down (to say the least) and I felt led to LHCF Christian forum and only one thread caught my attention. It was this one and I remembered I did start trying to read through the NIV at the beginning of the year and had totally dropped it. The responses was like gusts of fresh air, women not contending but wanting to encourage one another to accomplish a good thing. Not only was it a timely diversion for me but much to my pleasure, when I restarted Deuteronomy it ministered to me powerfully regarding the battle I was facing. I must share what has become my verse of the year, “For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes.” Deut. 10:17 NIV

If I have offended any by this post please forgive me. Ladies the enemy would like nothing more than to close this thread. He will even try and pit us against each other if that’s what it takes. Please let’s fight on and endure to the end of whatever bible we are reading.
OH Yeah Im so in!!! I started reading the bible about when this thread came out...yet i didnt spot it until now. I really want to read the whole thing.
:twocents: might as well post it here too:

NIV is missing several scriptures. it's not sound doctrine so beware.

don't be deceived,

p.s. not sure i want to even know what a "remixed" version is. :dazed:

Remixed version..

Read it, if you like it great! If you don't like it great, at least you know what you don't like. right? I am trying to read it and other versions, I've got a loooooong way to read lol. I don't split hairs about the word, I'm just reading it. The Holy Spirit is my guide when I read... but thanks for your warning.

Please pray for us as we press towards reading GODs word and as we seek understanding. This thread is about support.

There is much I can say to prove I was not just talking from mere feelings nor observation nor just taking another person’s word for it. I myself have cast stones at people who read the NIV. Now I can go down the road of the history of the biblical translations, the imperfections of my beloved KJV etc, etc, etc…..

But this thread wasn’t started for that and even if there was a thread for that I wouldn’t be inclined to join. I am so amazed at how easy it is for us to condemn one another for our different preferences. But I pray we could lay off the “doubtful disputations” (borrowed from Rom. 14:1 KJV)....

I felt led to LHCF Christian forum and only one thread caught my attention. It was this one and I remembered I did start trying to read through the NIV at the beginning of the year and had totally dropped it. The responses was like gusts of fresh air, women not contending but wanting to encourage one another to accomplish a good thing. Not only was it a timely diversion for me but much to my pleasure, when I restarted Deuteronomy it ministered to me powerfully regarding the battle I was facing. I must share what has become my verse of the year, “For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes.” Deut. 10:17 NIV

Thank you! I was talking to GOD about 1.5 hours ago, I asked him something specific and then I saw your email :kiss: Thank you! I didn't know if I was making a spiritual difference in anyones life as of lately. I have been BUSY with school, work and business. People started guilting me about ministry and not adding extra stuff on my plate...but to GOD be the GLORY and the HONOR. My ministry is in me rather I am doing homework/working/conducting business/or on FOTKI... GOD has the ability to find an avenue to reach his people. Check out my fotki if you have time... I have a ministry section... I've had the section for years...its not about me, I just want to reach GODS people however I can.... I make that an open invite...


OH Yeah Im so in!!! I started reading the bible about when this thread came out...yet i didnt spot it until now. I really want to read the whole thing.

Thanks for joining and welcome!
Creeping through Joshua and Luke.

Netta I recall reading your ministry section on your fotki a long time ago. I need to go and visit it again indeed. In this season I'm going through I keep myself immersed in godly counsel (or I might get carnal and retaliate).

I pray all who joined are still reading and being blessed.

What the NIV is about.

"Taken from the best available Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek texts"...through scholarship. Many churches use NIV. I use bibles approved by my church and Jewish editions. I personally do not prefer KJV...but I do have a copy I'm willing to trade for shipping costs only. It's bilingual Spanish-English for anybody interested.
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I started reading the Bible through after my pastor mentioned something about it in church several weeks ago. I stopped for a few weeks, but I feel motivated to get back in my word as well as study for a big exam I have coming up. I have the KJV but I want to get the ESV Study Bible as well to gather more meaning and understanding as I read. I am still in Genesis (I needed encouragement and skipped to Psalms for a few weeks) and plan on picking up the study bible this week.

This is just what I need to keep me going. Thank you. Be blessed, everyone.
I'm convinced I'm in warfare. It seems like everytime I finally settle down to read, I get sleepy. As a matter of fact even my normal devotional time has gone askew :ohwell:. Anyone else experiencing this?

I have to examine myself and get my act together.