Read the Bible Through in 2010...on Facebook!

Again..great thread. :up: My family had already decided on a reading of the Bible through 2010 before this challenge. We're reading each every night except Wed and Sundays. So we'll have 'extra days' at the end of the year to read.. lol
But it really is amazing what me and DH miss when we re-read passages, esp the familiar ones that we think we have down pat.
But I'm also following this thread and the informative comments.

I hope you all stay encouraged with your reading, so Revelation Knowledge flows freely~! I find the best readings are the nights I just don't feel like it but still do anyway... :yep:

Jes a lil testimony.. lol
Thanks for asking loolalooh! I'm working on getting back on track... and want to encourage everyone to keep posting even if you're not on schedule. Your thoughts that you share are a blessing so let's keep each other uplifted!
Good morning Ladies! How are you doing? Laela- please share too as you read with your family. :)

Today I read Exodus 25-27 where God gave very detailed instructions on how the tabernacle should be built.

And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. Exodus 25:8

And thou shalt command the children of Israel, that they bring thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamp to burn always.

In the tabernacle of the congregation without the vail, which is before the testimony, Aaron and his sons shall order it from evening to morning before the LORD: it shall be a statute for ever unto their generations on the behalf of the children of Israel.
Ex 27: 20-21

Let's pray for each other that we are all encouraged to keep in the Word. Like Creole said- it's our best weapon.
Not sure if I have posted on this thread yet, but I have certainly been a part of it.

I have kept up to date with my bible plan. Last year if I missed a day on my plan i wouldn't read it. But knowing there are others reading there bibles people encourages me not to miss it. I pray I can stick with this.

Interested to know if you guys are also studying the bible with extra explanatory works rather than just reading it through. I rely on the holy spirit to highlight new things to me. If there is anything I do not understand I go and check it out on bible resources but nothing major.

Anyone doing some real bible study. Good on yer if you are!!
Not sure if I have posted on this thread yet, but I have certainly been a part of it.

I have kept up to date with my bible plan. Last year if I missed a day on my plan i wouldn't read it. But knowing there are others reading there bibles people encourages me not to miss it. I pray I can stick with this.

Interested to know if you guys are also studying the bible with extra explanatory works rather than just reading it through. I rely on the holy spirit to highlight new things to me. If there is anything I do not understand I go and check it out on bible resources but nothing major.

Anyone doing some real bible study. Good on yer if you are!!

you know what at first when I missed days I'd add their Scriptures to the day I got back on track and then somewhere along the line I started getting distracted. So I stopped catching up and started ignoring those missed days' sections. I will catch up on all the days I missed today! Thank you for your post here.

Also, I was reading online, so there weren't any notes that helped by thoroughly explaining anything besides individual definitions.

I will start reading my physical Bible again because I use the Life Application Study Bible by Tyndale. That one helps me understand so much more than even my Amplified Bible!

Praying for us all. God bless. As Dr. Stanley says, Life Principle #8--Fight every battle on your knees and you win everytime.
you know what at first when I missed days I'd add their Scriptures to the day I got back on track and then somewhere along the line I started getting distracted. So I stopped catching up and started ignoring those missed days' sections. I will catch up on all the days I missed today! Thank you for your post here.

lol, that's exactly what happened to me !!
Not sure if I have posted on this thread yet, but I have certainly been a part of it.

I have kept up to date with my bible plan. Last year if I missed a day on my plan i wouldn't read it. But knowing there are others reading there bibles people encourages me not to miss it. I pray I can stick with this.

Interested to know if you guys are also studying the bible with extra explanatory works rather than just reading it through. I rely on the holy spirit to highlight new things to me. If there is anything I do not understand I go and check it out on bible resources but nothing major.

Anyone doing some real bible study. Good on yer if you are!!

This is a very good point. Explanatory notes have helped me tremendously. For instance, (don't laugh at me y'all) I always thought the four Gospels were written by four of the Disciples. However, when I started reading Mark, I learned that he was NOT one of the Disciples; rather he participated in Paul's first missionary journey. This was new to me. The notes also guide me with the actual Word.
I will start reading Luke today. I also joined a Proverbs A Day Challenge on another forum ... so I'm reading a chapter from Luke and one from Proverbs daily. I'm enjoying the lessons on wisdom vs foolishness in the latter. Why haven't I read Proverbs before? It could've saved me a lot of trouble. Lol.
Hey everyone- we made it to February! Let's keep the fire going.

You know through all this- I am doing more reflecting. It's so easy to look at people in the Bible who messed up and shake my head when really they're just like me! I am learning from reflecting on Abraham, Sarah, Jacob... to stop trying to get in between God's promises and just let them happen.
I agree JR. I see my story and other people's stories right here in Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Forgiveness, scheming, patience, perseverance, holiness...the list goes on. All of our answers are right here in the Word; in the examples of the lives in the Bible. It's beautiful. We just need to study it, know it, use it, practice it, apply it.
I find it intriguing that biblically the oldest son is supposed to receive the inheritance of the father but so far in my reading the youngest ones have received the blessing: Isaac (youngest to Ishmael); Jacob (youngest to Esau); Joseph (2nd youngest to the 12 sons of Jacob); Ephraim (youngest to Manasseh).
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One thing I'm realizing as I read is that I have missed out on the Word.

All these years, I thought because I read a few verses from Psalms, the book of Genesis, a couple chapters in Revelation ... that I knew the Bible. That that was sufficient. That I could get the "rest" of the Word by going to church. Well, I was wrong. My eyes have missed out on so much ... til now ...
I find it intriguing that biblically the oldest son is supposed to receive the inheritance of the father but so far in my reading the youngest ones have received the blessing: Isaac (youngest to Ishmael); Jacob (youngest to Esau); Joseph (2nd youngest to the 12 sons of Jacob); Ephraim (youngest to Manasseh).

So true plainj! I think it's because of disobedience starting with Sarah & Abraham. Having Ishmael stole Isaac's rightful place as firstborn then they did Ishamel wrong which caused so many problems to this day.

This seemed to be Jacob's demon. He stole the birthright from Esau, tried to bypass Leah the oldest for Rachel and then got tricked himself. He did it with Joseph which made his brothers hate him and even after everything & not seeing Joseph for years, he still did it with Ephraim. I don't know why but somehow God still allowed it.

I'm reading around the same chapters now... our schedule isn't historical, but starts in Luke and jumps back to Genesis and then a Psalms. We're playing catchup the last few days...

But ITA on identifying the human failures in people that God uses. Very powerful stuff, when you think about it.

So true plainj! I think it's because of disobedience starting with Sarah & Abraham. Having Ishmael stole Isaac's rightful place as firstborn then they did Ishamel wrong which caused so many problems to this day.

This seemed to be Jacob's demon. He stole the birthright from Esau, tried to bypass Leah the oldest for Rachel and then got tricked himself. He did it with Joseph which made his brothers hate him and even after everything & not seeing Joseph for years, he still did it with Ephraim. I don't know why but somehow God still allowed it.
Just some random thoughts on my reading today:

--I never realized that Canaan belonged (was promised) to the Israelites long before the tribe of Israel was ever born.

--Why were the Israelites in bondage to the Egyptians anyway other than they were becoming too many to Pharaoh? Were they being punished by God for something? Why did God allow this? Was God not with them the whole time (see Ex 2:24)?

--Why can't we just say "Yes, Lord"? Moses had all kinds of questions and ponderings for the Lord. (Ex 3:11, 3:13, 4:1, 4:10, 4:13) Is it because he didn't know the Lord because he was raised in another culture?

--Ex 4:10-11 is a great scripture to read and know when your flaws bother you.
^^^ Great post, plainj!!

One of our resources for Bible study is Know Your Bible, which explains all 66 books. I find it a good tool when reading with a teenager and it's been helpful... in case anyone's reading w/ their children. Anyone using the Strongest Strongs?
I swear, God continues to hit me over the head with the message to "obey Him". I'm listening, Father!

I read this in Luke Chapter 6 last night. Then this morning, someone referenced this same verse as she was talking about a section in Proverbs 14/15. Hmm ...

46But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say? 47 Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like: 48 He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock.[a] 49 But he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently; and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great.”
Happy Monday!

Today I read Leviticus 22 & 23 which covers acceptable sacrifices and the different feasts. Throughout the reading God stresses the importance of offering a young male lamb without defect as a sacrifice. Why? To prepare the hearts & minds of the people for our Savior Jesus- the pure & spotless lamb that was slain for our sins.

Leviticus 22:18-19

'If any of you—either an Israelite or an alien living in Israel—presents a gift for a burnt offering to the LORD, either to fulfill a vow or as a freewill offering, you must present a male without defect from the cattle, sheep or goats in order that it may be accepted on your behalf.
^^^ Great post, plainj!!

One of our resources for Bible study is Know Your Bible, which explains all 66 books. I find it a good tool when reading with a teenager and it's been helpful... in case anyone's reading w/ their children. Anyone using the Strongest Strongs?

I love that book. My church's womens ministry gave it to me when I started singing in the choir as the youngest member lol. It's so helpful.
Good morning! I hope everyone's studying is going well... :yep:

We're almost out of Luke and studied Chap 23, Jesus' trial, death and burial. That two enemies - Pilate and Herod - became 'friends' because of their common opposition to Jesus is pivotal. :nono: Most important the passage brought things back to perspective on the incredible Love God has for us, that Jesus would intercede on our (Man) behalf even as he faces death encourages me. I don't want to take this Love for granted. Today I meditate on Verse 34 -- one of Jesus' last seven utterances -- in which He is talking directly to His Father. I've learned that it's one of those misused Bible verses in today's society:

"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."

If Jesus who had a right to be vengeful can forgive, how much so is this expected of me, His follower? Unlike Him, I don't face death or harm, just a simple 'offense' here and there. So I'm humbled in spirit reading those words.
Good morning! I hope everyone's studying is going well... :yep:

We're almost out of Luke and studied Chap 23, Jesus' trial, death and burial. That two enemies - Pilate and Herod - became 'friends' because of their common opposition to Jesus is pivotal. :nono: Most important the passage brought things back to perspective on the incredible Love God has for us, that Jesus would intercede on our (Man) behalf even as he faces death encourages me. I don't want to take this Love for granted. Today I meditate on Verse 34 -- one of Jesus' last seven utterances -- in which He is talking directly to His Father. I've learned that it's one of those misused Bible verses in today's society:

"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."

If Jesus who had a right to be vengeful can forgive, how much so is this expected of me, His follower? Unlike Him, I don't face death or harm, just a simple 'offense' here and there. So I'm humbled in spirit reading those words.

So true. Just finished Luke today.

How's everyone doing?
Hey everyone, reading through Numbers. Today is Numbers 33, 34.

The children of Israel are about to enter Canaan. God has given specific instructions on how they are to drive out all the inhabitants of the land & destroy all their things, all their graven images. IF they don't, then they will become 'thorns in their sides' and their fate will be what God had reserved for the Canaanites.
How is your Bible study coming?

Today: Deuteronomy 3,4.

Moses is giving Israel instructions before they go over Jordan since he won't be joining them.

Chap 4: 23-29

Take heed unto yourselves, lest ye forget the covenant of the LORD your God, which he made with you, and make you a graven image, or the likeness of any thing, which the LORD thy God hath forbidden thee.

For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.

When thou shalt beget children, and children's children, and ye shall have remained long in the land, and shall corrupt yourselves, and make a graven image, or the likeness of any thing, and shall do evil in the sight of the LORD thy God, to provoke him to anger:

I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that ye shall soon utterly perish from off the land whereunto ye go over Jordan to possess it; ye shall not prolong your days upon it, but shall utterly be destroyed.

And the LORD shall scatter you among the nations, and ye shall be left few in number among the heathen, whither the LORD shall lead you.

And there ye shall serve gods, the work of men's hands, wood and stone, which neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell.

But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.
Just checking in to see how everyone's getting on and to say I am still on track...Praise the Lord. Well done Ladies!!!!
Hey ladies. Checking in too.

Reading John right now; on chapters 8 and 9 today. The Pharisees and others continuously try to trap Jesus, but He of course always has a wise response. Just finished reading the section where a woman was caught in the act of adultery and her accusers want to stone her. Jesus responds with “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first. (vs. 7)”

It makes you think about being so quick to judge others and point the finger. Being so quick to not forgive others for their transgressions. Who are we to judge and refrain from forgiving others when we ourselves have sinned? Each of her accusers walked away because none was truly sinless.
Still keeping up. I love God's Word. I just finished Leviticus and started Numbers. I have such a greater appreciation for these particular books which I thought were so boring in the past. God is wonderful.
Hey Ladies, Good to hear from you! I am still reading Deuteronomy and learning something new every day. God made provisions for everything! He covered sacrifices, war eligibility, diet and even how to deal with murder.

They were to have separate cities where someone who accidentally killled another could run to and be protected. So interesting.
JinaRicci, I just want to say thank you for starting this thread. It makes my reading exciting, inspiring, and motivating. It really helps me to keep on track with my reading. Thank you! And thank you to all the ladies who continue to update on their readings.