Read the Bible Through in 2010...on Facebook!


New Member
Hi Ladies,

A lot of you may already be reading the bible through in 1 year. If you're on Facebook, there's a great group there that's going to keep you supported by sending you daily texts and providing online discussions.

There is a daily reading schedule & other useful links like Audio Bible. I have started these before and never finished so I'm excited about having the extra support.

If you want to join, here is the link to the group Read the Bible Through in 2010. Please share with someone else too.

I wish all of you a safe & blessing-filled Happy New Year!!
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I found another link, too

it's amazing what we can accomplish when we just put our minds to it

Feel free to post in this thread encouraging each other and motivating each other to read
Don't just read to read, Pray and ask God to reveal to you some things while you are reading. My pastor always prays "open my eyes that I might see, mind that I might understand, ears that I might hear, and heart that I might accept your will and your ways"

TIPS: (since it seems like we forget how to read when it comes to the bible lol)

1. Avoid trying to read in bed, especially if you're tired (Cause you're just gonna end up with the bible reading you)
2. Try to set aside time each day to read
3. If you have children, reading some of these scriptures to them could be a good idea as it could help you grow as a family
4. Get a "bible-buddy" (someone on the forum and you can all ways remind each other about reading) A bible buddy can also be a person who you feel you can go to if you have questions about something that you read.
5. Pray!
6. Stay focused. Don't allow Satan to come around with those WMD (Weapons of Mass Distraction) and have you lose your focus on reading the bible.
7. Don't just read to read and get the scriptures out the way; read with a willing heart to learn! Get in the spirit!
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Thanks Creole!! Those are great tips! You're so right- let's keep this thread going to encourage each other and share what we've learned!
I will buddy up with you, cant promise a lot because I am in school, but I would like to try!
PM me when your ready
I found another link with a cool calendar

I don't know which plan to choooooose is the easiest for me that I've seen

I've caught up on my reading for Jan 1 & 2

1 Luke 5:27-39 Genesis 1-2 Psalm 1
2 Luke 6:1-26 Genesis 3-5 Psalm 2

I read Charisma Mag's and In Touch Mag's devotionals the most (sometimes Joyce Meyer's, Stormie Omartian's, and Jon Courson's too) and a couple of the assigned Scriptures from Charisma's devotionals were in those two days' worth of reading. yay
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I just sent a membership request. Thanks!!

Hi Ladies,

A lot of you may already be reading the bible through in 1 year. If you're on Facebook, there's a great group there that's going to keep you supported by sending you daily texts and providing online discussions.

There is a daily reading schedule & other useful links like Audio Bible. I have started these before and never finished so I'm excited about having the extra support.

If you want to join, here is the link to the group Read the Bible Through in 2010. Please share with someone else too.

I wish all of you a safe & blessing-filled Happy New Year!!
I read the parable of the sower tonight and the part where Jesus calms the storm after his disciples in the boat woke Him up.

Just more reminders to keep the faith and guard the Word deep in our hearts, putting it into practice so that God's will is fulfilled.
This is a good thread. It helps to have other people in on the journey too.

I started Matthew a few weeks ago and I'm going chapter by chapter each day. I'll try to bump it up to 2 chapters a day. (Sometimes I also read a bit of James and Ephesians, too.)

Yesterday, I read about Jesus clearing the temple again through Jesus cursing the fig tree through the parable of the two sons. I have the "Life Application Study Bible" which is really helpful for me because it helps the scripture to really sink in.

I like this explanation of Matthew 21:21. I must admit ... I use to pray and hope that God would give me whatever I prayed for. This explanation reminds me otherwise:

"This verse is not a guarantee that we can get anything we want simply by asking Jesus and believing. God does not grant requests that would hurt us or others or that would violate his own nature or will. Jesus' statement is not a blank check. To be fulfilled, our requests must be in harmony with the principles of God's kingdom. The stronger our beilef, the more likely our prayers will be in line with God's will, and then God will be happy to grant them."
I read about Noah and how is whole family was saved due to his faith and favor with God!
Needed to hear that today. Thanks. Gotta hold on to my faith. I am holding on to my faith. Can't look at what we see, gotta look at what will be.
@JinaRicci To line up with the reading plan on the facebook page go to and "look inside" The One Year Chronological Bible NIV. It has the same reading schedule as the facebook page you linked.
This is a good thread. It helps to have other people in on the journey too.

I started Matthew a few weeks ago and I'm going chapter by chapter each day. I'll try to bump it up to 2 chapters a day. (Sometimes I also read a bit of James and Ephesians, too.)

Yesterday, I read about Jesus clearing the temple again through Jesus cursing the fig tree through the parable of the two sons. I have the "Life Application Study Bible" which is really helpful for me because it helps the scripture to really sink in.

I like this explanation of Matthew 21:21. I must admit ... I use to pray and hope that God would give me whatever I prayed for. This explanation reminds me otherwise:

"This verse is not a guarantee that we can get anything we want simply by asking Jesus and believing. God does not grant requests that would hurt us or others or that would violate his own nature or will. Jesus' statement is not a blank check. To be fulfilled, our requests must be in harmony with the principles of God's kingdom. The stronger our beilef, the more likely our prayers will be in line with God's will, and then God will be happy to grant them."

I have that Bible too

I really like reading from 3 different sections (the arcamax plan starts with Genesis Luke and Psalm)

hope everyone's enjoying their time in the Word

let us live this Book of Life
Ladies- thanks for sharing your thoughts as you read- they are a blessing! Plainj- thanks for that tip- it is helpful to have the full schedule.

Genesis 4: Cain & Abel

This had me stuck. Cain's jealousy of Abel led him to kill his own brother and God cursed him (vs 11, 12). The interesting thing to me is that Cain had the nerve to say to God well you've cursed me, I'm going to have it hard and be on the run for the rest of my life because people are going to want to kill me. This is too much punishment for me. (vs 13, 14)

But God then said "Whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold." (vs 15) So Cain went out & lived his life- had a wife & family.

This is so amazing. The fact that God not only spared Cain but protected his life- the life of the 1st murderer shows just how merciful God is to all of us despite all our muck. It also reminds me that revenge belongs to only God. Sometimes it's hard for me to understand how God can allow good things to continue to come to someone like that but that person is still a child of God too, just like me still in need of His mercy.
Hi Ladies,

A lot of you may already be reading the bible through in 1 year. If you're on Facebook, there's a great group there that's going to keep you supported by sending you daily texts and providing online discussions.

There is a daily reading schedule & other useful links like Audio Bible. I have started these before and never finished so I'm excited about having the extra support.

If you want to join, here is the link to the group Read the Bible Through in 2010. Please share with someone else too.

I wish all of you a safe & blessing-filled Happy New Year!!

Wow! Thanks JinaRicci this is the same daily reading plan my pastor gave us but the audio version he gave us was
With the above link if you miss listening one day it is too bad.
Hi Lisa- Welcome! I'm glad the audio link is useful to you.

Today I am half-way through Job. Boy, those were some rough friends. But because Job knew God for himself, because of the intimate relationship they had before the trials came, even in all his pain he didn't let them get him down.

Job 23: 10
But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.
This isn't the plan I'm following, but I love this devotional!


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God's Word Brings Blessing

Sunday, 10 January 2010 12:00 AM EST

Proverbs 3:1-6

The story is told of a man who bought a ticket for a cruise to the Caribbean. He climbed on board and looked forward to the four-day cruise. He had carefully packed for the trip and had included all the food he would need for each meal during the cruise.

After the second night of the cruise it was brought to the captain's attention that one of the passengers had not shown up for even one meal during the trip. The captain looked into the situation and went to visit the cabin of this passenger. He knocked on the door, and a young man opened the door. The captain asked, "Sir, why have you not shown up for any of the meals on this ship?"

The man looked surprised and replied, "Captain, I simply cannot afford to pay for the meals, so I brought my own food."

The captain responded, "Sir, your meals are included in the price of the ticket."

Embarrassed, the passenger said, "Sir, no one explained this to me." The conversation ended with the captain's invitation to sit with him at his table that evening.

We have God's invitation daily to dine at the table He has set before us. At this table is food that will add long life, length of days and peace. The food God offers us is His Word. Have you been missing some meals lately because you were ignorant of the fact that God's table is laden with food that lasts eternally? None of us can afford to miss a meal that gives us all we need for our daily sustenance.

Lord, I want to dine with You today. The dishes You have prepared for me today far surpass anything I could cook up myself. Take over the kitchen of my heart, and I will wait expectantly for the delights You have prepared for me to eat today.
Read: Genesis 23:1-24:51; Matthew 8:1-7; Psalm 9:13-20; Proverbs 3:1-6
Hi Ladies,

A lot of you may already be reading the bible through in 1 year. If you're on Facebook, there's a great group there that's going to keep you supported by sending you daily texts and providing online discussions.

There is a daily reading schedule & other useful links like Audio Bible. I have started these before and never finished so I'm excited about having the extra support.

If you want to join, here is the link to the group Read the Bible Through in 2010. Please share with someone else too.

I wish all of you a safe & blessing-filled Happy New Year!!

I just joined this group! I am reading Aspire The Women Of Color Study Bible! Thx for the post! :)
Excited about starting Mark today. Many parts of Matthew spoke to me, most of all this part when Jesus is praying in the garden:

Matthew 26:39

39And He went a little farther, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, "O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt."

Even though He was about to experience great suffering, He didn't shy from the will of God. It made me think twice about my complaints. There is no sufferring like what Jesus experienced.
How's everyone's journey going?

Thanks for asking loolalooh! I'm working on getting back on track... and want to encourage everyone to keep posting even if you're not on schedule. Your thoughts that you share are a blessing so let's keep each other uplifted!
How's everyone's journey going?

I was behind a few days but I'm caught up now. I looooovvvvvve reading God's Word. This is my 3rd time through. I finished the 1st time but not the 2nd. I'm going to finish reading through this time. His Word is more beautiful each time. It's amazing how you get something new and different out of it each time you read it.
recently had to use my reading time early in the morning as a weapon before going to bed

some ppl's spirits are toxic, but spending time in the Word counteracts any negative vibes ppl try to send my way