Re: Sink or Shower for Hair Washing?

My hair tends to tangle if i flip my hair upside down and wash or rinse. If i do use a sink I have to put my hair in four sections. And look in the direction of the mirror applying the shampoo. Then tip my head to the same side as the braid i'm rinsing out. I prefer the shower. But I can see how a sink can be more convenient.
It's easier for me to maneuver my hair in the shower. The only times I've used the sink was when someone else was washing my hair.

UPDATE: Now that I cowash in braids on Tuesdays, I wash in the sink, but I still use the shower to wash my hair loose on Saturdays.
Grew up with my hair being washed in the sink. I have a detachable shower head with a built in filter, so now I just lean over the tub to rinse only. I used to detangle in the shower while jumping in and out but have no patience for that these days.
Both, but I tend to do it more in the sink, especially if I'm deep conditioning. I hate jumping in and out of the shower: shampoo, run out to DC and lotion up since my skin gets dry easially, go back in to rinse and do it all over again. It's a bit tedious.