discouraging people.

msportugal said:
I am 100% natural and I ran into a hater last night. In fact I was on a date with him. I flat ironed my hair(not for the date), and we saw a chick with a fro and I said my fro is bigger than that. He was like how do you expect to get a man with hair like that, THATS NOT SEXY!! No he didn't, then proceeded to say "Walk around looking a mess if you want to." Well I will damn it! This is my 3rd time going natural and I plan on staying that way because I like the options of being nappy, straight, braided out or whatever. Sometimes people won't encourage you so ENCOURAGE YOURSELF!!!!!!

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Some guys are soooo RETARDED!!! He totally stuck his foot in his mouth when he made that comment.
adrienne0914 said:
people will try to steal your joy.

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Shooot...people will try to KILL your joy! You said a powerful word there.

This is the question I have in my mind when I hear these coments...

What would happen if you said to her..."You know I am thinking about lightening my natural skin color to resemble Micheal Jackson or Lil Kim, what do you think?" Most "friends" would say, "That's outrageous! Your skin color is beautiful! God did not make a mistake when he made your color! To change it is STUPID!" They would call you everything under the sun but a member of the KKK. Yet when it comes to "our" hair...your own people have no problem with discouraging you from wearing it the way you came into the world with.


Stay strong sis. I find that in many of these cases...when you are reaping long, healthy, voluminous hair...they will come back to you covertly to find out why.
Do what you are going to do...and remember she is the one with the problem with nappy hair...dont make her problem yours.
Cadibaby, I can relate to how you feel about your friends attitude towards you b/c I have experienced the very same thing with one of my co-workers. Except, my co-worker used the advice I have given to her and she ended up growing her hair to the middle of her back in a very short time. Her hair was shoulder length then in about 5 months her hair grew about three inches from her bra strap. I felt used b/c I never thought in a million years that she would compete with me about hair. Because at the time I had given her advice I just cut off my hair into a hair style above my ears.

Last October I decided to use the advice I had given to my co-worker and see if it would work for me. So, far it is paying off b/c my hair is in the middle of my back when I stretch it out. I haven't relaxed my hair since Feb but, I plan on relaxing the end of next month. However, I have to admit I like the texture of my hair now and I never had so much fun with styling it. My only draw back is dealing with my family and boyfriend constant teasing about my hair. They will say girl your hair is so nappy or your hair feels like a brisle brush. But, the only thing that matters is how I feel about my hair and it doesn't matter what anyone else says or feel about my hair. And you should feel the same way too. Don't ever let anyone discourage you from doing what you feel is right. Do what is best for you and if no one else likes it then that is there problem and not yours.
thank you pookeylouw and zealout.

it makes me mad that she has all that hair and doesn't take care of it. then wants to put me down because i DO take care of my hair. maybe that's why my hair is growing and hers is breaking.. but hey, what do i know? my hair isnt long anymore.
i'm trying... they'll see *when* i reach my goal of bra-strap by the end of the year! then they'll be asking what i'm doing to my hair.. and i'm not gonna tell them a thing!