Sophisticate's Black Hair's Horrble Hair Advice (RANT)

IT'S these quack hair "philosophies" that really make me want to become a professional hair "therapist"
Its funny but before I got into hair care I was a hair mag fiend... I just had to buy them all and couldn't throw any way.

But the older I get the less appealing they become and I can see them for what they really are... guides on how to style weaves or make your hair fall out. I could never understand taking advice from people who consistently insisted that obvious weaves were real hair.

I was never really into them for the advice though, just the hair styles... but most of the styles are so crazy that most women can't enjoy them in real life.
Malice said:
We should ALL write letters to them, matter of fact, scratch that because they'll just ignore it and never publish them. LHCF needs to come out with a monthly black hair mag for black and ethnic women, and in it's first publication it should expose the methods of Sophisticates and Hype and encourage a boycott of the two magazines. Maybe that isn't legally ethical or something, but there's ways you can say it like, "You may have read in other large hair care publications that you should do this.." And just explain why that doesn't work and keeps them stuck. The models could all be members of LHCF, with REAL long hair and styles. Who cares about the celebs faces if they are lying about how they achieve it anyway? It could even have a section of progress every month showing photos of women on their hair growth journey, and the testimonies of women who have achieved it. LHCF could take over the world of black hair care!! Whoever owns this site needs to do this, seriously.

This is such a great idea. There are already so many great tutorials on hair styles and hair care practices here. Not to mention all of the beautiful, healthy hair. We could finally do away with all the SH stylists and bad advice hair mags.
Who knows what they're teaching in beauty schools, but you'd think people would realise that they've whipped the black hair myths to death and everyone is bald headed because of it and start to make a change. It's that old definition of insanity...

chayil0427 said:
Likewise, I'm so thankful for the boards. I picked up on a lot of stuff on my own and was digging for more info online when I ran across the boards.

It makes me so angry though. I'm tired of seeing black women dependent on weaves...even young girls are getting weaves. And every time I see a young girl with burned gnawed off hair and huge flakes of dirt, skin cells and grease on her scalpo it just makes me wanna grab her mother and shake her.

It's so sad. And the funny thing is most of the people dishing out this advice don't have much hair...or they've been at the same length (usually somewhere around mid neck to shoulder) for years without any progress. All the while they think their hair is not growing even though they continue to have to get touch ups. It's either breaking or your stylist is trimming all your growth off.

Even thoughI love my stylist I don't go in like he would wish. I feel like I can love my hair better than anyone else, and when I need him I call him...otherwise I use the knowledge I've gained to get better and better at styling and caring for my hair myself.


well stated..I so agee ,