Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Tomorrow I'm getting demi-permanent color for the first time ever. I'm nervous about it, but I'm sick of these gray hairs so I'm going to take the plunge.
That GHE I did yesterday night did a lot of good to my hair. I think I will repeat the process every night until my hair is very dirty!
My straight hair was getting blah so I rolled it on satin covered foam rollers for a slight curl. I may start pin curling it at night, but I need to buy some clips
I like my hair when it's slightly oiled/greasy lol. Like I think my straight hair looks good when it's just a little bit heavier lol.

But I can't keep this up for too much longer haha. My ends already need a trim and I just got one. Protective style in another week maybe.

But a week has gone by and it still looks good!
I need to appreciate being shoulder length since it took me forever to get here, but I won't know what to do with myself when I'm finally apl.... I'm still not going to wear it straight but at least I know I finally passed shoulder length. I've never been passed shoulder length... ever
I can fit my hair into a puff when its in a dried wash n go state :yay: it just took me a week to figure it out.

I need to buy a strainer for my fsg cuz I think this eco styler is drying. Why can't KCCC be cheaper? :ohwell:
Yeeess!!!! This is where I am the second time around. I loved quite a few natural hair products I've tried, but I'm finding that these cheap, regular ole black products are working just fine :look: . I'm loving my LeKair Cholesterol DC, and I just bought some Dax pressing grease :takecover:

Girrrlll dax!

Thats just the stuff imma buy to press my hair for this years final length check.

Tried acv for the first time and mixed it with suave naturals conditioner and added msm. Hair had no tangles, very soft. I will never give it up. Dont be scurred of acv like i was lol
I've been having thoughts of texlaxing or relaxing my natural hair.

The knots and tangles I've had to deal with are driving me crazy and its taking me days (up to a week) to wash and fully detangle my hair.

I don't know if I'll go through with it but I'm really surprised that the thought to relax came into my head in the first place.
I wanna play with my wigs, but I don't?.... Does that make sense? I haven't taken them out of the package yet and I have had them for over a week. I guess I just haven't had time. I need to do something to my nails too!
I've been reading how ya'll have been raving about the Outre Tammy wig and last week I stumbled across a video for the Outre French half wig and was instantly in love. Purchased both today!

I ordered some weave during the Black Friday sales, so that's on the way also! I'm going to get my protective styling game up in 2015!!
I really don't want to pay more that 8 bucks for a silk scarf. I know I'm being cheap. But I just don't! Plus, if I order it, I gotta wait forever to get it...smh
so you are just gonna talk me into, huh? Lmbo stephanie75miller Do you own one? If so, can you share your experience? I haven't owned a real one in almost 20 years. I forgot how it feels. I've been buying the cheap beauty supply ones.
lol I just been living in my satin bonnets lately. As far as scarves I only have the satin kind. You'll have to let us know the silk ones are.
I'm sitting at the salon with demi-permanent hair color on. It's only a volume 5 developer but the smell is so strong. I hope my hair doesn't all fall out. And my grays better stay covered for at least 8 weeks.
Hope I feel like making my flaxseed gel in the morning. I finally bought a strainer, that panty house thing was a mess
I finally ended my transition at 25 months and chopped on 12/03!!! woot-woot
I've already co-washed my hair twice. :look: It's in chunky twists now and so far I'm having fun trying to find a style that works.
I wonder when my hair will look long to me. It's like when I first relax and take pics I'm happy at the results and feel my hair looks long, but after its style I'm like nope!
Dying my hair midnight black this weekend. I will be using silk elements semi-perm. I was going to do the blonde highlights but EVERYONE that I talked to says dont do it until it gets longer.
Transitioning is such a mind game more than anything else. The level of patience it takes, and mental preparation for the huge change you're making...it's crazy.

Also in random hair thoughts, I've always said that I wouldnt' want long hair (beyond APL) because it's too much work and now that I'm transitioning to natural, I feel that way even MORE so. When I finish my transition, I do not want to deal with 4-6 hour wash days. Hell no.
On the hunt for a new flat iron for my birthday 4 months. That is when I plan on flat ironing my hair or wearing it out, if I reach my first goal. It's seems like the babybliss pro or Paul Mitchell might be it. I want something that will give my straightness and shine!
I'm convinced miss Jessie's curly pudding is the perfect styler for my wash and go. I've never used it, and I always hate how my wash and go's turn out, but I just know it would be fabulous.

I'll purchase some next year and try it out.