Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Well, that crochet thing might be out the window. The stylist who did them last time has changed her policy. I might have the patience to do it myself because it's really easy. I just don't do my own hair as far as extensions.

So, either I'm going to get my own hair mini braided, figure out if I can tackle doing the crochet braids myself, or just rock out with my washngo until I get bored.

I was afraid to do my own crochet braids at first, but it was surprisingly easy and didn't take too long. Maybe 3 or4 hours at the most for me. Only thing is I cannot cornrow my own hair very well, so someone more experienced has to braid my hair.
Yeah I messed up a bit. I thought I found a easy fast solution. I wasn't using moisturizer during the week and was just using oil and my hair felt so soft and I'm like "less work for me", but when I went to comb my hair to detangle before washing and got to my new growth, it was drier than normal. Even when I put some v05 on it I was still struggling a bit. So I see that putting a put of moisturizer on my roots everyday made a difference. The thing about just using oil, was that I had less frizz. Oh well, I rather have frizz than dry hair
My thoughts exactly! Like danm how many times is there going to be a message error or whatever smh. I've even uninstalled the app and reinstalled it and same ish keeps happening. The app hasn't been updated in God knows how long.
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I think I'm going to straighten my hair every 2mths. The last time I straightened my hair was 10/31/14. So the next time I'll straighten my hair will be around Jan 2015.
Why is the new growth that frames my face dry, rough and undefined? If I part my hair that new growth is wavy and smooth. It's not fair.

How can I get my edges to look like the rest of my hair?
GettingKinky My best friend has the same thing! Her hair texture is quite loose and wavy (although some of that is heat damage) but she has very course edges around her face. We all probably have different hair types on our head so there's nothing you can really do about it. She wears a headband if she's wearing a curly style.
Instead of doing work at work, I listed out the top 5-6 ingredients of my staple and favorite products. Then made a list of the most common ingredients among them. Now I can truly say what my hair likes and will buy products based off that.
GettingKinky Have you tried keep in that area extra moisturised? Using a good creamy leave-in in that area in particular and maybe sealing with a little oil and gel?

I've been using grapeseed oil and DB transitioning creme. Maybe I need to find something better. Or maybe I just need to focus on it more and give it more attention.

I have been eating like 3 mangoes a day for a week now (don't judge me lol..there are two mango trees in the backyard) and it just occurred to me to google how to make mango butter. I should have been saving the seeds all this time. It seems easy and my hair loves mango butter.
welp....i think i educated myself enough on straight haired naturals. I'm gonna big chop for the New Year at 6 months post. NO MATTER WHAT. That'll put me at 3 inches or so and I'll be fine with that.

I am obsessed with puffs and buns and silk presses and I'm just over weave. I'm so so over it. I want to show off my curls and I miss doing my hair at home without worry. If my bf doesn't like it, I'll get a silk press or twist extensions. But it's MY HAIR and he's gonna have to learn how to live with it if he wants to be with me.
Do you think I could use henna (cassia obovata) on my bleached hair? It’s bleached and dyed red.

Are you ok with the henna changing your hair color? I dont know all the facts about Henna, but I think it can be drying at times and I believes that it turns your hair a deep red color.
I love it when my hair is freshly blown out and full of body. I try not to add anything to it for the first few days to keep it light.

Oan I think that overnight coconut oil prepoo was worth it. I am permanently adding this step to my straight hair regimen.
Are you ok with the henna changing your hair color? I dont know all the facts about Henna, but I think it can be drying at times and I believes that it turns your hair a deep red color.

The color thing is true for me but it doesn't dry my hair out. But I deep condition after with a moisturizing conditioner for twenty minutes though