Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Maybe I would like co-washing if I tried one f those formulated cleansing conditioners like Wen, hairOne or BFH Hmmm :scratchch
Okay so detangled today and got more breakage but, I think I know why. In reading through my journal, my hair seems to soak up product and detangle best when still slightly damp, around 90% dry. If I wait until I 100% dry, I tend to have dry patches and the hair doesn't detangle as well. NOTED. Hope this theory is the right theory and it's not something else.
divachyk Ah, I'm in the midst of similar experimentation!! I like detangling in the shower but I bought one of those drain catcher 'thingy's' and I was not amused by the amount of hair caught going down the drain. I tried to detangle once I added product once I got out of the shower and it was good but I want to try and wait until my hair has dried some and try it.
@Nix08 - detangling in the shower absolutely does not work for me, period no matter the method or the comb used. I lose too much hair and it's too time consuming. My sweet spot is around 90% dry. I know that, but funny how you can know something but you are not consistent with doing it. The other day I got busy and my hair air dried before I knew it. Temps have been 100+ so I have to remind myself that my hair will air dry quicker, thus I can't let 100% dry sneak up on me like I did the other day.

For me to love all things hair, I hate stray hairs. I'm disgusted by it honestly, although its my hair. I so hate unclogging the drain. Where did you purchase your hair catcher? I purchased some drain unclogging stick thingy from as the As Seen On TV store. You run the stick down the drain and it pulls out the debris. Yucko!

ETA: I have low porosity and my hair struggles to absorb product because of it but I've yet to link the connection with why 90% dry works best detangling and product absorbtion. Or could it just be mental. :rolleyes::drunk:
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divachyk I bought it at a dollar store it's like a strainer for the drain. I was shocked by how much hair was in there. My plan was to wait until my hair was almost dry BUT I didn't (don't know what my problem is:ohwell:) I'm trying it your way next wash:yep:
i think my wash day is Friday, but i am going to have to do it thursday or Saturday since i have an appointment on Friday before i go to work. i kinda of feel like washing it now. i got a lot of Scurl going on in my hair. it is pretty moisturized though.
I just walked by a group of students and this young black girl was trying to explain 'new growth' to her white friends.. They kept asking, 'What makes it "new" though? Isn't it just regular growth?' I didn't know whether to lachen or smh...
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welp. blew out my hair last night. seems to have grown a bit or maybe my eyes are tricking me. anyways, my ends look good from all the rollersetting/braid n curl'ing. i guess i'll hold off on trimming till the end of the summer.
Ok, so it's time to wash my hair. It's been 4 days with the same bun and I can't take it any more. The good thing is the bun is still very moisturized thanks to the CJ hibiscus and banana honey butta leave-in.
I hate wrapping my hair, because it is just too much manipulation.

So I combed it to the back, and put it in a low bun that was made by twisting my hair into one big bantu know. Secured it with a rollersetting clip, tied my scarf around the front, and hit the sack.

Welp, I got a nice, soft, body wave to my hair now :grin:
For the life of me idk why folks ask what you use on your hair then say that they can't use it because it's not for "our hair". Ok fine, keep using what you're using and keep getting the same bad results.
I'm still wearing braids. I miss my own hair so much!

And my hair inside the braids is getting fuzzy already. wtf? I may just redo the front and sides in a week or two and use this as a protective style all summer.

Also, I wonder how long my hair is going to be when I take them apart. I dream of them being BSL when I take them apart, but most likely not. haha
I'm closing in on 6 mos. post bc and my little mini puffs are so cute. I think I'm going to twist my hair tonight for a twist out puff instead of doing my usual wash and go puff.
I need to get another drain catcher thingy because these folks will charge boo koo money to do any type of unroutine maintenance. Stupid privatized military housing...at least my house is big and my water/electricity is free. :) I lose a lot of hair. My son looked in our shower stall and said- "Mommy what is that?" with this very concerned look. I guess it looked like an infestation of bugs,lol. I felt really bad after that. :/ Lots of shedding over here...off to a thread about shedding...if it aint one thing it's another.
DrC, take some pictures for me! :grin: Definitely dying to see that hair of yours! :drunk:

By the way, give the deets on your siggy! You're just too funny! :grin: :lol: :lol:


I will take pictures (of course :grin:). But I'm realizing I may need a new blowdryer and comb attachment. I'm not very good at blowing my hair out so I will be looking at tutorials.

My siggy? :lol: I typed in Mr ghetto Wal Mart and found a pic on there. :yay:
Lots of shedding over here...off to a thread about shedding...if it aint one thing it's another.

I try to catch all the hair but with 2 naturals in the house its a full time job. I have a bottle of draino on hand to try to help dissolve the hair regularly.

Let me know when you find that thread. I definitely need to read it. Is there a heavy shedder group?
My strap seems really low. Like MBL low.

I think when my hair reaches the same level as the crease in my elbow, that will be BSL for me.


I know ya'll probably sick of me and these pictures :sekret:
iwhen i came to this board my hair is was bad shape, now im natural .healtthy, passing SL... i dont know what to do with myself, i been protectve styling te whole time, i wonder how far my hair will grow, i havent took pics since Dec2010
I think i might reach bsb by the end of the summer! I hope i dont slack off on my regimen because latley i just dont feel like caring anymore....
only on lhcf does Filipino and Puerto Rican equal black:nono:and the average black woman features are that of Gabby Sidibe:nono:
I took the train today and this lady's Jheri curl lit up the car...I mean it was a FOUL smell. Please make sure to wash your hair more often when sweating and using activator. :ohwell:
Whatchu talmbout?

:lol: in the ET section kenya moore thread was described as having european features and the average black woman has features of gabby

ET section 50cent thread a model said she Filipino and Puerto Rican and according to some on here this means black

I just dont understand this forum when it comes to race i really dont:nono:
:lol: in the ET section kenya moore thread was described as having european features and the average black woman has features of gabby

ET section 50cent thread a model said she Filipino and Puerto Rican and according to some on here this means black

I just dont understand this forum when it comes to race i really dont:nono:

Well you can be a Black Puerto Rican, but the Philippines are in Asia so I am not sure how that works?


Let me stop...bye!
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Well you can be a Black Puerto Rican, but the Philippines are in Asia so I am not sure how that works?


Let me stop...bye!

i get the Black Puerto Rican but.... :nono: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL @holding my mule
time to lurk on naturally curly:grin: