Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

These braids... argh. It's only been eight days and I'm hair-sick.

I might need to stay away from the boards. For my sanity. :look:
Hmm...just saw that Walgreens has Goody Hair accessories buy 1 get 1 free..I might have to make a detour when I leave work..
@SuchMagnificance -- HUSH YO MOUF! :grin: I'mma swing by tomorrow.

I just dont understand this forum when it comes to race i really dont:nono:
@Embrya and @EllePixie -- because of the professional positions I hold, I am not at liberty to freely speak my mind. Aside from that, I don't want to be labeled as being a trouble maker but here's a snippet of my opinion in the most professionally/politically correct way I know to say it: we need a new focus. Perhaps, world peace, Go Green; saving our teens, saving abused kids, saving abused animals...something!! :look:
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A young lady (age: 21) at my job would like to know how to bun her hair. She speaks to me about hair often and has a genuine interest to learn more. She's a good kid and I really like her so despite my best judgement, I told her to bring her hair supplies to work and I will teach her how. :look:
Hmm, its time to fotki stalk somebody lol....lemme take a minute to think....I'm in need to be inspired and its been so long since i looked @ someones fotki.
I really want to do something different and be more bold and versatile with my hairstyles. I wish I was brave enough to cut 2 inches off.
@SuchMagnificance -- HUSH YO MOUF! :grin: I'mma swing by tomorrow.

@Embrya and @EllePixie -- because of the professional positions I hold, I am not at liberty to freely speak my mind. Aside from that, I don't want to be labeled as being a trouble maker but here's a snippet of my opinion in the most professionally/politically correct way I know to say it: we need a new focus. Perhaps, world peace, Go Green; saving our teens, saving abused kids, saving abused animals...something!! :look:
divachyk I agree...you see that is why I held onto my mule like a newborn baby. :)
Just did a nettle and chamomille tea rinse with peppermint EO added. Oh the tingly goodness. I love it. :reddancer:
I hope having my hair in flat twists for all of June will make me ready for kinky twists in July. Not being able to play in my hair is convenient and torturous at the same time. But these kinky twists have to stay in for at least 4 weeks.
i did a wash and go yesterday. it was so hot yesterday that i just had to do it. i am going to cowash my hair and do a tea rinse. i gotta get this shedding under control. my friend just asked is washing my hair once a week the reason why my hair grows! :lachen: she caught me off guard with that one!