Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

gonna finish exercising
wash and condition
while its drying
watching "gone with the wind"

will definitely be relaxing my hair next weekend

At a blah point in hair life. I log onto LHCF and log off. I log on and log off. Post very little. My hair isn't perfect so that's not why I'm not engaging. I just don't have much energy these days. Been dealing with a cold so every aspect of life is has been put on whenever I get to it status.

I will force myself to wash tomorrow because I can't remember the last time I washed. Think it was last Sunday. I normally wash weekly but going out of town and then getting sick when returning just threw me off schedule.

Girl get over that cold first, hair is secondary.
Got my steamer! Got my steamer! Guess all the other ish I had on my to-do list for the weekend won't be getting done....on to the shower for a poo & DC!!!
I need to flat twist my hair. It was in a bun but I always seem to play in my hair when it is easy accessible. So flat twist hear I come!
I wish I had someone to help me take hair progress pics...time to start tricking the DBF

And I'm having a great hair day and I have no where to go but to my sisters....ugh...
I wish I had someone to help me take hair progress pics...time to start tricking the DBF

And I'm having a great hair day and I have no where to go but to my sisters....ugh...

Don't you hate that? For me, my good hair days are so rare, when I have one I find myself making up any ol excuse to try to find somewhere to go. But it always end up you have nothing to do on the day your hair is most banging. :lol:
halee_J - how do you manage working out and keeping your hair nicely pressed? Proud of you for keeping up with your workouts.

Myjourney2009 - I talked a good game but nope, didn't wash today either. What conditioner did you decide on for today's pampering session? I'm proud of you also for keeping up with your workouts.

EllePixie - you all will be having me quadruple check my grammar.

Softerlove - what's "DBF?"
@halee_J - how do you manage working out and keeping your hair nicely pressed? Proud of you for keeping up with your workouts.

@Myjourney2009 - I talked a good game but nope, didn't wash today either. What conditioner did you decide on for today's pampering session? I'm proud of you also for keeping up with your workouts.

@EllePixie - you all will be having me quadruple check my grammar.

@Softerlove - what's "DBF?"


I was going to use my AO swimmers conditioner BUT it had been in my closet so long it started seperating and it smelled kind of funny.
So, I settled on trying for the first time the Suave Shea butter and almond conditioner. I will know by tomorrow if its a keeper. I hope it is because I like teh way it smells
About a week ago i used herbal essence hello hydration as a moisturizer and i just took down one of my twists....my hair still smells soooo good....wow lol
I am loving this jumbo perm rod set! Its so easy to maintain and since i did it with gel it still looks nice.
Thanks divachyk actually I'm not keeping up too well with the presses, by day 2 my hair has reverted :lol: but I'm really heat training the ng as it grows in so at this point so its ok if it reverts now. My hope is that eventually, my hair will revert less easily.
When I first started I couldn't understand how someone could be APL and consider their hair short....I consider it so short I don't even want to wear it out...like what is my problem:confused:
Im coordinating a training program for my job and it starts tomorrow so I hope this bun last all week. I will pack some hair things just in case I have some free time.
I just watched MohaganyCurls rollerset YT video, and it was so encouraging! :grin: I think I found a new style to try, and its a great way to avoid direct heat as well....
When I first started I couldn't understand how someone could be APL and consider their hair short....I consider it so short I don't even want to wear it out...like what is my problem:confused:

Nix08, congrats on making it to APL! I felt like that when I got to APL also, so unsatisfied. But not knocking it cause we want to keep it and grow beyond!
I think I'm going to go ahead and sign up for swim lessons. I was afraid for my hair but I am hoping if I wash it immediately afterwards w/ that Aubrey Organics Swimmers shampoo hopefully it will be OK.
My hair dresser makes me see things in a better light. He's smart and he made me understand what I'd be getting into. He's right. :yep: Thank God he loves me! :lol:
I think I'm going to go ahead and sign up for swim lessons. I was afraid for my hair but I am hoping if I wash it immediately afterwards w/ that Aubrey Organics Swimmers shampoo hopefully it will be OK.

Imani Make sure to saturate your hair w/ conditioner (or leave in conditioner) before you get into that water. That way, your hair won't soak up as much chlorinated water :yep:
I am getting so tired of people asking when did I start growing my hair out...

Like I been growing it out I just didn't know I was doing all the wrong things, but thank you so much for letting me know my hair looks more healthy and longer than before!
halee_J - how do you manage working out and keeping your hair nicely pressed? Proud of you for keeping up with your workouts.

Myjourney2009 - I talked a good game but nope, didn't wash today either. What conditioner did you decide on for today's pampering session? I'm proud of you also for keeping up with your workouts.

EllePixie - you all will be having me quadruple check my grammar.

Softerlove - what's "DBF?"

LOL divachyk That isn't even grammar, that's a TOTALLY different word!!!